"That was close I'm glad they fell for that" jack says
"They did for now but I heard them saying they are going to keep an eye on us so keep an eye out for my cousins" I say
"Don't worry I will" jack says
"You want to get some food?" I say
"I thought you would never ask let's go" jack says
"You want to get seafood I know a good place" I say
"Nah I'm not feeling fish how about burgers" jack says
"Alright joe's burger it is then" I say
"Sweet let's go" jack says
We walk to joes burger "you think joe remembers what happened at Mitch's party?" I say
"Dude what do you think he'll definitely remember" jack says
We arrive at joes burger and we see joe outside "why is joe outside doesn't he have a restaurant to run" I say
We walk up to joe "hey man you alright?" Jack says
"No I almost got burned" joe says
"Why what happened?" Jack says
"Well I was partying and then out of nowhere a dragon showed up it was crazy" joe says
"That sounds very far fetched" jack says
"It's true I know I sound crazy but I know what I saw anyways enough of me rambling you two must be hungry" joe says
"Definitely I'm starving" jack says
"Yea I could use some food" I say
"Alright I'll be inside once you want a table" joe says walking inside
"Why do I get the feeling we're being watched?" I say
Jack taps me on the shoulder "look behind us your cousins are following us" jack says
"Yea I see them" I say
"I can't believe they would follow us" jack says
"Yea they do this all the time they are very over protective when I was younger and they still act like this today" I say
"That's terrible I'm lucky I was raised without family like that" jack says
"Tell me about it" I say
"Now I want some food" jack says
"Same" I say
We walk inside "hey joe we need two tables please" jack says
"Yea man alright follow me" joe says taking us to our table
We sit at our table and we see my cousins get a table near us "great my cousins are near us" I whisper to jack
"Just watch what you say about you know what" jack whispers to me
"Yea got it" I say quietly
"So you getting your usual?" Jack says
"Oh yea definitely that burger was good last time now I want a double" I say
"Woah no one has ever eaten a double here before without going to the hospital" jack says
"What do you mean?" I say
"When I last came here some guy thought he was a hot shot doing a double burger but well let's just say he had to go to the hospital haven't seen him since" jack says
"Ok I'll get my order the same last time" I say
Joe walks to our table "hey guys what would you like?" Joe says
"I want my usual" jack says
"Got it and James I'll get you a plain burger" joe says
"Yea plain" I say
"Alright I'll be back with your food soon" joe says walking away from our table
"I hope you don't mind i invited Tommy over to join us" jack says
"Yea I see him" I say
Tommy walks over to our table and he sits next to me "hey James what's up man?" Tommy says
"You know nothing just about to have some lunch" I say
"Yea I just want to thank for saving me two years ago" Tommy says
"Yea let's not talk about this here" I say
"Alright man we'll talk about it later" Tommy Says
"So what's been up with you?" I say
"I'm planning for my summer vacation school is almost over and I'm thinking about going camping" Tommy says
"Camping has never really been my thing" I say
"Come on its fun give it a chance" Tommy says
"Maybe I don't want to save you again if I do go" I say
"I can handle myself last time I wasn't paying attention" Tommy says
"Alright buddy whatever you say" I say
"Oh shut up" Tommy says
"Don't tell the person who saved you to shut up" I say
Joes brings us our food "Tommy what brings you here?" Joe says
"I wanted to hang with my friends" Tommy says
"Do you want anything?" Joe says giving us our food
"No I'm good" Tommy says
"Alright enjoy your food" joe says walking away from our table
We start eating our food "wow James you must be hungry like a wolf" Tommy says chuckling
I stop eating "really that's not funny" I say
"Come on it's funny and kinda true" Tommy says
"It's really not funny" I say
Jack finishes eating his burger "Tommy what have I told you about these jokes they're not funny" jack says
"You guys don't have good humor" Tommy says
Joe walks to our table "here's the bill pay it" joe says putting the bill on the table
"I got it" I say putting the money in the bill
"Thank you" joe says taking the bill and walking away from our table
"Alright I'll see you guys later" Tommy says leave our table
"Yea alright" jack says
Me and Jack leave the restaurant "So what do you want to do now?" I say
"Well I kind of want to test more things with your shapeshifting power" jack says
"Alright but where can we go to that's safe?" I say
"We can go to my house my parents are always busy for work so they're never home" jack says
"Alright let's go" i say not knowing both my cousins heard everything I said