71. Was that flirting?!

The bathroom door was pulled open as Fengyi walked out.

Dressed with a white robe around him, he had a towel which he waved around his hair. 

Water drops dripped down his elegant and surprisingly good looking face. His long slender legs were out on display complimenting his wonderful stature.

Rubbing the towel through his neck, he reluctantly walked into the bedroom.

"Hey! don't showcase my body Immortally like that!"

The ghost Fengyi who sat there in bed snapped looking up at Fengyi who just walked out of the bathroom. His eyes judging.

Fengyi stopped. He looked down at the ghost "Showcase immorally? Are you nuts? How am I supposed to walk out of the bathroom? dressed in my school uniform?"


"Enough with your nagging. Just take it that I'm giving life to your body who must have been bored of you...So don't nag me" 

He said as he arrived at his wardrobe where he began making a selection of clothes to wear.