Lemonade, The Gore Beast

"HOLY FUCK, LEMONADE STOP MUNCHING ON MY LEG!" Gobbles screamed as he was thrown across the doorway.

"He thought you were a drumstick!" Mox roared. "Get the hell out of the way so I can kill the damn thing!

I quickly ran out of the room to see what was going on, and I saw that Mox and Gobbles were covered in blood and the massive creature was licking his lips. It was like something from a sci-fi horror film that would give you nightmares for weeks. It had red eyes, sharp teeth, and drooling blood all over the floor.

"No, you can't kill it! What the fuck is that thing?!" I shouted.

"Lemonade!" Gobbles squealed as he picked himself back up off the ground. "It came out, and after us the moment you disappeared!"