116:A fancy outfit for my girlfriend??

Standing beside YiMing, SiChen had both hands in his pocket while staring at the Shopping Mall. He then looked at YiMing who seemed to be lost in the administration of the large shopping Mall.

"you know, You don't have to display how poor you are by staring at the building. Let's go" He said walking past YiMing.

YiMing paused looking at SiChen who was ahead of him. She paused, blinking " Hey... what was that supposed to mean?!" She questioned.

But Chen didn't even stop. He kept walking ahead as though she didn't even say anything.

"This guy..." She mumbled to herself " How can...How can he be this annoying!" She snapped.

But she had no choice but to go in anyways. She couldn't stay outside here go even go back!

She had no choice but to follow him behind into the shopping mall.
