35)Hogwarts Express 3

Evan Rosier looked at the figure of his fellow Slytherin Severus Snape who had arrived at the cabin. It was the usual like every year until they all saw their recent addition, to anyone they would not have recognised Snape but Rosier was not one of them. Especially with the same cold black eyes that could reduce to a man into his pants, the same eyes which projected indifference at whole another level with the skill to make feel the person infront of him completely vulnerable. It was the eyes which always made him wary of Snape.

Snape may be a half blood but Rosier knew that skill and power were far different things than magical blood of a person. Snape may lacked the latter but he was far capable in the former two, far more than his peers and nearly all of students in Hogwarts.

The Dark Arts came naturally to him like it was an innate talent of his, a skill which made him more deadlier. After all he did had seen Snape duelling with far more seniors than him during his time at Slytherin. Snape had a reputation, he might not start the thing with anyone but he will surely end it if given the moment. The boy's time in the house was not always pleasant but he had seen Senior Slytherin students taking help from him in potions such as Narcissa Black, the infamous ice queen plus Snape was a capable duellist capturing the attentions of many. He had seen their seniors praising him as they practised with him in duelling as a timepass or vent out their fed up emotions. Snape was always welcoming in duelling as he pried for some rare knowledge which he could gain from them and use it for his own.

But everyone also knew Snape's greatest weakness and that was the Gryffindor mudblood Evans. In his personal opinion Snape should have a simple one time shag with her and vent out it from his system. Rosier was never going to admit that he did found his fellow Slytherin a pleasant company and might prefer him from his other friends.

"Now tell us Snape, how in the hell did you manage to gain the lordship of the Princes, one of the bigger noble families of Italy when your mother was disowned?", Mulciber asked curiously. He was dying to know the answer for this afterall after the recent knowledge that Snape was a Prince, it was not hard to connect the pieces. He shouldn't have been able to become the Heir if his mother was disowned.

Severus looked at him impassively as he always did with the other Slytherins. "For a Pureblood, the greatest shame is his line dying out. My grandfather may not like my decision of mother but once he knew about me, he did add a clause in his Will, that I would be able to become the Heir and in future Lord if I carry the name of Prince with me so that the line will never die out", he spoke slowly gaining accepting nods from everyone.

Avery did have to agree that the logic was sound considering it was absolutely true. The line of succession must be clear and continue on considering that it would be a shame to let their bloodlines filled with so rich history to die with them. It was a disgrace to their every ancestor who had build their line with blood and sweat. Snape's words were absolutely true besides Snape would make a good Lord Prince in his opinion, the Prince's were known to be good Potioneers and some were said to be skilled in Dark Arts. Snape was both, it was a shame in his opinion that Snape was a half blood because he would have made a ruthless Pureblood, but sadly all was not lost. Considering Snape did got the Prince Lordship in the end, he honestly felt a little happy at his fellow housemate. It was hard to not form little companionship after hanging around in the same company for so long.

Mulciber nodded, it was afterall a huge shame for any Pureblood family for their line dying out.

"Well all is done, now welcome to the club Snape, no Prince now. It will get a little difficult to call you Prince though for some time", Mucliber corrected himself as he joked on his mistake.

There were nods from everyone present there as some laughed on the matter, no hard feelings among them.

Severus meanwhile simply went along, they were usually a fun company if they were not being their usual zealots.

At that moment the door opened to a rather sullen looking Regulus Black and John Wilkes both 5th and 6th year Prefects of Slytherin.

"Bloody hell!", Mulciber spoke up as he looked at the both of them, their clothes were still stinking slightly with pink colours and they reeked of dungbombs.

"Those dumb cunts!" Wilkes growled out thinking of the marauders whom he knew were behind the prank. There was noone other than them who could do this, the other reason was because he had seen them using the same on Snape before.

There were expressive reactions from everyone and Severus sighed inwardly thinking of the pain in ass the marauders were going to be this year for him. He was not going to be pushed over like his older self, if they wanted to play, he will play with them too. Afterall a man who lived by sword, must be ready to die by it too.

"Prince, you could help some", Regulus Black asked looking at the figure of Severus Snape or Prince now. He had the Prefects meeting to go otherwise he would have been here to listen to the story behind his sudden changes in name and looks.

Severus nodded simply as he casted bubblehead charms on the heads of everyone while he started to cast powerful 'finite' on the uniforms of theirs. The 'finite' worked as the sticky paint was no longer sticky and with another well placed vanishing charm he vanished the paints along with some perfuming charms. All of this he did nonverbally which was not gone unnoticed by everyone.

After he completed everything within 20 seconds, he turned to look at them only to met by curious stares.

"Merlin, you were already able to do some spells non verbally and now you are doing everything nonverbally. What in the hell were you doing this summer?", Wikes asked amazed, they were yet to be taught non verbal magic and even he himself could silently do the stupefying charm till now only.

"It helps to be able to practise magic in summer", Severus said calmly with a small smirk aimed at them.

Wilked sighed, leave Snape to be vague as usual.

"Now, who do you think the Hogwarts champion is going to be?", Mulicber asked changing the matter to which he deemed more important for now.