
"Truthfully, I think it is because I know this still isn't enough and that I need to get stronger. I might one day, but I think that is a way off. Even getting my full mind back and running at 100%, I am still nothing like Tiamat or Alpha. If they could get free, they could pick our world up like a baseball. I am not human; I am Annokale, and I am trying to protect what I love; that is all of you," I said, and Dawn smiled but shook her head.

"Maybe you are right, and you might become twisted one day, but I think that your potential is so great that this level of power is a grain of sand compared to what your true potential could be. I look forward to the day that you start to slip, and according to my estimation, that shouldn't be for another 13 billion years, so you had better not lose now," Dawn said, and then absorbed into my body.

I got the same feeling from Dawn as Gaia, but not as strong, but that was understandable; we had only just met.