51) What to do now?

He repelled the legillimency probe away within a moment of time.

The three students turned slightly pale as they looked at him. They had recognised him and knew very well that they were not going to get away scotch free from this.

"Sorry, we were trying to..." the Slytherin boy tried to deal with their senior.

"I don't care about your reasons. What your friend did is not going to be unpunished," Severus spoke up with calmness lacing his voice, his eyes cold as he looked at the three children.

The three turned white with slight fear. If it was one thing which was popular about him, it was that he was a vicious one and not one who let someone trample over him.

Duncan Ashe knew this very well from the talks of his house. His senior housemate reputation has however increased more after he had became Heir Prince. Some girls were already having a crush on him after seeing him now and learning that he had opened a Potions Factory by himself. He had seen some giggling girls of his own class looking at the newspaper some days ago.

"Look man, we were simply charming the ball, besides it didn't even hit you," the Gryffindor boy looked at him with a slight glare on his face.

"It was not about the ball boy, it was about what you did after I caught the ball," Severus said calmly looking at the boy whom he knew to be the greatest troublemaker, perhaps a far greater one than Harry Potter himself. A boy who was the reason behind death of many students and people in Hogwarts.

The boy who on his quest to look for the cursed vaults unleashed curses so dangerous that it killed his fellow students and harmed teachers alike.

Jacob Grey, a Gryffindor third year student, academically excellent in near every subject and the one whose foolhardy quests about the cursed vaults killed many students and persons alike.

"What I did? I didn't do anything," Jacob protested out instantly, as Olivia Green nodded from besides Jacob.

"Prince, what are you doing with them?" Remus Lupin asked at that moment, he had been roaming around with their group of Gryffindors who were going to the Care of Magical Creatures. They had arrived at the area and saw a group of students looking at the figure of Severus whom he had recognised instantly along with three students who were clearly afraid of him.

"It doesn't concern you. Go away, it's between me and the boy," he said calmly as he continued looking at the figure of Jacob who was nervous by now.

"What is happening here?" A smooth voice interrupted at that same moment from the other side and Severus had to supress a small laugh at seeing Evan Rosier along with their group of boys.

"Your housemate is terrorising the third years. Seems like he hasn't guts to go toe to toe with person of his size," Sirius Black spoke up this time from besides Remus. Harry who was there with Ron and Hermione also stayed silent, deciding to not intervene in the matter for now.

"Guts," Severus said with an amused tone looking at Sirius Black.

"The last time I went toe to toe with your best friend. I remember clearly him being hit in his guts so hard, that he coughed blood. Wasn't that something like 3 hours before from now?" He asked raising a single eyebrow at the disowned son of Blacks.

Sirius face immediately changed to that of anger as he looked at Severus hatefully.

"Regardless, you can't go around bullying younger year students," Remus said calmly looking at Severus Prince who looked back at him impassively.

"Bullying, the boy has commited a serious offence," Severus spoke up with a calm look at the Gryffindor Prefect.

"Hey!, you caught that paper ball. It didn't even hit you," Jacob protested looking at the senior Slytherin student. The truth was, he was completely terrifed of Severus. Those black eyes of Severus Prince were terrifying him with every moment.

"That's no reason to behave so hard with them," Remus said calmly hearing the tale of the younger years.

"I did told before. The boy's paper ball was not taken as an offence by me. I take offence for the crime that he commited after that," Severus said calmly. If the brat was expelled than it would prevent so much bloodshed and unnecessary chaos .

"May I inquire you what is happening here?" A calm and powerful voice sounded through the corridor as Albus Dumbledore arrived with Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Hart in tow along with the Ravenclaw Prefect who had decided to bring Dumbledore. She was a little afraid of confronting Severus Prince after his today's show and had gone for the best option.

It was at the moment, Severus saw Lily Evans and her group arriving there too with the sixth year Ravenclaw Prefect and Professor Flitwick who was looking concerned.

Jacob, Duncan and Olivia immediately started to tell the Headmaster about everything. Professor Flitwick and Mcgonagall too along with Professor Hart simply listened to their talk. Remus was the next along with the 5th Year Ravenclaw Prefect who was present at the scene.

"Mr Prince, I must say, this is certainly not that big reason for such behaviour with them," Professor Flitwick said calmly as his voice was filled with reprimandation.

"Indeed Mr Prince," Professor Mcgonagall added too at the moment, thinning her lips at the behaviour of him. While she knew Mr Prince disliked Gryffindors in general, she didn't think that he will make such a fuss for some small matter.

"Filius, Minerva. I believed Mr Prince has some another concern with them. I don't think that he had been inquiring them just because of some paper ball which hadn't even hit him," Dumbledore spoke up calmly with a jovial tone.

Severus had to applaud the old man and his actions. By doing this, he had singlehandedly spoke up in the support of Gryffindor Jacob as well as ensured that he didn't painted him as someone who likes to bully children. A slyness, Severus couldn't help but appreciate highly.

The man was indeed deserving of the position, of the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. A man who was the perfect amalgam of qualities of every house present here in Hogwarts. Bravery, courage, intelligence, hard working, cunning, ambition, each of them he possessed and it made him more dangerous to deal with.

"Mr Prince, would you please explain your version of events and the reason you decided to confront Mr Jacob?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

"The boy used legillimency on me," Severus spoke bluntly. He wasn't going to smooth talk like Dumbledore.

There were shocked looks on that, Professor Mcgonagall, Flitwick and Hart were surprised and shocked at the blame.

Nearly every upper year student from Slytherin understood what legillimency was. However such was not the case as other people were a little confused what the word meant and what Jacob had done.

"Everyone except Mr Prince, Mr Jacob, Mr Ashe and Miss Green may go their next classes," Dumbledore said calmly but his voice was carried over to every person present there.

Everyone bar the people whose name had been taken simply started to move away from there. It was a testament of how effective Dumbledore could be at times.

Soon within a minute the whole corridor was empty of other students except two Slytherins, one Gryffindor and one Ravenclaw, the latter two House Heads also present there.

"Are you sure Mr Prince?" Dumbledore asked calmly but his voice held a power in it. Legillimency was no small thing to be taken lightly and he doubted Mr Prince was making this up to grab attention. From what he had seen, attention was something which was not craved by Mr Prince.

"Absolutely Headmaster, the boy tried a legillimency probe on me the moment I turned back to catch the paperball," Severus stated calmly looking at Albus Dumbledore. Knowing Dumbledore, he wouldn't use legillimency on him, conidering he had already sensed probes on his mind.

"Mr Jacob, what have you to say?" Dumbledore asked with a powerful voice looking at Jacob. While he had simply let Mr Jacob go easily on more than one occasions, he wasn't going to allow him to simply use legillimency on other people. Legillimency was a dangerous thing and could entirely destroy the mind of the opposite person and it required great skill to wield. An art even he had trained in heavily under constant vigilance.

"I don't even know what Legillimency is Headmaster," Jacob said slowly, his voice stuttering, as he was afraid of Dumbledore. At that moment, he wasn't the kind old man who loved pranks and fun. He reminded Jacob of the fact about why he was so feared till now. The man who had defeated Grindelwald, the man who had defeated the Dark Lord who had nearly took over many Ministries.

"Albus, think about this. Legillimency is a skill which could hardly be used by a mere boy of thirteen. You and me both know that the art of legillimency requires heavy discipline and practise," Mcgonagall said in her scottish accent as she looked a little concerned about the whole thing.

"Minerva is right Albus. It is not an easy art as we all know and I hardly think Mr Jacob could do it," Flitwick too spoke up as he nodded in agreement with Minerva. He looked at the fearful faces of the students and he didn't believed that they would do it.

"Are you saying that I am lying Professors?" Severus asked calmly to the two Professors. While he did knew what had happened and why it had happened, he was not going to simply trample them over him.

"I believe that they are trying to say that you could be a little mistaken about the legillimency probe. Nobody doubts over your words, Mr Prince," Professor Hart spoke up trying to placate him as he tried to mediate the matter.

"Give me a chance Headmaster? Perhaps I can explain to you all what I believe the matter is," he asked looking at Dumbledore who looked at him calmly assessing him with his calm blue eyes.

"You have a theory. Don't you Mr Prince?" Albus asked calmly looking at one of the best students which Hogwarts had ever produced.

"I believe so," he replied back calmly looking at the Headmaster in the eyes directly with a straight face.

The Headmaster was silent for some moments before he nodded, "Very well Mr Prince, but there should be no harm done or dangerous tricks used," he said with a reluctant voice. If he had wanted, he could have simply dissuaded him but he wanted to hear about what theory Severus Prince had regarding Jacob.

Severus nodded and turned to Jacob with a small menancing smile on his face as he gazed at Jacob. He simply let his magic flow from his body, creating an aura around him. The aura's sole focus on Jacob who was present there. His magic which was already abundant in air, excluding menacing nature slowly on his will.

Jacob slowly felt a presence in the nature which felt menacing. His body started to experience goosebumps on another level. Duncan and Olivia who were with him also started to experience the same thing.

Albus was amazed at the aura of Severus at that moment. To think that there was such a student present in Hogwarts with such control of his magic.

Filius and Minerva were also amazed at the control of magic by Severus Prince. He had been one of his most talented students but it seemed that even he didn't knew the true extent of his students capabilites.

Professor Hart was meanwhile looking incredibly at the whole scene. He had known that Mr Prince was skilled after the duel today but this control of magic was so advanced and something not taught. It was something which people who are intelligent enough, figured it out on their own.

Jacob was absolutely afraid of Severus Prince at that moment as he looked at the cold black eyes which held no hint of warmth in them. He turned away and looked at Dumbledore with hope, as his pleading gaze met him. However his natural talent chose that moment to emerge as Dumbledore's eyes widened slightly as he felt the same thing. Jacob however on seeing that Dumbledore wasn't reacting immediately turned to both the Heads of Houses and his eyes met them. They too were surprised heavily as their jaw dropped in amazement and shock heavily.

Jacob immediately at that moment felt the pressure in the air simply decreasing instantly. He looked at Severus Prince with a grateful expression after he removed the pressure from the air. The presence felt as if it was choking him.

"As I suspected, Mr Jacob here is a natural legillimens," Severus commented simply as if he wasn't surprised by the whole fact looking at the astonished faces of the Professors who were present there.


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