39) 'Prince' is the name 1

Severus looked at the Slytherin dorms as he walked to his new bed.

"FINALLY!", Mulciber exclaimed as he looked at the dorms. His desire to rest after the long and tiring day winning out in its own.

There was another dorm of Slytherin boys but Severus had never bothered with them, that was Laena Greengrass's group whom she had taken under her wing as her family was a neutral one. She took students under her name and helped in keeping them neutral, it was her way of making connections. The Greengrass were a family who stood on the hinges of dark and neutral, their alignments and preference lied to dark rather than light, if one discarded their neutrality.

"A duelling event, hell will freeze over if I didn't participated in it", Avery spoke up with stars in his eyes as he remembered Dumbledore's announcement. For perhaps the first time in his miserable life did he had done a great job, according to Avery. A duelling event in which the students of three schools will participate to show their talents was something he wasn't going to miss for sure.

"Will you duel there Prince?", Rosier asked looking at his housemate who had a reputation for it inside their house.

"Probably, yet to think more about it though", Severus replied with a shrug of his shoulders as he looked at the Rosier heir.

"Hah, you all fuckers forget me. I will eliminate you all from the duels", Mulciber spoke up from his bed as he turned over, not bothering to remove even the school robes.

"In your dreams Mulciber, I have learnt quite some tricks this summer and I assure you that I will not be an easy opponent", Severus said amused from his place.

"Leave all of that for later. I want to know did you get laid this summer as you as far less uptight than before", Mulciber spoke up going for the change in behaviour of his roommate and schoolmate. Severus Snape was never an easy opponent to begin with so it was not going to be a piece of cake in a duel with him in the tournament. Nonetheless he liked a challenge and the harder it would be, the better it would be for his mind and body.

Even John perked up and sat cross legged on his bed, hoping for a quite romantic tale before going to bed along with others.

"Oh fuck off!", Severus replied irritated. He was not a manwhore going here and there being led by his cock.

Meanwhile in the Gryffindor Dorms..

In the boys dorms there was a small group huddled in the room of marauders as the Head Boy was perched there along with everyone.

Harry and Ron were going to be the new members in the room as they were new students. For some strange reason, Frank Longbottom had arrived into the room and had proceeded to ask some strange advises with the men present there.

"Really Frank, I didn't knew that you liked Alice", James spoke up a little surprised as the room was silenced by Frank.

"Well I had started to like her from last year but couldn't get near her to ask her out. She isn't interested in those type of things, I think", Frank said as he looked at the group of boys.

"You have to make them be interested in those type of things Frank", Sirius said sagely from his place as he looked at the Head Boy.

"But would she even be interested in me", Frank asked a little unsure, wondering if his crush was even going to be reciprocated or not.

"I think she would Frank. Besides there is going to be a Yule ball, you could go and ask her out then", Harry said and James and Sirius cracked a smile at the word.

They knew that they were going to be together and form a baby Neville afterall.

Meanwhile in the girls dorm everyone was having a conversation about the various activities they had partaken in the summers or pestering Hermione about her and the other two's education till now.

Marlene meanwhile looked at Alice who had become quite a bombshell over the summer.

"Say Alice, you hit quite a growth spurt in the summer. I didn't even saw you much in the Icecream shop of yours", Marlene asked eagerly.

Alice looked at the figure of Marlene as her words had garnered quite an attention upon them.

"I had been working in the new shop of Lucius Malfoy", Alice said slowly as everyone's face turned understanding.

"The shop which sells those amazing bathsalts, soaps and perfumes", Marlene asked to confirm what she deduced.

Alice nodded at Marlene's words. She wasn't going to speak up that the shop was owned by Severus and Lucius combined.

"Are the bathsalts really that nice?", Lily asked along with a nod from Hermione and Mary. who wanted to know the same thing. Hermione was a little confused as she had never heard that the Malfoy's dealt with bathsalts and perfumes. But then again she didn't knew much about the wizarding world and the businesses owned by various families.

"You all didn't tested them!. Come on girls there are rumours that even the Minister's wife and half of the ladies have started to use it and they are super hit with their nice moisturising of the skin and all. Even I had tested them and there are no products like that close to it", Marlene said in disbelief at the girls.

Alice sighed inwardly, this was going to be a long night.


Severus woke up the next day as he looked at the outside where the sun was still to rise. He walked to the bathroom and emerged out five minutes later.

Changing into some exercising clothes, he walked out of the common room and to the Hogwarts Grounds which was empty.

He started to run around here and there for half an hour where he ran faster than most of the men in this world with his enhanced physique.

The next three hours were spent in him making some progress in the spell creation he was attempting now along with some modifications of recipes.

As his rest of the dormmates started to wake up and get ready, they saw him already awake and ready. They didn't said anything as this was the norm for him.

They each were finally ready and walked to the Great Hall to start their day.


Basically a filler chapter for now.

Next chapter will be going to be the first day and the awaited confrontation.