Re-living Anothers Past

From my vantage point, inside Calishora's head, I could see the memories she had replayed in her mind. I saw the first time she used her abilities to destroy a planet. The planet was inhabited by a peaceful race of people who had no idea what was coming for them. Calishora appeared in their sky without warning and began to fold space around the planet. The planet's inhabitants were pulled apart and sucked into the void that Calishora had created. I can hear their screams even from here.

I saw the next memory she was replaying, and it was of a star going supernova. Calishora was there, using her ability to control how close or far things are in a confined space, to keep the star from destroying the planets in its system. She breathed in, sucking the star's energy into her lungs, and then breathed out, redirecting the star's energy away from the planets. The star's light was extinguished, and the planets were saved.