The Calm Before the Cosmic Storm

As I floated above Mercury, a strange sense of calm washed over me. I knew this was only temporary, and soon I would be faced with a battle that would decide the fate of not just Earth but humans as well. But for now, everything was still.

"I've been thinking," I began, my voice soft in the silence of space. "You said peace is a state where everyone can live together in harmony and feel safe just being themselves." Dawn remained silent, letting me continue. "That may be true, but what if there's more to it than that? What if the real key to peace isn't just respect and understanding, but actual unity?"

[What do you mean?] she asked cautiously.

"I mean, we need to find a way to bring everyone together so that it's no longer about winners or losers, right? It's about working side by side for the greater good."

[I understand what you're getting at, but how do you propose to accomplish such a thing?]