The First Meeting

I was starting to feel claustrophobic in the golden city. I had now been there for over a year, and I was getting tired of being cooped up all the time. Even with Lilith's help, this place felt like a prison. The only thing that I could do to keep my sanity was to train as hard as possible and try to find ways to make myself stronger.

"What are you doing?" Lilith asked as she watched me from the door of my room. I had been trying to project myself out of my body, but it was proving harder than I thought it would be.

"I am trying to project myself out," I explained as sweat dripped down my forehead from the effort of using so much power while also holding back at the same time. It seemed that projection required a delicate balance between using too much power and not enough power at the same time in order for it to work correctly.