3. Am I really dead?

The resounding sound of siren from the ambulance filled the night atmosphere. The white ambulance van was seen riding through the road that night, rushing to the destination where the fatal accident had occured.

With the passers-by still gathered around YiMing, wondering if to pick her up , The invisible man in black was playing with the stop watch in his hands, waiting for her to finally black out.

YiMing began breathing quickly and then gradually calmed down. It was then that her vision got all messed up, she literally couldn't see anything and then she knew it was over. Before she knew it, her eyes had slowly closed up... Finally. The light faded.

"What's wrong with her... Her eyes are shut!"

"What to do now?"

"Here! The ambulance is here!" One pointed out on hearing the sound of the siren close by.

But with YiMing's eyes totally shut and her breathe, stopped. He slowly stretched out his right hand , which was covered in black glove, and then tapped his silver ring on the middle finger with his thumb and then a light glowed.

The next was a light glowing from The dead body and then her soul emerged. The man in black turned, backing YiMing's soul that was now out of her body.

YiMing Looked around at the people around her who were murmuring and pointing at her body. Then she looked back and down at herself. She had suffered from the endless bleeding and her bruised body..Now she was gone.

Looking at her dead self, YiMing found it hard to believe. Was she actually... Gone?

"Come with me, I don't have any time to waste on you" The man in black said as he walked pass the people, moving ahead.

YiMing Looked at herself once again and then at the back of the man who had Left. He was the man whom she had seen before she died. And like she suspected, he wasn't ordinary.

She gradually followed behind, passing through the people there. Just as she left, the ambulance arrived to pick her body.

She was tempted to stop and take another look. It was a pity, she had left, just Like that.

Looking ahead, she saw the man walking off. He wasn't so far away so she quickly followed up behind him. "Excuse me!" She called "Who...are you?"

The man in black stopped but didn't turn "You don't have any business knowing me, So don't even bother. Just think about going to the Afterlife " He Said as he pointed out.

"After life?" She repeated "Is he ...A grim reaper?" She asked herself. It made sense that he was! She quickly followed behind.

The man in black had lead her far to an isolated area Where no one passed through that night. Under the street light, he slowly turned to face her.

YiMing didn't get to see his face properly, obviously because his hat had covered part of it. And for once she was curious to know.

"Let's make it quick, I don't have time to waste on a soul like you, so" He opened his right hand before her as a little cup of drink appear "Have this"

YiMing was rather confused "What's.... this?"

"Don't ask useless questions, just have it" He ordered.

She looked at the little cup in his hands and then looked up at him. Even under the streetlights, she still couldn't get a glimpse of his face!

"Oh....I'll have it" She slowly took it from his hands and gulped the drink and emptying the little cup. The drink, as she had tased was tasteless like water. But at the same time had an awkward taste which seemed sad.

After she was done, she handed it over to him again and he took the cup which disappeared in his hands.

"Now..." He turned to a direction as he waved a hand in the air.. A magical open door appeared

The door had blue glowing edges and Inside it was totally white. The door was glowing brightly which made YiMing cover up her eyes for a while. "What's that?"

"Do you always have to ask? Just get in there" He commanded.

YiMing could see that this grim reaper had quite the temper! He didn't seem, act nor speak in a friendly Manner.

"Oh...." YiMing Looked at the door. She guessed it. It was the door leading to the Afterlife.

She sighed as she walked towards it. But as she was about entering, she couldn't pass through. Confused, she tried again, and again. But certainly to no avail!

"What's this about?" She turned to face the Unfriendly reaper "why can't I get in?"

The reaper himself seemed confused as he walked up to the door. Digging his hands in, it went through but taking YiMing's hand and trying to put it through, it didn't bother passing through.

This got him the more confused "What's it? Aren't you dead? Why can't you get in? Are you that terrible that Even the gates of the afterlife can't accept you?" He questioned.

He tried a couple more times but it proved fruitless. Then the next minute, he found himself in another place.

Like he had teleported, he was no longer in the street side with YiMing but was in a dark room which was only illuminated by the triple candle light, glowing at a distant Table.

He looked at the light knowing where he was. And he couldn't recall the last time he was here. Certainly because he had never done anything to deserve being here!

The doors at an end cracked open and the a footstep was heard approaching. This footstep stopped before Him and then the Little light from the candle exposed a little of the man who entered. He too was dressed in black dress, hat and shoes and had a staff held before him. But he wasn't fully visible due to the dim and low light coverage.

"How could you make such mistake?" The Voice questioned

" What did I do?" The grim reaper asked.

"A grim reaper should always be cautious not to make a single mistake, because a single mistake could be a great offense. And I never imagined you'd do such. Didn't you look through the cards before taking a soul?"

"Cards? I did..." He said "Then I took the soul.."

"But did you look carefully? Even at the back".

Then This grim reaper had recalled simply staring at the front of the card where the information was written. He didn't check the back where the image of the person would appear!

Astonished, he opened his palm as the card appeared. Picking it up, he slowly flipped to it's back, rather astonished to see the image on it.

"How can you make the mistake of taking the wrong soul?!"