219: Because it was a sacrifice

"How can you help me? How can you save her?" He asked the kid who did what he previously did.

ShengHuo raised a hand before him as SiMeng began hearing a voice within his head.

"I can use the ring and fulfill your last wish. I will save her from death but then you'll have to bear the aftermath and consequences as you are aware of."

SiMeng looked at the kid "How can you do that? And why would you?"

"You just have to trust me. I and You, after all, A link between you and SiChen. So my actions are based on yours. So it's rather logical" The voice said.

"If then..." SiMeng said," Then that'd be good...I'll have to ask for help from you then.."


SiMeng stood by the roadside with the ring in his hands. He recalled the voice of the Kid who had offered to help him.