
Ozul's jaw was sore from the constant biting motion, but he continued regardless. Although Ozul had won both of his recent conflicts, he felt apprehensive. "I'm still not accustomed to fighting and I've been injured in both of my battles. Hopefully getting my bite skill to level 3 will help compensate for my lack of practical experience." Ozul sighed over the long list of things he wanted to be proficient in but felt accomplished with his achievements thus far.

The large cavern Ozul trained in hosted many Umbras. Most of which were resting, duplicating, or leaving to hunt. They recognized Ozul as defective but showed caution towards him. Umbra's kill and devour their defective members, replacing them with new Umbras who contribute to their society. However, Ozul was unusually large and fearsome looking. The Umbras were waiting for an opportune time to strike and kill him.

A level 2 Umbra, who was previously at the cave Ozul reincarnated in, entered the cavern. This Umbra's bones were riddled with scars and cracks from multiple battles. It had ventured out to hunt with a small group, but unfortunately, was unable to find prey. The level 2 Umbra immediately spotted Ozul floating near the ground biting at the air. It was initially curious as to what the Umbra was doing, but quickly disregarded the strange behavior. It sensed the other Umbras' distaste for Ozul and instinctually knew he needed to be sacrificed. The level 2 Umbra felt no emotion at this prospect. He saw an opportunity to eat Ozul and use the gained mass to replace him. Catching the attention of five other Umbras, it flew toward Ozul. The level 2 Umbra had sacrificed many of its kin in the past, but none so deformed and blissfully unaware of the approaching danger.

Ozul spent the time training by contemplating about his previous life and his reincarnation. For one of the first times, he felt excited about his new world and was accepting his Umbra body as his own. His optimistic feelings and thoughts were an unusual occurrence that he reveled in. "I wonder how rare it is for an Umbra to reach level 3. Is there a limit to my level or can I keep going forever?" Ozul considered all the unknowns while the level 2 Umbra and its pack surrounded him. He noticed their presence but was oblivious to their malice. They slowly crept towards him before shooting forward.

Shock and fear erupted in Ozul as they tore into his enlarged body. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. His human death and battles to this point did not compare to the pain and terror that engulfed him. The Umbras bit and snapped his bones dissipating sections of his wisp body. Their combined strength both immobilized and prevented him from directly biting them. Ozul's mind blurred as the unrelenting pain filled his every thought. In his desperation, Ozul lashed out biting at any Umbra who came close to his head. He bit into an Umbra that was trying to bite at his upper chest. With his increased stats and skill level Ozul crushed the Umbra's spine with a single bite. There were five Umbras remaining, three biting into him, and two others who darted around cutting off Ozul's escape.

The level 2 Umbra was shocked at the density of Ozul's bones, it was forced to bite three to four times before finally breaking one. Ozul screamed and snarled as he violently jerked his body, attempting to dislodge his attackers. The Umbras stood fast continually biting him. The onslaught felt like an eternity to Ozul, but only seconds had passed. Ozul started to feel his consciousness slip, but with his last burst of energy, he managed to break free of one of his attackers. Giving him the flexibility to bite and kill another. Ozul attempted to bite at the level 2 Umbra, but it dislodged itself from him. He knew his only chance to survive was to escape. The other Umbras floating overhead darted toward Ozul, but his higher dexterity stat gave him the advantage. He flew away at top speed dodging their attacks and headed for the closest passageway.

Up to this point, the other Umbras in the cave were spectating the fight, but they could not let Ozul flee. He was designated as food and as such, needed to provide his body as nourishment for the species. Ozul felt damaged and broken. He could feel each of the cracks and splinters in his individual bones. His lower ribs were especially ravaged, half were broken, and the others completely destroyed.

Ozul saw a large number of Umbras racing toward him from every direction. His only option was to press forward and get to the passageway. He was a few yards away when an Umbra crashed into him from above biting his spine and breaking it. The bite shattered an already damaged vertebrae, essentially snapping Ozul's body in half. It was an inhuman and practically indescribable feeling. Like half of his wisp form was engulfed in flame before numbing completely.

The level 2 Umbra caught up in an instant and positioned itself to give the final blow. Ozul laid on the ground paralyzed by pain, knowing that his second life was over. "Forced to become a monster then devoured by own kind. My life has truly been miserable." he sorrowfully lamented.

Before the level 2 Umbra could kill him, small plants emerged from the cracks in the stone and quickly spread throughout the cavern. Ozul and the other Umbras immediately recognized the plants as the illuminating vegetation. The level 2 Umbra and the others flew away at top speed toward openings high along the walls or in the ceiling. Small encompassing caves that would prevent the light from reaching them. Ozul mustered everything he had left, shrieking a painful and stubborn cry. He floated as fast as he could toward the passageway, but to his dismay, the inside of the tunnel was also full of vegetation. "The light could emerge any second," he thought while frantically searching for a place to hide.