86) The Duel Starts

Severus watched hypnotized at the wide mouthed look on Lily's face as she rode him.

"I'm going to cum again." Lily moaned, her body moving faster on his cock. Her beautiful hair wildly alluring him. The sweat on her pale milky white skin exciting him while her glazed green eyes begged. Severus grunted and grabbed her hips to pull her down hard on his cock as he thrust up into her. "Cum for me, Lily." He said huskily as he felt the first spurt of cum shoot out of him into the depths of Lily's pussy during the encounter.

He pulled her hips hardly while he thrusted himself inside the girl, burying himself inside her. To be at home, where he belonged rightly.

He felt her pussy walls clench and release him as she came on his cock. "Lily." He moaned as he continued to cum inside her, he pulled her down hard on his cock, the spasms of his orgasm making him thrust up into the girl with each spurt of cum that left him.

He finally came down from his orgasm and he felt Lily's body still on top of him, her breathing heavy as she lay on top of him. He ran his hands up and down her back, enjoying the feel of her skin under his fingers.

"You are amazing." He whispered in her ear, kissing her neck lightly. "I love you." She whispered, pressing a kiss against his lips. "I love you too." He replied, kissing her lips gently. He kissed her once more before he pulled her off his cock, feeling her body slide off of him as he looked down at his cock, it was coated with her juices and the remnants of his cum.

He looked up at her, she was laying on her back next to him, her legs spread wide open. He crawled over to her and lay down next to her, his head resting on his hand as he looked at the most beautiful woman in the world.

Severus shot upright in bed, his chest heaving as he tried to shake off the vivid dream that had startled him awake. The remnants of the unsettling erotic images lingered, etched in his mind. His eyes were wide as he scanned the room in a desperate attempt to distinguish the reality. His hands trembled as they instinctively reached for his face.

His gaze shifted to the pearl white liquid on his thighs. A sigh escaped him as he realized it was just a wet dream. Memories of Lily's satisfied face during their intimate moments flooded Severus's mind.

"Damn it," he cursed as he swiftly retrieved his wand from the nightstand. With a swift motion, he vanished the pearl white liquid and rose from the bed, finally releasing a relieved sigh after the whole wet dream fiasco.

Glancing at the clock, Severus noted the unforgiving hour. It was 1:30 AM. Typically a time for sound sleep for him, except tonight. He was really disturbed by the vivid wet dream that had disrupted his peace.

Three days had passed since Severus encountered Lily in the hallway, a brief exchange that lingered in his thoughts still. Amidst his preoccupations with personal matters and impending responsibilities, time had swiftly slipped away. He had seen her a couple of times during dinner or classes. A smile on her face which he didn't reply publically.

Anxiety etched across his face as he dwelled on the impending events. Today marked the initiation of his plans, a pivotal moment for him. Something that would determine the success or failure of his endeavors.

Too much bloodshed had occured. Perhaps, he could stop it. Perhaps! He could attain the peace which he wanted. Perhaps! He thought with a sigh.

Heading to the bathroom, Severus decided to clean himself. It was going to be an early start today.


Wandering Hogwarts' empty halls at 2 AM, Severus's footsteps echoed in the quiet night. The portraits, mostly asleep, observed silently as he moved, a sense of wistfulness trailing behind him while he made his way.

A different aura pervaded the school, richer than when Severus became Headmaster in his previous life. The absence of war casualties left these halls with an untouched solemnity. He couldn't help but chuckle bitterly remembering it.

Atleast he didn't feel guilty nowadays looking and roaming these halls.

He was passing throught the library when he stopped involuntary. Severus sensed something familiar—a subtle thrum of magic and a faint, recognizable humming in the air.

Anger flashed across Severus's face as he drew his wand and stealthily stormed into the library, not before silencing his footsteps. The unauthorized use of his spells wouldn't go unanswered. He had already paid once heavily. He won't do it again.

Moving silently, Severus noticed a wand light near the restricted section. Someone was attempting to access it cautiously, showing enough restraint to avoid triggering alarms.

Severus's eyes widened as he recognized two familiar shades of hair. An inward sigh escaped him—his luck seemed to be causing more trouble than usual.

"What are you two doing here?" Severus softly inquired, his gaze fixed on the backs of Lily Evans and Amelia Bones.

Instantly, both Lily Evans and Amelia Bones turned, their faces etched with terror and surprise as they pointed their wands at Severus.

"Severus! You surprised the hell out of us!" Lily exclaimed in a hushed tone, looking at her old friend with a mix of surprise and relief.

"Sneaking into the restricted section?" Severus asked coyly, his gaze fixed on the two girls. Both seemed appropriately ashamed for getting caught. A sight which amused him to no end.

"Not all of us are born talented, Severus. Some of us had to work hard for it," Amelia replied with a smirk, withdrawing her wand from the Hogwarts champion slowly.

"Of that, I can agree. But seriously, today's just the first round. You're starting this so seriously?" Severus asked, looking at the two redheaded girls.

"Of course. You're the best, and chill-free. But we aren't going to underestimate our opponents," Lily replied solemnly. She was already the most pathetic of duellers in their group. She had seen the skill gap between everyone. Severus, Narcissa, Sirius, Nott, Harry; they all were best in their movements. It was just too different from others. She doubted if she could hold her own against them. Hermione and she were the only muggleborns and even then the former dwarfed her in skills.

"You know spells from the restricted section would immediately disqualify you. You can't use dark spells there," Severus reminded the girls, there were rules outlined with consequences for everyone in the notice board.

"Someone doesn't understand the obvious," Amelia remarked with a yawn, casting a pointed look at Lily.

"I'm going to lose horribly," Lily protested. "I don't know special spells like you all. All I know are charms. I don't want to lose in the first round."

Severus smiled amusedly. There it was—that stubborn nature and perseverance he liked about Lily.

"It's 1:50 in the night. How about we go to the kitchens, have some hot tea, and mull this out? You know, the fun way. Maybe I can teach you two some things?" Severus offered. It was a good opportunity to forge new friendships and rekindle an old one. Afterall he needed all the good publicity he could get.

"What's the catch, Prince? You aren't doing this out of your good heart, are you?" Amelia asked suspiciously. Though she hadn't spoken much with him, she didn't believe Severus would teach them tricks purely out of the goodness of his heart. After all, he was a Slytherin; there must be an ulterior motive.

"Maybe I want to get into your pants. You know, after all, you're so blessed," Severus replied with a smirk, his eyes meeting the hazel ones of Amelia Bones. Noone could compare their tits to her size in their class. She was so freakin full.

"Severus!" Lily interjected, scandalized. She couldn't believe he had said something like that.

"Hey, I am joking. But really, you're so wholesome, Amelia. What's the secret? I mean, you know?" Severus asked, his gaze shifting to her ample bosom. Even her top couldn't conceal the wealth she possessed.

Amelia couldn't help but be amused. It was genuinely the first time a boy had openly commented on it in front of her. While her housemates and even Lily had made remarks, no boy had dared to say it to her face.

"You know, we all have our talents," Amelia replied. It was an honest truth. She had seen the Bones family portraits, and all her female ancestors had possessed curvaceous bodies with ample assets.

"Can you two stop it?" Lily said, embarrassed. She couldn't bear to hear any more of it.

"C'mon, Lily. Don't be jealous," Severus teased. Amelia burst out laughing at his comment. She couldn't help but laugh at Lily's comment.

"You!" Lily said angrily, squinting her eyes. Her breasts were perfect for her age, and she didn't want anything else. She wouldn't allow fun on her breasts expense.

"C'mon, Lils, let's go to the kitchen," Severus said, placating Lily with a smile. He couldn't help but be amused at her flushed face. After the vivid dream he had today, he didn't want to make it even more vivid the next time.

Amelia nodded. It was already too late to salvage the situation. Lily nodded too. She silently plotted her revenge for later though.


"I never knew that you created spells of your own?" Amelia asked curiously. Her hazel eyes shining brightly as she looked at him.

"I don't publicize it," Severus replied, watching the elves happily throw things at Lily while she dodged them.

"Stop," Severus commanded as the five-minute mark hit on his watch.

The elves stopped, and Lily made her way towards them. Her entire body was covered with sweat, and she was panting from the exertion.

"You're ruthless," Lily complained, panting as she dropped into the seat between them. Lily took her arm and gently placed it on Severus's shoulder as she took deep breaths to recover.

"Your reflexes have improved. Moreover, your shields are quicker and stronger," Severus retorted to the girl. It was unusual training but it was fun.

"Besides, the elves enjoyed it," Amelia said in approval. She noticed that most of the elves were happy with the unusual practice. Even if they were hesitant at first, they became more free when Severus encouraged it as a game. And it only became harder for Lily.

"Yeah. Their faces motivated me to go longer," Lily replied as her breathing gradually became normal.

"So, either of you got dates?" Lily asked curiously. With only a week left for the Yule Ball, she had no dates yet. The continuous denial of Potter's persistent requests was becoming increasingly challenging.

"No. Yes," Amelia and Severus replied simultaneously.

"Wait! Who?" Lily asked, turning towards Severus. She was curious. He had always disliked dancing, partying, and girls. Whoever it was, it was intriguing for sure.

"Let's keep it a surprise," Severus replied with a soft smile. He didn't want rumors spreading prematurely.

Lily pouted, but she didn't press further. She had just regained her friend, and she didn't want to jeopardize it.

"A shame. Here I was thinking about asking you out," Amelia commented with a sigh, adding a touch of playful disappointment to her tone. He really was bold and smart from the way he trained Lily and talked with her. It would have been a fun night if he wasn't already mingled with someone.

Lily didn't know why but she felt a little insecure hearing it.


"The duels are of five minutes. If the duel doesn't end by submission or knockouts, the decision will be up to the judges," Alastor Moody announced, his eyes scanning the mass of students around him. The Quidditch stands erupted with loud cheers in response to his proclamation.

"There will be no dark spells allowed. Also, no maiming spells. If anyone is found using them, the duelist will immediately be disqualified and held accountable," Alastor announced through the microphone in front of him.

"Now, we will move to the three team leaders who are also the champions of their schools," Michael declared excitedly, transitioning to the next phase of the event.

"Let's see if they are as excited for the first round of the interschool team dueling competition as we are... Three schools, five duos from each team of 10. Of the 15 teams, 12 will fight today. A duo from each school gets the pass for the finals, decided by their team leader," Michael announced, pausing and delivering the information with ease.

"Let's move to the first team. So, Mr. Potter, who's going to be the duo who directly goes to the final?" Michael Buffer asked excitedly, addressing the Hogwarts Duelling Team Leader.

Harry smiled as Michael presented the microphone to him. He had already thought over the whole thing with Moody and discussed it with the team. This was the strategy that they all had agreed on.

"From our side, me and Izar Nott will be going to the finals as per the rules. The rest four duos of our team will participate in this round. We have utmost confidence in ourselves that we will easily go through the whole tournament," Harry said, looking around the crowd. It was quite nerve-wracking to be the center of attention, but he had practiced this speech.

The crowd applauded with cheers and whistles at the words of tje Hogwarts leader.

"Mr. Schmidt, who's going to be the duo directly advancing to the finals from Durmstrang?" Michael asked, moving to the tall and handsome boy who was also the Durmstrang champion.

"Andreas and I will move directly to the finals. The rest of the duos from the school will fight," Schmidt declared confidently.

The Durmstrang students applauded fiercely while the Hogwarts students politely added to the joy.

"Mr. Bernard, would you also move to the finals with your teammate, or will you appoint a different strategy?" Michael asked excitedly, addressing the final team leader.

"Yes. Me and my friend Louis will go for the finals directly," Gabriel said in his perfect English voice, holding very little French accent, close to none, due to the translating charm on the microphone.

"So, friends, let's look at the names on the board. The duos who will participate from each school." Micheal announced as everyone's attention went to the huge board on the end showing the different duos with their pictures.

From Durmstrang:

(Lukas Meier and Pieter van der Berg)

(Dmitri Sokolov and Jonas Schneider)

(Hendrik Jansen and Sophia Müller)

(Anouk van Dijk and Ivan Petrova)

From Beauxbatons:

(Antoine Dubois and Hugo Lefevre)

(Mathieu Moreau and Lucas Laurent)

(Olivier Rousseau and Amélie Dupont)

(Camille Leroux and Apolline Boucher)

From Hogwarts:

(James Potter and Sirius Black)

(Frank Longbottom and Amelia Bones)

(Rodrick Davies and Dennis Crawford)

(Severus Prince and Alice Fortescue)