30) Project P and a Date 2

Severus looked at the people infront of him who all had signed the blood contracts and were briefed about the Prince Potions factory.

Alice was talking along with Eileen and Evelyn who each were talking with Charlotte, Andromeda Tonks and Grace Weitts respectively.

Evelyn was poking the cheeks of a young Nymphadora Tonks who was gigging like christmas had come early for her.

Lucius was talking along side the men present while Severus was dealing with a familiar presence in common room till this year.

"Heir Prince, I am happy that the infamous Prince family in action. The Zabini family is happy for you" Francesca Zabini spoke up warmly offering the greetings like usual.

"Thank you Heiress Zabini" Severus greeted back the infamous beauty of Slytherin. The girl toyed with every boy and their feelings but never settled not even progessed far more that kissing with any boy, a tease in simple words.

"I hope you enjoy the lunch, Heiress Zabini. Our house elf Bessy would be displeased that her efforts were for nothing" Severus said looking over to the figure of Lucius who was approaching them.

Zabini took the clue and backed down leaving to go and talk with Grace who was another Slytherin of her year hoping to know any information about the sudden reappearance of House Prince and changes in Severus Prince. The boy had sure became an ice candy in very less time not to mention, he had a nice and well packed figure. His ass was surely well toned, she thought as she saw his backside when he turned to greet Lucius.

The Prince were perhaps the most darkest families in Italy, only the Zabinis were behind them. However such knowledge of magic was strictly kept in family libraries and nowhere else. The Zabinis knew very well how the Princes had made their large fortunes.

"It is quite bothersome to deal with them all at once" Lucius said quietly as they walked to a corner.

"And here I thought that you were a charmer Lucius. Afterall you all are charming witches from abroad" Severus said with a small amused tone.

"Just because you will die a virgin doesn't mean that I will die celibate", Lucius replied back with a roll of his eyes.

"Oh you don't have to worry about me dying a virgin, I am going to a date with Alice", Severus said slowly.

Lucius gave a knowing nod to him with a small curl of his lips, forming a smile. "I see that you are finally doing me proud, what do you want me to? Deal with the employees?", he asked slowly looking at him.

"Absolutely that", Severus replied giving him a small smile which indicated how happy he was that he didn't had to deal with the employees now.

"You will owe me one" Lucius replied simply, he will do this once.

"Lucius, see little Nymphadora is so adorable. See, Dora, do what you were doing earlier" Evelyn urged coming along with Alice towards them. Evelyn was holding Nymphadora in her lap as the small girl was squealing childishly at the French girl.

Nymphadora pouted as Evelyn poked her cheeks then showed her little teeth as she changed her hair colour to resemble that of Evelyn. Her brown hair changing to Black.

Alice walked next to him as Severus whispered slowly "let's go", Alice caught the whispering as she nodded. She had not been offered the contract so she simply sat like a mute. The briefing done by Severus was so nice that she was a little taken aback by the new business man side of his.

Two hours later...

They both walked through the muggle London as Severus took her to a muggle building.

"Severus, what is this place?" Alice asked looking at the huge building where there was a long queue in the counter.

"We are in a movie theater" he said slowly as they walked to the entrance. He took out two tickets from his pocket to guard who inspected it and simply let them.

"Ohh" Alice spoke up softly. She had heard about this movie theatre before from her Gryffindor housemates but never visited it.

"Come on, I shall grab popcorn and some drink for us" he said as he walked to the counter leaving Alice alone as she looked around.

Alice looked around the large hall and the screen which was in front of her. Severus was sitting next to her as they had a corner seat among the upper side.

She slowly took a small bite of the stuff called 'popcorn' which he had brought for her as well as something called Coke.

She saw a flash at the screen as words formed in the screen.

'The Man With The Golden Gun' was the title shown on the screen.

Alice watched mersmerized as the popcorn melted in her mouth giving a soft salty taste. It was unlike anything she had tasted before.

The scenes changed as she watched interestedly while the movie progressed. She was in awe of everything, every scene of Agent OO7, the fighting and the man who was apparently the villain; Francisco Scaramanga.

The words 'Interval' was shown as the screen turned black.

"Did the movie ended?" Alice asked instantly a little perplexed as she didn't saw the fight.

"No, this is the break time. I am going to buy some more popcorn" he said softly looking at her as he stood up.

Alice too decided to visit the bathroom as she walked with him and separated in the hall to the women's lavatory.

She had something else in mind, during the cinema. She had witnessed some couples making out, did Severus wanted to do it with her? she thought a little worried inwardly. She didn't knew that the movie was a rerun which was mostly the reason the hall had been so empty and was used a place by horny couples.

As she walked back, she saw Severus waiting for her with buckets of popcorn and coke. She had emptied the popcorn buckets completely, unknowingly she had been so involved in the movie that she didn't knew that she had finished hers and was eating from Severus's bucket.

An Hour and Half Later....

Alice looked at the boy besides as her as they walked back from the cinema hall.

"That was so awesome. You must show me more James Bond movies" she gushed out like a fangirl of Agent 007.

"Sure, Alice. I am glad that you enjoyed that" he spoke up with a smile in his face. Alice felt warmth spreading through her body at his smile which was so sweet and shy that she wanted to pull his cheeks.

They went to the nearby park as they simply sat on the seats.

"So will I get more future dates?" he asked slowly looking at her.

The question made Alice's face break into a small smile. It felt so comfortable being with him that she was stunned by the new closeness they shared. They synchronised so well that it was so surreal for her.

"That depends on many things but I believe that you do have favours from me" she said with a small smile.

"Well that do sounds like a yes" he murmured slowly as he looked at the girl besides him.

Alice laughed at the words and she saw a small smile at his face. She was so enamoured by the small smile that she didn't knew that they both were staring at each other.

Severus was a honest man with little to no experience with girls and he had no idea on how to read them on the slightest. He slowly leant towards her hoping to do what he had seen in movies before. Surprisingly Alice didn't backed down as she closed her eyes and leant forward too.

He might have lied to a Dark Lord to face many times but none prepared for a scenario like that. Despite seeing such scenes in movies and drama series, it was still a little strange to actually be in it.

Those rosy lips of hers provided a tantalizing sight which drawed him.

He leaned a little more and went for the cheeks as he chickened out at the last moment ending giving her a peck on her cheeks.

Alice's mouth turned to surprise before it went into a soft smile and then to small hysteric laughters at the action of his. And to think she thought herself at being bad in romance.