5 Years

"While you are here, time will move very slowly in your world. I will need you to stay here for five years, but in that time, only two hours will have passed in your dimension. Once I have finished your training, then I would like for you to take us with you. As I said before, I think you are the best chance for my very few people that are left," Abraxas said as he started to walk away.

"Wait!" I called out, and he stopped but didn't turn around. "What about the Daughters of Tiamat and the Gideons? And the Cleaners?" I asked, and he finally turned to look at me.

"You will be strong enough to deal with them by the time you leave," Abraxas said before he walked away again, leaving me alone in the chamber.

I sighed as I looked around before sitting down on the ground. This was going to be a long five years, but if this was going only take two hours in my reality, then I would be crazy to pass up a chance like this.