24. New rules

"It was as though my time had stopped like the mind had narrowed its eyes to a particle direction which the heart wasn't in support of.

That feeling that makes you think that your heart is thumping for what you don't know if it could be.

And when I saw him...I felt my world stop...and the heart-thumping without further permission.

He had taken a step into the road and perhaps I was dreaming to say that all around me had frozen. Nothing seemed to be moving...

He had taken another step and like that, he began coming to me.

I didn't know if I'd panic, or Maybe be excited or what?! It was a situation where you didn't know how to feel or react because all your reactions seemed stupid anyways!

But his movement was in sync. Smooth and calmly, he was walking through the road where everything seemed to have frozen, and he was coming to me.

Why? Why was this happening? What was he trying to do? I had too many questions that I needed spoilers. But then... I guess it wasn't possible anyway.

Because not long, he had walked past the road. His feet tapping through the road ..Tap...tap...tap.

I could hear them. loud and clear..why?

After I had a blink...the next moment I opened my eyes...he was already standing there...Just Infront of me.

I panicked...my heart was suddenly skipping beats... Looking at him surely placed me in an awkward state...

And the questions were there...Why? What? ...He was just mysterious l confusing!

"Why..." Before I could manged a question he did the most shocking and confusing thing that must have happened to me...

He brought his hands behind me and pulled me towards himself. And before I knew it, I was in his embrace.

He held me... Tightly and warmly.

I was shocked and confused. My heart was racing. I was beyond confused at the sudden action he had taken. But at the same time...it felt strange.

He held me in his grip as he slowly brought his hand to my head. Patting it calmly and gently.

I had to admit, for a moment, it felt warm and comfortable. It felt so good...Like home. Real home.

I felt comforted for some reason. And I did like it...

We stood there...At the bus station, enwrapped in a tight warm hug that I didn't know what was behind.

But before knowing it, it'd be good to enjoy this warmth for a while...Just a while.



After leaving LiLi behind, SiChen had strolled through the night. The lonely and dark street was lit up by the dim street light.

He had both hands in his overcoat's pocket as he strolled.

"It's been Long"

He suddenly stopped after hearing a familiar voice. He then turned behind him to look at who he was.

It was as he suspected.

His expression was plain while he stared at the man walking up to him.

The man seemed to be of his age, but SiChen was much taller.

This man was dressed in a black suit and a black hat. Judging from his attire, he was a grim reaper.

"How have you been doing these days....Mr. Death?" The man asked with a smile as he asked.

SiChen gave no reply. He simply stared at him. "What do you want?" He asked. His voice showed the annoyance he had.

"Oh...You seem to have moody today, Well then. I won't annoy you, So I don't make you feel too bad as you already do. I'll go straight to the point"

He opened his palm as a piece of paper appeared. "Because of a costly mistake, The Great Grim reaper was punished to stay with a mortal as her guardian angel for three years... But recently, he seems to be revolting and going against prior order and doing as he was told..." He stopped looking up at SiChen.

He raised an eyebrow with an annoying smile.

"What do you mean by that?" SiChen questioned.

He chuckled for some time..." Well...The order was sticking close to the mortal, but it's been twenty-four hours ..and you're far off from the person you're to protect... How's that being a guardian angel?" He asked.

"If it was up to me...You know I'd punish you at once...But no...They had to give you a warning and a solution...."

He looked at the paper again.." There comes a condition...You must meet with the mortal every day... Without exception...a hug of comfort, daily to mark your daily completion..." He smiled for a while as he looked up at SiChen who was curiously listening...

" And you must always be there for here...to protect her...If the Grim reaper fails to do so... Then the punishment would be exacted without thinking twice"

SiChen was speechless. What is the celestial universe was such a rule!!