Got Em!

"AHHH!!" Sofia screamed as we flew through the air.

I spun with the girls in my arms over a walking bridge, and metallic dragon wings burst from my back. They spread open and caught the winds as we arc over the other side.

Sofia was holding on to me for dear life, but I had both girls' vines in. Calishora lightly rested her hands on my shoulder the entire time, looking forward with what seemed to be a fond smile.

The pink dragon girl had been calm and collected, but I was sure that she was used to doing much crazier things. That, or she was just so used to it that she knew that I wouldn't drop her and just enjoyed the trip. That was still troubling, but Sofia had told me that I didn't need to worry about it.

"Are we done yet, Papi?!" Sofia demanded as we slowly descended.