200,000,000 Lightyears away!

"Daniel!" Calishora called into my mind, waking me from the bed with Melody.

"What is it?!" I asked as I pulled Melody's arm off me to sit up.

"It's my sister! They are close! We need you up here!" Calishora said, and I sunk into the bed and grew up from the floor of Octavia's tree.

"Wow! That was much faster than I got here, Papi! When are you going to teach me that little trick?" Sofia asked as she came over to give me a kiss. Gaia, Dawn, Omega, Octavia, and Calishora were all standing around the now digital and holographic table.

"You know now," I said, as I gave all of my wives the ability without even touching any of them but Sofia. My connection to the world was so strong now that ask long as I was connected, I could reach anything, anywhere, that was also connected to something in this world. "What do we know so far?"

"They are way bigger than we thought," Omega said, "They have over a thousand ships with them!"