56) Will it be enough?

3 October 1976

Severus looked bleary eyed at the magical alarm which was hitting him on the arm.

He sighed before grabbing the alarm and pressing the button on the top of it.

Magical alarms were really among the weirdest things he had ever encountered.

Muggle alarms normally produced sounds and woke up the user. However the magical alarms were more of a nuisance than their muggle counterpart.

The alarm he had bought was one which woke him up by sound and flying around him and hitting him with the hammer present in the arms of it. The humanoid alarm clock was really effective though. Continously being hit by a hammer which was tapping around the body sure woke up one from sleep.

Atleast this was one of the better ones, he even saw an alarm which flew around the user and smacked him in the butt with his big humanoid palms. Those were surely the choice of masochists, he thought inwardly.

He slowly dragged his sleepy body into the bathroom. He emerged out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later completely fresh.

He waved his hand near his wet hair. Within an instant the wet hair lost most of the moisture as it instantly became near dry.

Time for the morning exercise, he thought inwardly as he changed into a black jogger and grey t-shirt.

As he walked into the common room he frowned when he saw another person whom he was not expecting in the least and that too this early.

"Greengrass," he greeted in his usual calm smooth voice.

"Prince," Laena greeted back, as her beautiful face lit up at seeing the person she had wanted to meet.

"What are you doing this early?" Severus asked looking at her with a calm face. It was four in the morning. Normally most of the people in Hogwarts were dead asleep during this time.

"Well, I actually wanted to join you," Laena replied looking at him with a sweet smile on her face. If he had been a lesser man, he would have simply agreed on after the sweet smile.

"Join me?" Severus stated questioningly as if he didn't understand what she meant earlier. He walked to the exit of the Common Room as he asked her to clarify more.

"Well, you did told me that you run every morning around Hogwarts. You said that it keeps you fit which helps you further in dodging around," Laena spoke up trying to remind him more about the conversation they had in the potions class after the first day of duelling class.

"What's that have to do with this?" Severus stated as the stone pathway opened up to reveal the dungeons. He had already an idea about where the topic was heading but he didn't wanted to let her have the pleasure.

"Well I wanted to accompany you so that my dodging speed could increase too," Laena replied slowly as she looked at him with slight hope in her blue eyes.

"Well you are a free person," Severus said as he looked at her calmly and exited out the common room.

Laena immediately followed him too out of the common room.

"So how many laps you run?" Laena asked as they turned to the first corridor from the common room.

"I never counted, I just run around," Severus said looking at the dark corridor with a frown as he lit the torches present in the corridor with his wand. Someone had spelled out the torches, the Slytherins usually did this to prank each others.

"Hmm," Laena replied as she followed him around. She wanted to dodge spells like Severus did in his duels. His skills had made her envious and she had decided to accomapny him in his morning exercise hoping to hone her dodging skills to his level.

Well there was also her father's wish. Her father wanted to know if House Prince's neutrality could affect the British politics as House Malfoy was a British house. He wanted House Prince to support their neutral block and see if they could function together as a more powerful neutral block than ever.

An hour later, Laena was sorely regretting her decision. She cursed her stupid decision to accompany him. Her whole body felt as it was burning from inside as she plopped herself on the ground. Her whole body was sweating profusely and her muscles ached badly. Her legs were paining and the worst thing was, that they ached so badly that it was impossible for her to walk even a single step.

"You knew something like this would happen," Laena said with a groan as she looked at him accusingly.

"I did told you to take it slow for the first time," Severus replied back boredly as he looked at the witch infront of him. He could see that her blue top was sticking to her skin due to the sweat. Her nipples could be seen slightly but he damn tried his hard not to keep his gaze there, even if his boyish mind tempted him much and told the opposite.

"Get up Greengrass otherwise I will have to leave you here," Severus spoke up calmly looking at her with a trace of impatience in his eyes.

"I can't," Laena said as she tried hard to get up from the ground.

"Then fine," Severus said as he looked at her and started to walk back to the common room.

"Prince wait, don't leave me here alone like this," Laena protested out as she saw him walking alone to the direction of dungeons. She had only thought him as an antisocial but she didn't knew that he could be an utter ass too.

"Fine then. I shall give you company for some time," Severus said as he looked over to her and conjured a chair for him with the help of his wand.

He sat calmly and met the glare of Laena completely head on. If she expected a galiant knight behaviour from him, then she was surely going to be disappointed greatly.

"For crying out loud!, Just carry me back," Laena protested out as she looked at his calm sitting figure. He was not even bothered for her condition but then again he had hardly any reasons to. She didn't need to be told of her folly. In order to compete with him, she had pushed her body to its limits making it completely tired and aching as of now.

"Well, it seems I have no other option," Severus commented as he looked at her with a deadpan expression.

It was around five in the morning and the girl was going to make them both late.

He conjured a stretcher out of thin air and levitated it gently to the ground.

"Hop in," Severus said looking at her with a smirk on his face. He was going to enjoy lording this over her.

"I am no patient Prince," Laena spoke calmly as she looked at him. Her eyes giving away nothing but anger at his act.

"Then do you expect me to carry you in my arms," Severus replied back with a deadpan expression on his face.

Laena became silent at that. She didn't knew if she wanted it or not. Part of her reasoned, that it would mean lowering her pride which was completely not acceptable to her. Other part wanted to experience the thing, she wanted to be carried on like a Princess.

"Fine, get on my back," he said after seeing her thoughful and tense expression at his words.

"Are you sure?" Laena asked shocked. She hadn't expected him to offer something like this.

"This offer is for limited time. If you irritate me more. I will have no option but to go away from here, leaving you entirely on your own," Severus stated rubbing the point between his two eyes and nose. He too was completely sweaty by now, it was different that he wasn't tired like her.

"Fine," Laena agreed reluctantly. She didn't want to arrive in the common room in a stretcher or like a delicate girl.

She gently climbed on his back as she encircled her arms around his neck. Severus who had knelt to have her in the position felt her soft hands on his chest. He willed hardly to have control of his body in his hands. He was still a teenage boy and there were some things which excited his body. A woman's touch was one among them.

He grabbed her legs, below her thighs, as he started to walk with her.

Laena who was perched behind him wrapped her arms a little tightly as she was a little afraid of being dropped by him. Her fears were unfounded however as he carried her quite easily.

Severus who had felt the action, felt a spine chilling goosebump throughout his whole body. Both of their clothes were totally wet with sweat. As such, it was a little odd to feel her nipple which was strangely erect at that moment.

Laena who knew what had happened had gently backed down when she too felt the sensitive contact. She had to supress the awkard moan of pleasure which her body wanted to release at that moment.

Severus simply carried herself to the Slytherin common room. He gently removed his right hand and waved it over them.

"What's that?" Laena asked a little curious and awed. She had seen him just perform wandless magic as she too had felt the slight magic in the air. She didn't knew that he could cast wandlessly already. Something which made her heavily envious at that moment.

"A mild notice me not charm. To cast one with more power, I needed my wand," Severus said softly as he spoke the common room password at the next moment.

Laena wasn't surprised when she saw that the whole common toom was empty. It was still early five in the morning. Most people didn't woke up till 6 or 7.

"Wait a minute here," Severus instructed Laena who gently untangled herself from Severus and landed on one of the couches Severus had stopped.

Laena nodded as she saw him leaving towards the dormitories not before arriving a minute later with two glass vials.

"Here take this. Pepper up and revitalising potion," Severus said looking at her as he handed the two vials to her.

Laena gently took them and uncorked the pepper up potion. She sniffed it.

"Smart girl," Severus commented as he saw her sniffing the vial. A person who was paranoid would always be appreciated by him.

"Thank you," Laena said warmly looking at him. He had no need to go and bring potions for her. But despite everything, he still did it out of the goodness and concern in his heart. It really showed how gentle he was, despite the cold and aloof exterior of his which he showed to everyone.


Severus was eating breakfast in the hall calmly along with his other dormmates while discreetly looking at Ravenclaw table where Alice was sitting.

His peeking was so perfect and random that noone had ever noticed anything. His gaze went to the Gryffindor table where the Head Boy Frank Longbottom was discreetly eyeing Alice. It was not that hard to discern his intentions and it irked Severus.

He suppressed the anger which kept surfacing. He had always been a possesive person, both of his personalities were extremely possesive and the merging had only increased it.

Perhaps he and Frank can get into a confrontation which he could egg on more. However the idea was immediately turned down as he found it too childish.

Alice was not a trophy to be claimed. She was her own person and Severus respected that. He will not say anything to either Alice or Frank for the moment. Perhaps it will be better to wait till some time. If things came to confrontation, he could promise only one thing. He will not hold back even for a minute.

At that precise moment, the Daily Prophet arrived with owls. Severus caught the Daily Prophet even before it landed on the table. It was dropped by the owl from above. If he hadn't done so, the paper would have knocked the juice he was drinking and created a mess.

He looked at the headlines. He sighed inwardly, there was the news of a raid which happened in a muggle village. He sureveyed the contents and put the paper disinterested. As usual there were some name of casualties and some aurors who were killed in the fight.

Looking around he saw several grave faces among the other House tables which was usually the norm for news like this. His eyes however caught one face which had became pale.

Alice for some reason looked tense and slightly pale. Even from the distance he could see that she was trying to compose herself.

It worried him a little to see her act like this. He didn't knew the reason but it was something of a news printed by the Daily Prophet.


When I had penned this chapter, to my surprise I found that it contained around 5k words. So I decided to upload the chapter in two parts.

For many it may seem a filler chapter but this is not so. The reason will be explained in the second chapter.

Also send Powerstones.