78) Celebrations are in order

There was a huge party going on in the Slytherin Common Room. Everyone of them were celebrating the success of their fellow housemate. It was not everyday that one of their own won the first task of The Triwizard Tournament.

Severus had already a huge amount of alcohol today. However the offers didn't seem to stop anytime soon. People just wanted to drink today. Even the first and second years were being given a little of butter beer, and one shot of firewhisky. No Prefect was shouting about any type of underage drinking today.

His housemates were already intoxicated. Most had went to their beds. They couldn't afford anymore alcohol in their bodies. Some unlucky's had already started to puke from overdose. It was no problem for the wizards. A single wave of wand and the floor was clean once again.

He was one of the last who was still standing with his senses barely intact. He needed to remain in his senses though. He liked himself in control. There was no way he was going to have his body control slipped away from him. His mind and thoughts might not be at peak, but he was still in control. Something which he loved to.

It was an hour later, when he finally went to his personal dorm. He could feel the alcohol slipping away. He was much more sane and sound than before.

He walked inside the room and frowned seeing an intruder.

"What are you doing here?" He asked instantly to the blonde infront of him. There was no way that Narcissa freakin Black was sitting on his sofa in her nightdress.

"Relax Prince. I want to simply talk with you." Narcissa replied calmly. She knew that he won't harm her till she cooperated and behaved. It was not his way.

"Yeah. Speak." Severus replied as he went to the bed and took his seat. What could the youngest Black daughter want from him? Surely it must be something serious. Afterall her family was at odds against her.

"I want your help." Narcissa said slowly. She had tried her best. However there was no way that she could do this. She lacked skills in seduction. There was no way that she was going to achieve what the Dark Lord wanted from her.

"The Dark Lord wants you in his ranks." She spoke softly.

"Nothing new. I already know it." Severus replied rolling his eyes. He already knew it. Ofcourse, Voldemort wanted him.

Narcissa nodded. Ofcourse he would have an idea about it. However the next part would be a surprise for him.

"He had ordered me to seduce you. He wants that I marry you. To have you in his ranks through me." Narcissa spoke up softly. Her voice was calm and composed as she looked at him intently.

Now this was surprise for Severus. The Dark Lord must be really desperate. He now understood it. The way Narcissa tried to make conversations with him. The way she seemed off for some reason. While they were passing acquaintances in this timeline. In the future, she had been the closest woman in his life after Lily. He had shared much of his life with him. Suffice to say that he had a good read on her mannerisms. He had detected the strange behaviour, however blamed it on butterfly effect.

"What do you want me to do?" Severus asked intently. What was it she wanted from him. He was already in a contract with Francesca. If she wanted marriage, then there was Francesca's opinion too. If she had other plans, then he will agree instantly.

"Help me elope from this country. Or marry me. I don't want to die." Narcissa replied fearfully. She knew that death was the only thing which awaited her if she failed on the given mission. Her father was a branch member of the family. He was not important to the main branch. Neither was she.

The first option sounded good to him. He could help her elope. The second option made him jiffy for some reason. He had felt the truth in her words via legilimency. She wasn't lying to him.

"I am already contracted to someone Narcissa. If it is marriage you want. It will take discussions with her too." Severus replied softly. While he and Francesca were going to be married. The concept of Heirs still remained unsolved. Francesca could give birth once. The child would be the next Head of her House and the curse shall pass. However House Prince would remain without any Heirs.

Narcissa was beautiful. There was no doubt about it. She was a beauty with delicate facial features. Her bluish grey eyes could turn cold and warm at the slightest of seconds. There was that perfect grace with which she carried herself. That fine growing curvy body accompained with that long hair which he loved.

Her beauty was tempting enough for him. However the crux of the matter remained. There was more here than his lust. There was the matter of Francesca and him.

The wizarding world was no stranger to polygamous marriages. There had been many cases of it throughout history. While a single marriage was preferred, there had been no rules against polygamy till now. Many of magical species followed the same. The vampires were polygamous in nature. The goblins were more secretive, but they too practised it.

"I can't answer you at this moment Narcissa. However, I won't let you die." Severus proclaimed after a sigh. He knew her position very well. She just wanted a happy life. It was always the same with her. She just wanted a typical happy life like the stories. She was a dear friend of him. She might not know it. But her future self was dear to him. He wouldn't have made that wretched vow with her otherwise.

Narcissa got up from the couch. She felt way better than before. She knew it was a failure with seductions with him. He would rather appreciate the explicit truth. She was right in her opinions. He had not acted out of his character. He had not vented or leered at her. He had simply taken it in stride. Answered politely to her worries and declared that he will help her in either way. Not once, he had looked lustfully at her. Despite her nightgown showing her curves and full bosom. He hadn't leered at her. She appreciated it.

"You are a good man Severus." She said softly.

"It doesn't make things easy." Severus replied with a soft chuckle. Being a gentleman and trying to do good with everyone was no small thing. It only made things difficult for him most of the times.

"No it doesn't." Narcissa agreed with a soft smile.


"You were really amazing!" Francesca gushed out to him.

Severus was amused at her praise. Nonetheless he nodded and simply drank from his glass.

They were in one of his newly bought houses. He had been investing in the real estate for some time. Land always paid good profits afterall.

Since they were meeting secretly and wanted some private space. There was no better place than this at the moment.

"I am." Severus replied in agreement. He had come up with the plan without directly engaging the dragon afterall. His new Corporeal Patronus also came handy in it.

"You know. I really love your arrogance sometimes. It gives you a strange charm." Francesca replied prodding her index finger on his chest. She really liked this cockiness sometimes. Only sometimes though.

"Really?" Severus asked in amusement. He didn't know what she liked in his rare overconfident moments.

Francesca smirked at that.

"Yeah. It makes you appear sexy and dominating. Even if you are younger than me." Francesca replied with an amused smile.

"So you're into BDSM." Severus commented surprised. He didn't know that she was into such stuffs.

Francesca frowned. What did he spoke about? This strange BDSM. She couldn't understand it.

"What's BDSM?" She asked with a frown. The word was new to her ears.

Severus lips contorted into a huge smirk. This was going to be amusing to explain.

He cleared his throat and started to explain to his curious fiancee. He told her about the variety of often erotic practices or roleplaying involving bondage, discipline, dominance and submission, sadomasochism, and other related interpersonal dynamics. Suffice to say she was stuttering at the end of things.

"Muggles are really crafty bastards." Felicia commented with flushed cheeks. Severus had explained the gist of this BDSM. It was so appealing and sounded too erotic to her.

They drank their glasses of champagne. Pouring the next glasses for them, Severus decided to broach the topic about Narcissa. He was looking for an opening and now was the time for any.

"Francesca? I wanted to talk to you about something." Severus spoke softly as he handed her one of the glass.

She looked to him. They were already in the stage when they didn't ask permission for the other to speak. It must be something important though.

"What is it?" Francesca asked curiously. She wanted to know what caused him so uncertain.

Severus sighed. He slowly started to tell her more about Narcissa and how she came to talk to him. He told her about the latter's family affiliation to the Dark Lord. He moved on slowly towards the task given by Dark Lord to her. The result of it if she failed. He told her about the previous night where she arrived to talk to him about everything.

"What do you want to do with her?" Francesca asked curiously. She knew that Alice had left him for something similar. Technically he was a lord of five houses including hers. He could have five wives if he wish so.

She had no qualms against it. Besides she knew, that this topic would come sooner. She could only bore him one child. And that child will in turn be able to have a single child due to her family curse. Only House Zabini will survive that way. House Prince and the others will be left heirless.

She was a little happy, that he was asking her permission rather than simply ordering it. He seemed hesitant about the whole thing. However Francesca was no Alice. She won't leave him over this. Not that she could leave him after their contract.

She understood his hesitation. It was clear that he was close with Narcissa. It was evident from the way he was speaking and considering her situations.

"What do you want to do with her?" Francesca asked intently. She wanted to know his own feelings over this whole situation. Only death or a worse punishment awaited Narcissa Black if she failed. One couldn't fail the Dark Lord orders afterall.

"She is a friend. A close friend. . . . I don't want any harm to fall on her. . .However what she wants. I can't do it alone. You are contracted with me. A decision like that couldn't be my own alone. . . . I am bloody confused." Severus ranted slowly. He couldn't understand why the world was giving him this type of situations. First there was Alice, she left him after knowing the contract. Then here was Francesca. She doesn't have the choice like Alice. It only increased his guilt.

Francesca nodded. She understood his stance and view. It would hurt him if anything happened to her due to him. However the decision which she wanted from him couldn't be made by him alone. She too was a part of his life. It gladdened her that he was considering about her in the whole situation. He wasn't lording his decision above her.

"I will accept her." Francesca replied softly with a smile. Severus may not care about his Heirs. However Francesca wasn't the same. She didn't want any guilt on her part for not giving him a Prince Heir. It was better, that there would be another girl. She can bear him children which she wouldn't be able to.

Severus was honestly surprised at the whole thing. He didn't know that Francesca would accept a polygamous relation with any other. Most woman would kick him in balls, if he proposed anything like it.

Francesca was amused at his surprised face. He was really not expecting that.

"Don't be surprised. Besides, it will be fun to have another participant in our bed. Imagine the fun we all could have together." Francesca said with a laugh of her own. She could imagine their relationship making the first page of prophet. Polygamous marriages were legal in Wizarding World. Many wizards had did it. Theirs won't be the first in Wizarding history. However it would gladly embed their names in history. Besides she was bisexual. She already knew about it from her time in Slytherin house. Any other girl didn't make her insecure. It only gave her more fun to have.

Severus was surprised. He slowly put the glass on table and took hers too. Gently putting her glass there, he looked at her with a strange glint in his eyes. Before she could react, he pulled her towards him and mashed his lips with hers.

Francesca kissed back eagerly. She replied to his passionate kiss with her own as their hands roamed around each other bodies. They were not perfect, but they did synced well.

"You're the best girl for me." Severus spoke up as he looked at her eyes. He gently cupped her face as he looked intently into those honey brown eyes.

"I know. You better remember it." Francesca replied with a soft smile. She strangely fought his black eyes so endearing at that moment. She instinctively raised herself and pressed her lips over him.

They kissed tenderly for minutes. Only seperating for air, they revelled in the other's taste.

"I will accept her. But I have a condition of my own." She spoke as she remembered something important come to her mind.

"Accepted." Severus replied. He would gladly accept any condition for the favour she did on him.

"You don't even know it." Francesca spoke surprised. He had accepted it without even hearing it. He was probably too excited after everything.

"I trust you. It's the least I could do after everything you are doing for me." Severus spoke as he looked warmly at her. Francesca was not only risking her image, but of her entire house with her decision. It was the least he could do.

Francesca smiled warmly. The trust warmed her. Besides Severus won't find her condition too problematic. Anyone would love what entailed it. Besides he was a man. He will love it.

"So loverboy. Marriages and polygamy aside. It's time I give you the reward I promised." Francesca said huskily. She had made specific preparations afterall.

She slowly pulled over her top above her shoulders. She was now firmly in her bra.

Severus watched amazed as she slowly unbuttoned her bra and removed it.

Her full breasts were finally on display for him. Her dark pink areola and nipples were inviting him with each passing second. She gently grabbed her breasts and winked at him.

"Want to have a taste?" She asked smirkingly.

Severus nodded eagerly like a child. He softly bent forward and took her right nipple in his mouth. This was heaven. She was bigger than Alice in chest size. Moreover hers were firmer and more shapely than Alice's. He gently suckled on her right nipple.

Francesca moaned at the sensation. He was the first person to whom she had shown a body part of hers. It felt so good to see him excited for her body. He seemed really eager. There was the same love and eagerness in his eyes as he devoured her tits, which she loved very much.

"Ohh Sev." She moaned as he took her other nipple in his hands and pinched it slightly. His mouth sucked on her tit like a small child as he devoured her.

She grabbed her head and pulled it closer. She wanted to have more of his ministrations. The way his hands groped her breast and mauled it, it was all too pleasurable for her.

They had a really long noon to spend afterall.