The Unleashed Storm

As the Great Red Eye settled into control of Daniel's body, a surge of power emanated from him. The red energy that enveloped Daniel's form intensified, swirling and pulsating with an otherworldly force. Galliadra, unsure of the sudden change, maintained her guard, ready to unleash another onslaught of cosmic energy.

'Daniel?' she questioned, her voice filled with uncertainty.

The Great Red Eye, now in control, looked at Galliadra with an intensity that sent shivers down her draconic spine. "I am the Great Red Eye, the storm that consumes worlds and redefines existence. I am the harbinger of cosmic annihilation."

Galli, taken aback by the declaration, tightened her grip on her powers. 'What madness is this? Tiamat, what has he unleashed upon us?"

Tiamat's voice echoed in Galliadra's mind, cold and commanding. 'He is a force that transcends your understanding. A power born from the chaos of the cosmos. Embrace it, for it is the key to our victory.'