47. Attending a familiar Funeral

"Why would you go to your funeral when you're now a human?" XiaoSheng asked, Looking at SiChen.But he had observed that he was looking in another direction with immense attention.

With that, he traced his view to the opposite side of the road and then also caught sight of YiMing and a ghost.

"Oh... isn't that the Nice lady from yesterday?" He asked.

"What nice lady?" SiChen dispersed his attention now looking in a different direction with his hands folded.

"Yeah...I'm sure it's here. But... where's she going with that ghost? And why does that ghost look familiar?" He still had his eyes on YiMing and the ghost at a distance.

"Hey, S Chen said snapping his hands over his head "You still have time to worry about other's business, right? You should be worried about Yourself and the problem you have before you" He urged.

"Oh...That's true" XiaoSheng bit his lips with a smile. "And I think I'm lucky that I haven't seen Reaper Mo around for a while now, I think he's out for an important mission or something. But it's good for me anyway. Because if he was to find out, he'd either threaten me or even expose me...Then I'll rouble"

SiChen simply sat there without saying anything. He didn't feel like talking about anything related to Reaper Mo.

SiChen looked at his wristwatch again "I think it's time" He said

"Huh? Time for what? Don't tell you about the funeral thing?"

SiChen looked at him "Just stay here and try your best Being on the lookout for any suspicious runaway ghost. I guess I'll be back soon. And yeah I After attending my funeral"

He got up to his feet with XiaoSheng looking at him. " Good luck" SiChen then disappeared into thin air.

XiaoSheng puffed while he sat there. Stretching out his legs, he looked around the roadside hoping to find nothing now.

He was all alone and he didn't think he could do anything. So he simply hoped nothing showed up.

But then it seemed that fate had another mind of his own!

Just as XiaoSheng had looked at a distance from across the roadside, he had quickly caught sight of the familiar figure of a ghost.

XiaoSheng had quickly Stiffened at the sight for a while. Looking closely at it, he knew it was a ghost. And now, the issue was, Was he the ghost he was looking for?

The Ghost of a Teenage boy stood there before the road, looking around as though he was looking for something. And the More XiaoSheng stared at it, He couldn't help but think he was the one.

"Oh yes, I have the card" He quickly got out his card and looked at the back where the image was.

And indeed, he was right! It was the runaway ghost!

This was one of those times when XiaoSheng wished he was wrong! He wasn't prepared to forget about one! And here the target was, Appearing after SiChen had gone!




XiaoSheng sighed more at the profile. He still couldn't accept the fact that it was him!

He looked up at the ghost that was still looking around. A part of him urged him to Ignore him and Wait for SiChen. Then tell him he didn't see him!

But then another part of him told him to go and do his best.

He was stuck in this dilemma for a while but in the end, got up to his feet and disappeared towards the position Where the ghost was.

But it happened that as the ghost had seen him coming, This Teenage ghost had made for the run.

He didn't even wait for XiaoSheng to come any closer before he started running off.

"Hey! You! Wait!" XiaoSheng called but this stubborn ghost didn't seem to be listening. He was running as fast as his feet could carry him!

XiaoSheng stood there watching him run off. He sighed " I'm done for" He sighed but left with no choice. He went After the ghost anyways.


The Church was already beginning to get filled up with people who had come for the mass service of the dead CEO Li.

Mr. and Mrs.. Li stood there at the entrance of the church, welcoming those who had come to pay their respect and attend the mass.

Some of these people had stopped and had a brief discussion with Mrs.. Li, Mostly encouraging her not losses continued as people made their way in.

Lili had been sitting in the car for long while now as she watched people attending the mass service. She didn't want to attend anything here but she was bound to do so.

Now all she could do was delay while sitting in the car and watching people enter the church.

But then again, she saw it was of no use. She guessed it was better off going and getting this madness over with.

Just as she got ready to leave, She heard something knocking on his car window. She had quickly looked up to see TangTang.

She sighed wondering when it was in her life role to put up with idiots in her lifetime!

Slightly rolling her eyes, she hesitated for a while before gathering up the tolerance to roll down the window for the gentleman dressed in a black suit.