49. How my funeral ended

The Priest instantly stopped talking, his jaws dropping In shock.

His eyes were fixed on the man sitting behind. He couldn't help but look back at the image and then again at the man behind. He was speechless.

Others at the Mass service were also surprised at the priest's sudden reaction. They wondered what could be the problem now and without further hesitation, Most had turned to look at where the priest was looking at. And it was then that most of them caught sight of SiChen sitting there, leaning against the seat and looking ahead.

Instantly, They were all thrown back as most of them got up in shock, jaws dropped!

Looking at the image of the dead man and the man who saw sitting at the back, It was no secret that they were the same person.

The question remained, what was a dead man doing here at his funeral mass service?!

Mr. and Mrs. Li had also turned to look at who this was and the sight of SiChen had taken them unawares. They were shocked beyond speech.

Mrs. Li wondered if she was dreaming. But rubbing her eyes and looking clearly. It wasn't a dream!

Shock beyond speech, Mrs. Li had instantly Fallen and collapsed

"Honey!" Mr. Li had called on seeing her wise faint.

Most of them had now rushed their attention down to Mrs. Li on the floor, unconscious. Many had rushed to her aid.

White SiChen simply sat there without saying or doing anything. his expression was plain.


"And why do you wish to watch this movie?" YiMing whispered sitting in the Movie theatre.

"I...I just like it...And I think I'd be good. I've seen it a lot, but never got time to watch it." The ghost stated.

YiMing sighed "As long as you like it, Then I guess I can watch it," YiMing said sinking into the seat she was.

"Shush... Don't talk. the movie is beginning" The ghost Said as the movie name appeared on the screen.



Mrs. Li was already taken to the city hospital briefly after she had fainted. She was already in the treatment room with her family members seated outside in the waiting hall, waiting for news.

Mr. and Mrs. Yang along with Mr. Li were seated on a bench with Lili and SiChen seated opposite each other.

They couldn't help but stare at SiChen although being worried. They still couldn't fully believe their eyes.

Was it real? Most of them had asked themselves. But it was right before their eyes anyways!

Only Lili was nervously looking around the place as though nothing was her business. And really, she didn't care about it all.

Chen on the other hand had his legs crossed and his hands folded as he looked around the place as well. He found it fascinating how he brought the funeral event to the hospital.

But he couldn't smile over this humor. He never smiled over any. All he did was sit there without anything to do or say. He was just mute.

They had waited for e for an hour plus. And after waiting, The Doctor finally came out.

All of them stood up to meet the doctor except Chen.

"Doctor, what's wrong with her? Is she okay?" Mr... I asked, curiously.

"Where... are her family?" The doctor asked.

"All of us...are family" Mr. Li explained.

"Okey, well for the moment she's okay and out of trouble."

Ok saying that They were all relieved.

"But as you might know, she is suffering from a heart disorder, so the shock she had received today had deeply affected her. At the moment, she needs to be hospitalized for further treatment and to see for more symptoms or anything new"

"Oh...I see" M. Li nodded.

"So... That will be it t h en. You all can let her rest in the meantime and then visit her. But it's advisable to leave her in the hospital for some days and look into her condition more for any side effects"

"Okey Doctor, Thanks"

Mr. Li appreciated it as they watched the doctor walk away.

Mr. Li let out a long sigh of relief as he turned to the others "I guess we'll have to wait for her... Others can get going if you have something to do...I'll wait here.." He said as he looked at SiChen.

The sense of missing flashed through his eyes as he stared at him. He had stopped talking while staring at him.

As the silence grew, all eyes were now on SiChen who didn't seem to be looking at them at all.

"How... Have you been recent?" He asked. He was lost for words and these seemed Like the best set of words to ask.

He had wanted to ask him what happened and what all these were all about. But he didn't know how he would. These simply were the words he could find.

Aachen didn't looks at him talk more of giving off any reply. He still had his hands folded and legs crossed.

Eyes were now on him " Lili...Can you tell us what all this is all about?" Mrs. Yang asked.

Lili didn't know how to explain. She didn't wish to explain as well. She simply looked at Chen.

Sichen sighed. At that moment, he looked at his wristwatch and then Felt something. With a sigh, he looked up at them.

"Let Lili tell you the rest of the story, I'm tired. See you all soon, I have something important" He said as she got up

They all watched him walk away.