106: Goodbye Granny...

"As kids...we never understand what our parents and guardians do ..to us, they're just being cold and heartless. But later, we find out that they're just showering us with love for the Future... Sadly when most of us find out, It's already too late"

Yining's mood was down as she said " I'll tell you something Grandma Wan'er told me that he loves you. He told me that he misses you a lot. He said, he'd like to come and see you, But where he is now .."

Yixing hesitated, the Smile she had was slowly becoming a frown. But she picked up the smile again " But he's too far away...That he can't visit you now...But later... Later he'll be able to come and see you..."

The old lady had a bright smile on her face now "Is that so?" She asked " Did my Wan'er say that to you?"