Umbra VS Rat

Like a school of fish, the Umbra pack traveled together in a tight formation. Ozul was in the rear observing their movements and learning how his species typically interact with each other.

"I should act like the rest of my species and conceal my humanity. If I stick out too much I may be targeted by monsters." The typical Umbra flew in a wave pattern always shifting from right to left as it kept the same elevation. Ozul mimicked this and soon blended in with the rest of his kin.

The hunting party traveled in silence for about twenty minutes before discovering six rodent monsters scampering around the dungeon floor. They each had thick brown fur and a long black tail with a green spiked tip. Their hideous red eyes protruded out of their wrinkly pink faces as they glanced around searching for prey. The undetected pack of Umbras spread out along the corridor blocking any escape for the rodent creatures.

Ozul felt tense as he floated to the ceiling for a better angle of attack. He practiced his bite skill as he resolved himself for the upcoming conflict. This skill would extend the range of his jaw opening it freakishly wide before biting down with tremendous force.

"This is my chance to eat and gain experience," he thought while taking deep calming breaths. After raising his confidence, he appraised the largest of his opponents.

Species: Toxic Tailed Rat

Level: 1

Experience to next level: 83/100

Health: 92

Strength: 13

Dexterity: 20

Wisdom: 10

Intelligence: 15

Species Advantages: Strong Resistance to Toxin, Strong Resistance to Poison

Skills: Bite level 1, Night Vision level 1, Claw level 1, Toxic Tail Technique level 1

Titles: None

"This Rat has already fought in battles and is close to becoming level 2. He is probably the most dangerous, so I'll target the weaker ones first."

In his human life Ozul never fought anyone. He never dealt with bullies growing up, and he was never targeted as an adult. When the Umbras collided with the unaware rats and the air erupted in screams of pain and splashes of gore Ozul momentarily froze. He feared injury and a death where he wouldn't keep his memories of the human world.

"I thought I wouldn't be afraid of death after dying once, but I have never been more fearful. I know if I die again my memories, experiences and personality will be gone forever..." Clenching his teeth he swallowed his fear. "I have to embrace my new reality!" Keeping close to the ceiling he sought out an opportunity to attack.

Dark green blood gushed from jagged bite marks on the rats as they fought the Umbras back. Thrashing with their tails and claws, creating space between themselves and their aggressors. The almost level 2 rat plunged its tail into an Umbra dissipating the wisp body and sending its black ribcage crashing to the ground. The now cautious Umbras, circled their prey snarling and shrieking like a pack of wolves. The rats kept close together with their spiked tails held high in the air ready to strike at any attacker. Ozul was creeping in the shadows above the battlefield spectating the standoff.

"This is my chance for a surprise attack, the rats don't see me," Ozul activated his bite skill while plunging into the group of rats. As he drew near the difference in their size became apparent. The rats were four feet tall and towered over his three-foot wisp body. However, by the time the startled rats saw him it was too late. Ozul targeted the weakest one's throat and bit down. A wave of blood and flesh splattered over the battlefield. After his successful kill Ozul flew away at top speed spitting out the disgusting mouthful of gore. It tasted like sucking on a penny while simultaneously biting into a sour lemon.

The five remaining rats flailed their tails at him, but he was out of reach. That one moment of distraction was all the other Umbras needed to attack. The rats who were wounded from the initial strike were quickly killed. Reducing their total number to three, but the rats killed five Umbras in the attack. Refusing to bask in the glory of his first kill, Ozul was once again on the ceiling waiting for another chance to strike.

"These monsters have 15 intelligence that's five less than the Umbra who are dumber than goldfish. The same strategy will work again if I wait for them to be distracted." As five Umbras dashed toward the remaining rats Ozul flew down towards the bloodiest of them and bit its head. Pulverizing it and filling his mouth with the most disgusting vile he had ever experienced. It was like an old, congealed vomit that spent hours baking in the sun. Stunned from the horrendous flavor Ozul's retreat was not as quick as the first time.

Seeing his brethren die the almost level 2 rat ignored the other Umbras and bit into Ozul. Pain engulfed him as the rats' teeth sunk into his ghostly body, scraping against his bones. Adrenaline rushed through Ozul as he used his bite skill chomping at the rat's back and targeting its spine. After the second bite he felt the spine snap in his mouth. Ozul tried to rip the rat's body from his own, but the rat's teeth were fastened into him.

Feeling dizzy from the pain he stopped floating for the first time since his reincarnation and hit the ground. His head spinning from the shock of his injury. Summoning his remaining strength, he used the bite skill on the rat's head. The already dead rat was crushed leaving chunks of its teeth embedded in Ozul. Laying on the floor he could hear the last rat being devoured by several Umbras. He was paralyzed by pain but managed to use the appraisal skill on himself.

Species: Disturbed Umbra

Level: 2

Experience to next level: 35/100

Health: 21/100

Strength: 12

Dexterity: 27

Wisdom: 11

Intelligence: 113

Skill Points to Assign: 3

Species Advantages: Darkness Immunity

Skills: Strong Bite level 1, Night Vision level 1, Appraisal max level

Titles: Blessed Reincarnation (Someone who a God has allowed to keep their memories from a previous life)

Curses: Your race was cursed by a god and will forever be extremely vulnerable to light.

Pushing the pain aside he grinned for the first time since dying. "I am level 2; it looks like I was right, fighting really does give experience." Laying there for a moment and fully adjusting to the shock and agony of teeth jutting out of him. He floated up and carefully bit into the protruding teeth ripping them out. It reminded him of removing splinters, a second of pain followed by relief. Looking around he saw the surviving Umbras devouring the bodies of the rats. There were nine of the twenty left alive. Even with a surprise attack and Ozul killing three of them eleven Umbras had died. Floating towards the nearest rat Ozul took his first bite of the most revolting meal of his life.