Beat Freedom Into You

Galliadra's eyes narrowed as she assessed me in return. The air between us crackled with tension, a silent standoff that held the promise of either resolution or impending conflict. Octavia's presence in my mind remained a steady anchor, a source of support as I navigated this delicate negotiation.

"I have taken human form as you requested," Galliadra stated, her voice retaining the echoes of her draconic power. "But know this, Daniel, I am here only to hear what you have to say, not to change my allegiance."

I nodded, acknowledging her stance. "Fair enough. I won't force you to change, but I want you to understand the consequences of blindly serving Tiamat. She sees you and your sisters as mere extensions of herself. Is that truly the life you want? To be absorbed into her without ever experiencing true individuality?"