Play A Little Game

I sunk into the ground and went down to the bottom floor where the Silence was being held. I could see Mox pacing back and forth inside with an impatient look on his face on the other side of the door in the once control room. He paused when he saw me walking up and turned towards the door with a disgruntled expression on his face now. "Daniel, it is about time! What is taking so long?"

"I am sorry; I have been busy," I explained as Mox began to pace again in frustration.

"Busy? With what? It has been weeks!" he exclaimed, and I sighed softly as I shook my head.

"No, I haven't. It has only been a few days," I corrected him, but Mox just stopped and stared at me in disbelief for a moment before scoffing softly and turning away from me again.

"Days? That is even worse! How much longer do you plan on keeping me here?" he asked angrily, but I just shook my head as I walked up to the glass and melted through it.