33) Hogwarts Express 1

Severus looked at the trunk which was finally packed as he looked at his companion who was sitting there bored.

"Keep in touch with the plans with me", he said slowly as he looked at the bored figure of Lucius Malfoy.

"We have nearly finished the groundwork, a little inspection here and there and everything will be finalised for action", Lucius replied back bored already keeping the necessary information in his mind.

He did had to congratulate himself on obtaining a friend and fellow companion in the form of Severus. The boy's ideas about business and new establishments were ones which had never been done in wizarding world but if implemented successfully then it could be a huge hit.

"Well, I guess I will see you in Hogsmeade or in the next events of Triwizard Tournament", Lucius said with a smirk on his face. "Unless you flatter Slughorn and ask him permission about meetings outside Hogwarts which I am sure the old man would agree quite easily with the newfound announcement two days in future about the Prince Potions Factory starting again", he continued on with a small smile.

"Brown nosing with Slughorn, surely my life couldn't get so low", Severus said with a small curl of his lips as he frowned thinking about mingling with Slughorn and his party club.

"You could aim for the Triwizard Champion", Lucius spoke up with a small smile of fun which indicated how much he would love to see Severus as the center of attention for a whole year.

"The Gryffindors will have heart attacks in their sleeps and Dumbledore would have fits if a Slytherin becomes the champion and, that too one like me", Severus replied with a roll of his eyes.

He had no wish to become a Triwizard Champion, the prize money was now measly to him with his fortune and fame was a fickle thing in Wizarding World. Besides he would simply enjoy betting on the champions while he sat in the stands and sip a bottle of coke. Nah, fighting dragons and rescuing girls from the bottom of lake wasn't his favourite thing to do.

Now, came the hard part for now. Dealing with his mother as she send him off to Hogwarts with hugs and cheerful smiles.


Alice looked at the platform as she placed her trunk inside the carriage and looked out of the window.

Florean and She always shared the carriage during the start after which they would simply ditch each other as they searched for their friends.

"You are looking for your beloved boyfriend again", came the exaggerated amused voice of Florean who simply looked at her with a funny face.

"I am, though we both have agreed to keep our relationship secret till the Yule ball", Alice said slowly looking at Florean chidingly.

"Huh, it will be one hell of a scene to miss. Besides look at the good part, I don't have to see my sister sucking faces with her boyfriend whom she is madly attraced for some reason", Florean said with a small disgusting look on his face. He would rather eat shit than admit that Severus Prince was a good fellow once you know him. Atleast he respected Alice and cared for her, besides his father and mother along with grandmother had made quite a conversation with him and his plans regarding Alice. It was perhaps the most amusing thing which happened in Florean's life this summer in which he saw how much afraid and mortified her sister was with the talks about her dating life. Oh how he loved to replay that scene in his mind.

"Look, he is with his mother!", Florean spoke up suddenly as he saw his sister's boyfriend and his mother arriving.

Severus meanwhile thanked his teary eyed mother who had finally decided that he was enough with her pattings and teary eyed good byes.

He walked to the train as he simply climbed inside the Train. He had see the cabin from outside in which Florean was peeking at him through window from inside.

The crimson train let out a hoot as it announced its warning bell.

There was rush as students started to climb inside the coaches hurriedly. He simply walked to the carriage of Florean and Alice as he carefully looked around. Noone was noticing and since he was wearing informal clothes, noone could tell that he was a Slytherin.

He wasn't surprised that Florean exited the carriage and glared at him when he saw him.

"I want only five minutes", Severus spoke up slowly as they passed through each other.

Florean nodded and Severus discreetly cast a mind confundus charm on the door of Alice's cabin.

He entered the cabin and quickly closed it. Alice was surprised at his entrance as she didn't knew that Severus was going to visit her.

"Severus?", Alice said surprised as she looked at her boyfriend.

"Alice", was the only thing he said before he plopped himself besides her.

"I didn't knew that you were going to meet me in train?", Alice asked a little surprised after all she surely didn't knew about the visit of Severus.

"I thought why not? afterall we can't meet infront of everyone. I don't want people to bother you just because of me", he said softly as he looked at her sapphire blue eyes.

Alice was a little stunned at the answer, she was slowly learning that Severus had a smooth side which came out occasionally. It was quite a nice side of him as he was always honest with everyone.

"I won't be bothered..", she tried to reply but she herself knew inside it wasnot the truth.

The Gryffindors would surely raise a commotion because of this thing.

"You don't lie well, Alice", Severus said softly as he took her hand in his own and interwined their fingers. It felt a little nice when he did that, her soft hand on his own as they felt their respective heats.

"Fine, but I can take care of them", Alice replied stubbornly. She could hold her own against anyone who wanted to hurt her.

"Noone is absolute Alice, neither you nor me. Besides if anyone bothers you, I will deal with him", he said calmly as he looked at her.

"This all hide and seek, it's till the Triwizard Yule Ball only, right?", she asked slowly looking at his cold black eyes which softened only around specific people and she was glad that she was one of them.

"Right, I wanted to announce our relationship with a bang", he replied with a small smile. No, he wanted to keep it a secret till he finally understood the reason why he was sent here. Lord Chaos had told him about some thing which was changed and needed to be dealt with. He didn't wanted Alice to come in its path as he dealt with it, which was the main reason he was delaying his and Alice's relationship in public.

"I still don't know, how you manage to convince me", Alice muttered slowly with a small amused curl of her lips.

"What can I say, I got roguish charm", he replied with a wink to her.

"So Mr Roguish Charm, if I heard rumours of you gallivinating around girls or see you doing it then you better be ready for the end of my wand", Alice said with a small mischevious smile on her face as he took out her 11 inches, Rowan and dragon heartstring wand.

Severus had to admit that Alice was not pulling any punches.

"Is it?", he asked challengingly as he pulled her lightly to him as his hand caught her wrist and holded it. Their faces were closer to each other and both of them felt their mutual desire to kiss.

Alice was the one to start the kiss as she was doing during the last few days. It had taken a little step up but they were now on kissing stage with each other. A wild little girl she was if someone broke through her barriers.

Severus simply enjoyed the kiss as he kissed her back knowing that perhaps it wasn't so bad being transmigrated into. He got a hot girl as his girlfriend who was fierce at the same time too. Life really was good, he thought as he tasted the familiar sweet taste of her lips while he pulled her closer to him.


This chapter is divided into two parts. This is the first part and the second one will be released next.

And with this I hereby declare the beginning of Hogwarts arc.