207: I saw him...

"It was likely the only way out," SiMeng said with a sigh as he waved a hand into the air. "I guess I can summon the soul..."

YiMing watched as he used his powers to brush through the graves around. And after a while of Doing so, Some dark smokes flowed through them and slowly gathered into one. Then a human figure was formed.

YiMing was surprised at what she saw. It was the man or ghost in a black hoodie who she had been seeing at that time. That man who had wanted to kill Sunni at that time.

"He..." She said as she staggered backward "It's him..."

The man couldn't move simply because SiMeng held him up with some spell m. He stood there struggling to break free from his grip but to no avail. 

"He won't hurt anyone now..." SiMeng said as he looked down at Sunni who was Still holding onto Fengyi In tears "At least not for now"

YiMing looked at Sunni and then at SiMeng "What happened to him? Will he be Okey?" She asked him.