183: Exorcism

SiChen continued pacing around before the hospital room while he waited for YiMing who had gone in to see Mrs. Li.

It wasn't such a long wait because he was rather surprised when she finally got out of the room after approximately two minutes after getting in. He stopped pacing around the corridor as he looked at YiMing walking out of the hospital room. He stared at her.

"Are you done already?" He asked as she simply nodded " Yeah. I am"

"Huh? " He seemed confused " How's..that possible?" He asked as he looked around " Is she asleep?"

YiMing shocked his head "Well. when I went in. She had asked for you and I had told her that you were out on some business and stuff. Then she talked to me about taking care of you and staying by you... I was afraid because it sounded as though she was going to die..."

SiChen sighed "That's just it..".

"Are you sure nothing can be done about it?"