Me and Jack arrive at the cabin when we walk in wren is waiting inside staring at me
"Let me guess wren found out you're a shapeshifter" jack says
"Yep and he had a hidden camera and he recorded everything" I say
"Oh damn tough luck" jack says
"Wait jack you knew?" wren says
"Yea I knew for a while" jack says
"Now James I want you to shift into a nice fluffy wolf" wren says
"Why?" I say
"Because i always wanted to cuddle with a wolf" wren says
"Oh god I can't believe I just heard that" jack says
"Do it James or else you're going to get exposed" wren says
"Fine I will" I say as I shift into a really fluffy wolf "I already regret my decision" i say
"Now lay on the bed" wren says
"Fine and jack i would look away or something" I say as I lay on one of the beds
"Alright man I'm just going to leave" jack says as he leaves
"Now it just you and me" wren says as he lays next to me
"This feels weird already so don't do anything weird alright" I say
"don't worry I won't" wren says
"Oh great" I say to myself