160: Let's clear our misunderstanding...with a cake infront

"Hey... what's that supposed to mean? If you invited me here just to look down on me and show off your wealth then you can tell me so I can leave here to you then and not waste my precious time " YiMing snapped.

Chen guessed his words had come out a little too harsher than he imagined them to be. He was used to making such jokes so he didn't bother thinking before doing such.

"Ah...I think that you've become more fierce and snappy than usual" He pointed out staring at her. But she didn't even give a reactive expression to his words.

He guessed joking time was over. "Oh... Let's Just forget about that..."

"Apologies," YiMing said glaring at him


"I Said apologize. Why are you so used to being mean and yet you don't even know how to apologize afterward? Don't you think that is too much?" She questioned.

The normal SiChen would snap back and begin the normal bickering! But then again, he had to control himself in the meantime.