85. Maybe I'm nervous, But you can't even answer a call!

"That's.... that's obviously because I had turned on the Air condition" YiMing had quickly added to suppress the awkward silence that was about to take place.

"Yeah, You were feeling cold that night so...." YiMing paused. Now she knew she had messed it all up! 

What was she saying?! Air condition?! When he was feeling cold?! 

Embarrassed at her silly mistake, she quickly stopped talking as she closed her eyes. She just hoped he didn't find anything strange.

"Let's just say that you turned off the air conditioning, That makes more sense. And... We're here"

They had finally arrived at a spot where SiChen had packed his car which was not so far away from the place he picked her up.

"Huh...But why...did you pack your car so far away?" She had casually asked to divert away from the previous awkward State she had Fallen in.

"Just... Nothing much. I just felt like it " He said precisely as he slowly brought YiMing down from his back.