28) Are you asking me out?

Alice looked at the plethora of customers who were arriving one after another. There was so much rush in the shop that it was extremely hard to keep track of everyone. She would have never thought that there would be so much rush in the shop but then there had been huge sales in the products.

There were soaps, bathsalts and perfumes till now but even then they were rapidly being sold. The bathsalts had been everyone's favourite and it was also the first product to be out of racks and that was considering it has been only three days since the opening of the shop.

Alice looked at the coupon given by the receptionist as the Lady Nott whom she recognized from the pureblood parties she had attended. It seemed many pureblood ladies were coming to the shop, after the Daily Prophet proclaimed that the shop was Lucius Malfoy's which was rumoured by them. She had been a little curious though about why there was no response from Severus after that. But then again Severus had told that it would not matter until the shop was receiving customers, besides if they were fool to not notice the P in P&M's, then it was not his fault that they were dimwitted.

"Alice, how are things going on?" Evelyn asked out happily walking to her. Alice had to supress a small smile. Evelyn had perhaps the ability to charm anyone she had met in her life, the girl was so genuine that it felt like honestly a new leaf. She definitely had a cunning to her but it occured in its needed times, she never did every work for her own benefit. And Alice liked that, Evelyn was already growing on her for her quick wit and charms. Not to mention that the girl was a member of duelling circuit and had been a champion of Beauxbatons duelling club. She had also been the runner up for the under 19 duelling champion in Europe which was more of an awe thing for Alice. She too wanted to join the duelling circuit and prove herself.

"Is Severus still making moves on you?" Evelyn asked teasingly looking at him as they reached a corner.

"Evelyn, we are not dating" Alice protested back slowly, really the girl was as persistent as a leech.

"Sure, but I do notice the looks you send him. They are of Looooooooooove" she finished finally after she stretched out the last part long enough.

Alice had to smile at the antics of Evelyn, then her words made her realise something. Was she really giving dopey looks to Severus?, she freaked out instantly.

"Was I really looking at him all dopey eyed?" she asked instantly, her tone becoming pleading at the worry of, if the others had noticed on.

"Well it wasn't that obvious. But alas my dear, you have that look of a first love, the shy glances, the instant slight bush on your beautiful cheeks. I am all to well versed to notice them" Evelyn said with a slow drawl as she poked Alice's cheeks.

"Oh Merlin!" Alice groaned out. Yes, she had quite a small crush on Severus and she had freaked out when Evelyn had finally managed to take away the information from her in a game of 10 questions, they had been playing 2 days before.

"But worry not dear, cause my calculations and precise immaculate observations do tell that our dear boss likes you too" Evelyn said slowly, letting it out that only the two of them could hear.

Alice's eyes widened at that, at first she had simply blamed her crush on her puberty but she realised that she rather liked being with Severus. But she had never thought that the small crush may be reciprocated.

"Are you serious or are you simply taking the mickey of me?" Alice asked looking at Evelyn who smiled back unbashedly.

"Dead serious dear, besides Lucius did the same when he visited the book and tea shop daily when he was in France" Evelyn said with a small encouraging smile.

"Oh I never thought that Lucius actually did like that" Alice spoke up in wonder, she had seen him in parties of the Pureblood gatherings and he always seemed to be collected and calm.

"Oh you should have seen him when I sent him flying to the wall with a single spell one day when I was having my mens. That day he had been acting like a prick though and he deserved it, though I had to patch him up later. It decreased his ponciness a little though" Evelyn said with a devilish smile.

"Really?" Alice asked with a wide gaping mouth. Was Evelyn really proudly telling her about she winning over Lucius in a bit, the girl was really insane.

"Ofcourse, but do remember he may be a ponce. But he is my ponce though" Evelyn said with a small curl of her lip.

An Hour Later...

It was the lunch time and Alice was going to the backside of the shop to have her lunch. Though she was surprised that Severus met her on the way to the back room.

"Alice" he breathed out slowly looking at her. He seemed to be nervous for some reason.

"Severus, you seem to be nervous" she said slowly looking at him worriedly.

"Oh no, I was actually going to visit a place for Project P workbase" he said slowly looking at her with the still nervous look.

"Oh", Alice replied back slowly. They were standing in front of each other and for some reason Alice was more nervous than ever.

"I was hoping that you would acccompany me. We could always grab a bite in some restaurant back" he continued but not before taking a deep breath to compose himself.

Alice found his behaviour a little odd considering that he was very nervous. The earlier words of Evelyn came to her mind, she looked to meet his eyes and saw that there was longing, pleading and at the same time a slight fear. She was hesitant but it was really making sense about what Evelyn had been trying to say to her.

"Are you asking me out?" Alice asked with wide eyes looking at him. She may be a little shy but she still was nonetheless a Gryffindor, and a great trait of their house which she possessed was to open their mouth cluelessly or without thinking sometimes.

Severus's face paled but then he seemed to compose himself in the next few seconds. He tried to make the line as romantic and cheesy as he could, "only if you want it to be."