Seeking The Source

"I will see what I can find," I said as I started to look around, but there was nothing that looked like it would help.

"Papi?" Sofia asked.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"Maybe go back up, and find one of the computers to hack into. Now that you can make power, you should be able to find if there is another Power Focus.

I went back up to the surface and found one of the computers I could use to get into the mainframe. It would take some time, but I could at least start looking for a Power Focus while Sofia looked over what I had already found.

"Hey, have you been able to find anything?" Dawn asked me as she walked up, and I shook my head.

"No, not yet. Have you?" I asked her in return, and she shrugged.

"No, but I am not really sure what I am looking for," Dawn admitted, and I sighed.