83) Family, lineages and propositions

Severus was acutely aware that the information could either forge an alliance with Voldemort or lead to ominous consequences. The stakes were high here. Today could be his last day too. Though the latter was unlikely. He didn't think Voldemort could win so easily here. In his warded manor, in Severus' own grounds. He had a great advantage here. Something which was instrumental to save his hide from him.

Voldemort's surprise was evident in his facial expressions as he processed Severus's revelation. The unspoken reactions spoke volumes. Even Orion and Cygnus were shocked by the whole thing.

"Pardon me, Lord Prince. However, House Dawn's lineage had always been hidden by the family. If they were descendants of Herpo the Foul and Salazar Slytherin, why would they hide it?" Orion inquired, seeking to understand the rationale behind the concealment of such a significant lineage within House Dawn. This was baffling as he thought more about it. Families would die proclaiming about their shared lineage with Salazar Slytherin or Herpo the Foul.

"A good question," Severus acknowledged with a nod, recognizing the validity of Orion's inquiry.

"The line of Slytherin has always had enemies among themselves. The Dawn family is no different," Voldemort explained suddenly. His voice held reflection of the past.

Severus was surprised to hear Voldemort answer it. The Dark Lord's eyes met him and Severus could see wonder and excitement in it. Severus could see a little jealousy in those eyes, one which was hidden instantly.

"Blood turned against blood for power," Voldemort replied with a frown. The same had been same with House Slytherin.

"Indeed, the Dawn family is a direct descendant of Herpo the Foul. However, the information is a double-edged sword. If the general populace learns about it, they would literally storm this manor. My ancestor did great things, terrible but great. He was the first to breed and invent Basilisks. The man had pushed the boundaries of magic to such an extent that it will revulse even the hardest of people," Severus explained, acknowledging the delicate nature of the revealed lineage and the potential consequences if it were to be widely known.

He was hoping to change it though. There was no way it was going to remain secret after Voldemort, Cygnus Black and Orion Black learned about it. He was going to use this opportunity to his own benefit now.

Voldemort nodded. None knew what Herpo had achieved better than him. He had experimented with the same magics in his whole life till now.

Severus recognized the pivotal moment. He understood that it was time to assert control and advance his own strategic maneuvers in the dynamics of the conversation. At this point, it will be better for him to speak on it, instead of Voldemort learning himself.

"In fact, there's a portrait of Salazar, Herpo, and other members of both Dawn and Slytherin houses in this Manor," Severus disclosed with a smile.

Voldemort was now genuinely intrigued. The discovery that this manor housed portraits of both Herpo and Salazar had heightened the intrigue. He had arrived here to simply gauge Severus Prince and the tales surrounding him. Not only the boy had managed to identify him, he had also divelged facts crucial to his own identity and family.

"Where is it?" Voldemort demanded, the tone more of a command than a request. He wanted to talk to them, perhaps they could answer him on what he wanted.

Severus, sensing the weight of Voldemort's demand, concealed any signs of fear. He was afraid for sure. However he had no plans to show the fear on his face or body.

"We can discuss them later, Mr. Voldemort. First, let us conclude our negotiations," Severus replied calmly, redirecting the focus to the matters at hand. He knew it was a bad move when he saw his face.

"Your negotiations can be done later. I won't wait to meet my ancestor," Voldemort replied calmly, his voice carrying an air of polite insistence. The urgency to encounter his ancestors seemed to outweigh the immediate negotiations for him.

Severus understood the need for diplomacy in this delicate situation. The challenge however remained in finding a way to navigate the desires of Voldemort while ensuring the negotiations didn't fall apart completely. The negotiations didn't matter, however he didn't want to have bad blood here with Voldemort.

The presence of the portraits added a wildcard element to the situation. Severus was acutely aware that they harbored animosity toward him, to put it lightly. For some reasons those damned portraits thought him unworthy. Their reactions didn't worry him. However how Voldemort would take it mattered here.

"Very well then." Severus replied. He rose and the others followed suit as he led them towards another room. Passing by the room with the fireplace, they arrived at the hall and ascended the stairs toward the first floors.

In each room and hall they traversed, the walls adorned with paintings and portraits bore witness to the rich tapestry of history woven by the Dawn and Slytherin families. He could feel the impressed gazes of the three people behind him.

Voldemort's gaze fell upon the paintings of various other snakes, and he noted the portraits where individuals were depicted with serpents gracefully wrapped around their necks. They looked so royal and kingly, he realised.

They arrived at the first floor. The hall was emptier in decoration here. They finally stopped outside a room at the left corner. There was a house elf stationed there.

"Leo." Severus greeted the little elf. Leo was responsible for the portraits of this room.

Cygnus and Orion exchanged puzzled glances as their attention was drawn to a little house elf. The peculiarity lay not just in the creature's presence but in its attire – finely made and fitted clothes, complete with a green t-shirt bearing the Dawn Crest. The unexpected sight left them with a sense of bewilderment. They had never seen such a sight in their lives. Voldemort was the same. He had never seen anything like this in his vast years of magical experience.

"Does Master Severus want to visit old grouchy men?" Leo, the house elf, inquired with a curious tilt of his head. His voice was curious as he looked at their new beloved master.

"I do. Can you please tell Mary to bring some refreshments?" Severus requested from the little elf, adding a touch of formality to the request. He was doing it purposely. If his good behaviour earned him respect from house elves, it was all for better.

The house elves were the cutest fictional characters in his opinion. They were loyal to fault. Their innocence and love only appealed more to their charm. He was honestly loving his new life with them. They helped him in so many ways. All he had to just to was play nice with them.

The elf popped softly away. Severus gently opened the door. He got in and gently welcomed them into the room.

The room was spacious and accommodated everyone comfortably. The walls adorned with portraits showcased a diverse array of individuals, each bearing names written below, creating a visual tapestry of the history and lineage of the Dawn and Slytherin families.

"Hello, Lord Slytherin and Lord Herpo," Severus greeted the portraits at the top of the room, establishing a formal acknowledgment to them.

"You again, boy. And you brought other fools too," the man in the green dress snarled angrily from his portrait, expressing a distinct displeasure at Severus's return and the company he now brought with him.

"It's not his fault, Great one. My name is Marvolo Riddle, and I am a descendant of you, Lord Slytherin," Voldemort declared, stepping forward to address the portraits. The revelation hung in the air, creating a moment of tense anticipation in the room for the three humans present there. Severus knew he was playing with fire here. The only thing remained to see was how worse was it gonna burn him.

Severus observed as Voldemort suddenly hissed, a calculated move that seemed aimed at adding a touch of credibility to his words. The subtle display of Parseltongue echoed in the room, emphasizing the connection between the Dark Lord and his legendary ancestor.

As if triggered by the initial hiss, the other portraits in the room suddenly began to hiss at each other in peculiar ways. Salazar suddenly hissed back at Voldemort.

What happened next was nothing but confusion for anyone not understanding parseltongue.

"Can you understand it?" Orion asked Severus, seeking clarification on the mysterious hissing exchange among the portraits, Dark Lord and Salazar Slytherin.

"I don't speak snake, Lord Black," Severus snarked back. He too was at confusion here. Just what were these motherfuckers talking about.

Voldemort seemed to be genuinely happy, Severus remarked. The man's face was like a child who got his favourite candy. If Salazar and other portraits weren't enough. Severus' anxiety levels grew more when Herpo also joined in the conversation.

Shit was really going to hit the roof now, Severus realised. The only good thing was that Herpo the foul didn't seem to be intent on speaking to anyone. He was carefully watching everything like an observer.


After fifteen minutes, Severus and the others emerged from the room, the encounter with the portraits having concluded. The lingering air of mystery and tension followed them as they moved on to the next phase of their discussions and negotiations.

Once they reached the prior meeting room, Severus looked at the happy and contended face of Voldemort. He was having a strange sort of moral debate inside him. Was Voldemort going to be more of a trouble now.

"The portraits were quite helpful, Lord Prince. Infact, they wanted me to guide you to the next Lord Dawn," Voldemort stated with a smirk, hinting at a new direction in their discussions as influenced by the insights gained from the portraits. He was infact saying the truth here.

Severus knew that the man was not lying. He knew a lie when he saw one nowadays. Besides the portraits and figures really didn't like him. Him not being a parselmouth disappointed them.

And they weren't real person to even begin with. They were just mere imprints. It was possible to change a person's physical thoughts towards someone. However it was impossible for Portraits since they weren't technically alive. Their thought processes were basically like a remote.

"I appreciate your guidance, Mr. Voldemort, but I believe I don't need any sort of training to become a Lord," Severus asserted back.

He was confident in his abilities. Perhaps subtly asserting his independence here could help. He didn't know what they all talked in their filthy hissing language, however he didn't want to take a risk here. Perhaps Voldemort was looking for a chance to exploit him. It was the best opinion in his thoughts. He suddenly felt slight mental probes. Enough to scratch the surface. He could have repelled it, however Severus wanted the conversation to move naturally. Him being distrustful was the best natural option for him.

Voldemort sighed, his eyes momentarily lowering, as he composed himself before finally speaking. The moment held a sense of introspection, and Severus awaited the Dark Lord's next words with a quiet anticipation. The man seemed to be thinking over it, something which wasn't usual of his behaviour. But then again, the Dark Lord he met was different. This man was yet to become what he was during the late years.

"Our destinies are aligned, Severus. The House of Dawn and House of Slytherin have been allies from the start. Until you become the next Lord Dawn, I won't be able to claim the House of Slytherin as my own," Voldemort revealed slowly.

Severus was confused but Voldemort spoke again. His voice a frightening mix of determination and happiness.

"Beneath the Main Manor of House Dawn, there's a deep cave. A cave where Herpo's basilisk resides. The ring to House Slytherin is inside his mouth. Until you and I both tame him and make him give it, I won't be able to become the next Lord Slytherin," Voldemort explained.

He had been searching for years for the ring of House Slytherin. The portrait of last Lord Slytherin had recently revealed the information to him now. Apparently it was a test to determine if he was worthy of it now. A test to challenge him. The Basilisk's magic was tied with the ring. If he killed it to gain the ring, his entire future bloodline would be eliminated from a chance at the ownership of the ring.

The revelation about a basilisk hidden beneath Dawn Manor was a surprise to Severus. Behind him both Orion and Cygnus were terrified by the recent information.

"We can discuss it later in private, Mr. Voldemort. The negotiations must be finished first. I have a class to attend in the next hour, and it is important for me," Severus redirected the focus to the immediate matters at hand. He needed to be present at the duelling class today. It was the final practise today. A final practise which was essential for everyone.

"Ah, yes," Voldemort affirmed, even he had to begrudgingly admit that the boy had attained more success than him at his age. His schedule must be busy according to it. He did remember the duelling classes soon.

"Where were we?" Voldemort inquired. His gaze focused on Cygnus and Orion. The two cousins would probably know where they all left the important conversation.

"The veela girl," Orion politely replied, redirecting the conversation back to the topic that had been momentarily set aside—the intricate matter of the veela and its potential implications on the negotiations.

"Ahh, yes." Voldemort said immediately recalling the whole thing. They were discussing the whole situation around the veela girl.

"You were saying that you had a solution, Lord Prince," Voldemort asked curiously, a note of intrigue in his tone as he awaited Severus's proposal for resolving the situation with the veela, a matter that held implications for both houses here.

"Yes. Since I am actually Lord of four houses, I wish to propose her marriage so that the child won't have a loveless life and won't be a bastard," Severus explained slowly. It would be hard for his conscience to have a child of him roaming in the world due to his lust. The most he could do was give him/ her his name and a good accomodation.

"This way, he or she will not be a bastard. There will be no future problems in inheritance, and no guilt on my conscience," Severus added. It was better route this way.

"What house do you want her to have?" Voldemort asked, recognizing the practicality of Severus's proposal. Better for the black girl to have a sister wife than a rumoured mistress. The latter would generate more bad publicity for her while the former could be navigated.

"Dawn." Severus replied instantly. It would be a nice 'fuck you' to Salazar and all the irritable folks here.

"No!" Voldemort sharply protested instantly. A veela girl to a house with such rich history. It was a disgrace for both House Dawn and House Slytherin. To have a woman with creature blood hold the title of Lady Dawn, the thought alone was revulsing to him.

Before Severus could formulate a response or inquire further, Voldemort spoke up again, perhaps anticipating the unspoken questions lingering in Severus's mind.

"The girl is of creature blood. It will be a shame for the lineage of House Dawn to have a lady like her. Why don't you make her the lady of your French House Whitlock?" Voldemort suggested, offering a strategic solution that not only addressed the concerns about lineage but also positioned the veela lady within a house that might be more accommodating to her unique heritage.

Severus nodded in agreement. While it was unusual for Voldemort to make such suggestions, he recognized the practicality and merit in this particular proposal. It was perhaps the best strategic move. Besides the Whitlock folks were pretty much easy going. Far easy going than of here.

"Your ancestors all want you to have a proper pureblood wife with a good pedigree. They are all concerned about the future of your house," Voldemort remarked with a frown, conveying the collective sentiment expressed by the ancestral portraits. The portraits had expressed their woes to him. He had reassured them that he was going to take him to a straight path.

"It's hard to find people like that nowadays, Mr Voldemort. The girls are most focused on other boys. And frankly I don't want left outs of other people." Severus replied with a frown. He didn't want to heal someone from a heartbreak in the process. He didn't want some kind of broken girl. He wanted to have his own lovelife. His own first memories with the girl. Something which every man desired.

Voldemort nodded in acknowledgment. However, it was evident that he had already contemplated the situation from before. He couldn't let anyone become Lady Dawn.

The manuscripts and the knowledge of House Dawn must remain guarded secret. He wanted to have a read on them. There could be knowledge on soul magic and other dangerous stuffs left by Herpo the foul. He didn't want anyone other than him to have it. Severus was family now. But he wasn't fool. Severus didn't seem that he would agree to most of his demands. He was a smart man. Someone who wouldn't allow him that knowledge easily. The little Black daughter was not suitable to this task. There was only one person whom he trusted could make it happen.

Cygnus wouldn't like this, he realised. However Voldemort hadn't made this far due to caring about people's feelings. This was an important situation here. He would have to donate one of his precious student to his goals here. Perhaps one of his best. However sacrifices had to be made. He couldn't win without them.

"I have a girl in my opinion. She is of good lineage, and her past is clear too. You won't find any dirt on her character," Voldemort suggested.

Was Voldemort really trying to matchmake for him? Severus thought with a frown. This didn't sound good.

"Does she?" Severus asked concerned. As far he knew there were not many girls in Wizarding world like that. Ofcourse all of this was just bullshit to escape the awkward moment here.

"Cygnus' eldest daughter, Bellatrix. She's a good girl with great blood in her veins. She will make an excellent Lady Dawn," Voldemort proposed, putting forth his chosen follower.

Severus keenly sensed the barely restrained fury within Cygnus. He observed Orion taking a precautionary measure by lightly grabbing Cygnus' arms, signaling a warning against any impulsive reactions. This was just getting wilder. Voldemort wanted him to marry Bellatrix. What was next? Go and kill himself for him?

"My Lord, Bellatrix's marriage is only four months away with Rodolphous Lestrange," Orion politely stated. This would absolutely humiliate them in the society. Breaking a betrothal would be a matter of shame for them in the Wizarding World. Not to mention Cygnus' reaction when he will finally be free of their Lord's presence. The Lestranges weren't gonna take the insult to their Heir lightly.

"I will handle the Lestranges. Besides, it's better she marry Lord Dawn here. He is a direct descendant of Herpo the Foul. Your family would be better off in the long run by their marriage," Voldemort asserted. He softly presented his strategic perspective on the matter and emphasized the potential benefits of the proposed union for both houses. It was better for everyone involved. Him, House Black, House Prince and everyone.

"Giving away two of my daughters to a single man. The public would laugh at me, My Lord," Cygnus said desperately, expressing concern over the potential public perception and the impact on his family's standing. It would be humiliating for him as a father.

"The same public would fawn at your family after a couple of days, Cygnus. Our Lord Prince is a shrewd Slytherin. His business is in both magical and Muggle worlds. Your own house could capitalize on the opportunity by following him into the Muggle world," Voldemort suggested, presenting the potential benefits of aligning with Severus and House Dawn. The strategic advantages extended beyond the immediate marriage proposal. It encompassed broader opportunities in both magical and Muggle spheres.

"The public of the Wizarding World are sheep, Cygnus. It's upto you. Do you want to associate your daughter with a pureblood house like Lestrange which had its fair share of renowned people? Or do you want to associate her with a family like Dawn, a family descended from the notorious Herpo the foul and whose line encompasses House Slytherin too. A House which goes on with three more powerful houses. A house which would profit your house monetary and bring you the backing of Vampires and other people along the way?" Voldemort pressed on. He knew that Cygnus would get the hint. He wouldn't dare to argue it with him.

The deal was necessary for him both personally, and for his greater goals. The renowned publicity of descendance from Herpo and Salazar Slytherin would greatly help him win favours with people. Cygnus wasn't a fool to deny his order about it. Besides Bellatrix would love to be married into a house with a rich lineage like this. Perhaps it had been her destiny all along.

Cygnus nodded after a moment. If he denied, his entire family would be punished. He couldn't even guarantee if he or Druella would be alive by the end of it. There was no other way than to say yes.

Severus was stone faced. What was happening with his life? If Narcissa wasn't enough, he was going to be saddled with Bellatrix, the most volatile of the Black sisters. What was next, Andromeda? He couldn't even say no to Voldemort. It would be foolish in a situation like this. He was nowhere capable to move against him. And any personal slights now could be dangerous in the long run. Something which he knew was essential for any sort of relation or alliance.

He was really getting saddled with surprises nowadays. Never would have he thought that his life would go like this.

He should have been worrying about wizarding war, future genocide of muggleborns and other traitors, triwizard tournament. Instead he was worrying more by the thought of one thing.
