Danger Incoming

"So what is this thing supposed to do?" Pyke asked as he looked over the strange pistol in his hand.

"From what I understand, when you fire the gun, it will create tunnels that will make everything inside of it become chaotic. From this, you will be able to use that chaos to your advantage. I really don't understand it much past that, but I am sure that you will figure it out," I said with a grin.

"Daniel!" Melody called from behind me, and I turned around to see her and the other girls coming back from their meeting. I was curious to know what it was that they talked about during the meetings.

"Yes?" I asked, turning around as the group came up to me.

"We just learned something that I think you are going to want to know right now!" Melody said, and Sofia came up beside her.

"Yes, Papi. This is pretty big," Sofia said with a worried look on her face that all the other girls seemed to share.

It was not a look that I liked, and I was starting to get a pit in my stomach.