The Alpha

Ozul killed two wolves in the baited onslaught and was ready to continue when an uproar of barks filled the cavern. A blue horned level 6 wolf prevented its kin from assaulting the crevice by biting and growling at them. This wolf's intelligence stat was high, which aided it in perceiving Ozul's trap. Being close to level 7, it influenced the pack and ended the attack. Ozul's depleted mana prevented him from employing shadow spear and killing the intuitive monster. The blue horned wolf communicated with the rest of the pack, "Stop attacking! The flying Imp has already killed nine of us, we cannot win this way!" By commanding the pack, it was taking the position of alpha and challenging the other level 6 wolves.

Furious growls erupted as the high leveled wolves stepped forward and surrounded the blue horned monster. "You are not alpha!" barked a striped wolf as it stepped towards the would-be leader. "We need an alpha now or we will continue to die. Obey me, I am the strongest!" rebutted the blue horned wolf as it used its physical enhancement ability. There were five level 6 wolves, and each coveted the leader position. However, only the strongest would become alpha. An alpha would often receive challenges for its position and if defeated, would hand over the title to the victor. This rule held no bearing for other species challenging or killing the alpha. The battles were required by wolf law to be one on one fights, the loser of which would often die. To become the true alpha, a wolf needed to battle and win against each contender. The striped wolf barked its challenge and immediately attacked.

Ozul stealthily observed the wolves and saw the ferocious fight. They both chomped at each other's head and neck while trying to gain the advantage. "Hopefully they'll all kill each other, and I'll be free," he thought. Although he was successful against the recent attacks, he was still in danger. If the wolves organized and expanded the fissure's entrance Ozul would be overwhelmed by their greater numbers. "Now that I've restored my health, I can tunnel out and escape while they're distracted." Ozul consumed the rest of the wolf heads and appraised himself.

Species: Disturbed Umbra

Level: 7

Experience to next level: 67/100

Health: 94/100

Strength: 29

Dexterity: 49

Wisdom: 26

Intelligence: 188

Points to Assign: 6

Species Advantages: Darkness Immunity

Skills: Strong Bite level 3, Night Vision level 1, Appraisal max level, Shadow Spear level 1,

Titles: Blessed Reincarnation

Curses: Your race was cursed by a god and will forever be extremely vulnerable to light.

He quickly glanced through his stats and placed four of his assignable points into wisdom and the rest into strength. Ozul was exceptionally strong for an Umbra but refused to get overconfident in his abilities. After appreciating his level ups, Ozul braced himself for the coming torture. The Umbra race was made for flying and not tunneling through stone. He shivered at the thought of digging to his freedom but had no other alternative. The crevice's exit was being watched by multiple wolves making a simple escape impossible. "I have enough health to reach the closest passageway, but it'll be hell." Taking a deep breath, Ozul began tunneling six inches above the cavern's ceiling. His increased strength assisted him, but it was a painful, slow process. Ozul's teeth cracked and chipped with each bite, forcing him to pause and recover every few feet.

The blue horned wolf stood triumphantly over its challengers, only one fight remained. The last battle was against a small black wolf with one purple and one yellow eye. Its small stature was compensated by its excellent magical proficiency and intelligence. It chose to be the last challenger, to have the greatest chance of victory against the weakened survivor. The blue horned wolf was exhausted from its previous fights and injured in several places. "You were right to stop attacking the alpha's murderer, but you're too weak to be the leader." growled the black wolf as its fur burst with energy. Its physical enhancement ability was both black and red, giving it a sinister aura. The blue horned wolf's hope plummeted as its terrifying rival slowly approached. The black wolf dashed forward and ripped through its opponent's neck.

Ozul had tunneled several yards and was reaching the end. "I'm almost there, just a little more," he thought while losing another tooth. He had lost forty-two HP in his excruciating journey and was now at 52/100. Ozul paused to stop the torturous pain and noticed an eerie silence. He could no longer hear the battling wolves in the cavern, but faint scratching sounds coming from behind him.

The new alpha of the pack had forced the lower leveled wolves to expand the fissure's entrance by jumping and biting at it. After it was large enough, the alpha sent two of the surviving challengers to ensure it was safe. They leapt into the narrow crevice and discovered Ozul missing with a long tunnel at the back of the fissure. The alpha sent two other wolves to assist them and went to the closest passageway exiting the cavern. It judged that the intruder would likely take the nearest escape route. The stabilized pack could now effectively strategize, and problem solve. "I will kill the intruder and make it suffer," thought the alpha as it waited for Ozul to appear.

The scratching noises were getting louder as the wolves closed in. "I won't make it at this rate, I need to escape, "Ozul thought while biting the ground. "When I break through to the cavern I'll dash to the exit." The earth gave way and the first thing Ozul saw was a large set of jaws.