Dr Saemon revealed

After a short commute, Daniel was back at the studios, he proceeded to walk back to walk back to David's temporary office, he had some questions that David might have the answers to. Dan hoped that David was an expert, after all David had read the book back to front, at least that's what Daniel believed. It was easy for him to believe that David had read the whole story as David owned his copy.

Daniel knocked on the window paned cedar wood door. David opened the door and shortly after a look of surprise spread fast across his face.

"I wasn't expecting you Dan. What do you want?" David stated, he was seemingly less irritated then yesterday, possibly from the medication he must be on for his injuries.

"I was wondering if you could help me figure out who Dr. Saemon is." Dan replied.

"Unfortunately, she is only mentioned in the first episode, mostly staying in the shadows, info about her is in the second book, but I don't have it with me. But I can give you information about her from 'Patient zero.'" David then proceeded to place little notes on pieces of paper and then put those pieces of paper in the book. Basically, bookmarking information that might help Daniel paint a picture of who Dr. Saemon might look like in the book and see if he could find a real-world equivalent wondering somewhere inside the studio.

Daniel opened the book to the earliest page which contained a bookmark, the bookmark indicated that Daniel should read paragraph 3. Daniel put his finger to the paper and scrolled down until he reached that specific paragraph.

After he read that passage he skipped to the next, and also last, bookmark, this one told Daniel that he should read paragraph 2.

"According to this," Daniel stated, shortly after ending his perusal. "Dr. Saemon is a female. Apparently she used to be a nurse in Vietnam, perhaps if I find a woman of similar origin, she'd probably be in all likelihood the woman we're looking for."

"If that's what you believe." David replied, no sign of a sarcastic tone could be heard in his voice, albeit a bit of reluctance could be heard. Daniel Smith proceeded to leave, he went open a quest to find the necessary information, he found a way to contact the military, who helped him out with great capacity and honour. A single name surfaced that matched his inquiries of someone who both served as a nurse in Vietnam and then became an actress.

Salma Patients, that was the one name, the one person who served as a nurse in Vietnam and also became an actress after she left. The changes that Salma was indeed going to be playing Dr. Saemon in episode two of the show based on the books was extremely high, but Daniel still needed to be absolutely certain that she was indeed the person he was searching for. He had ventured outside the studios during his quest so he now had to journey back.

Once Daniel had arrived back at the studio, he rushed as fast as he possibly could to the dressing room which belonged to Salma, once he arrived he gathered his composure and gently knocked on the door.

A younger lady than Salma answered Dan's knocking. Daniel could see not far behind this young woman was Salma sitting atop her seat with her still sad eyes glaring into his honest gaze.

"Please Mr. Smith, won't you enter? Lily, your presence is no longer needed at this current time, if you'd please, take your items and leave. I'll be fine without you by my side for a bit." Salma stated with a kind gentle voice, that still had sadness in it, albeit it was too small for Daniel to even notice it. The girl went tp collect the things that she had brought with her, which allowed Daniel to enter through the door as the young lady was no longer blocking his path. Soon after Daniel was mere centimetres away from Salma, Lily had finished packing her things and then made her egress.

"So that was Lily?" Dan inquired.

"Yes, but that is not why you are here. What am I in trouble for?"

"Nothing. I have come to you as I have received a tip."

"A tip? What was it about?"

"According to the anonymous tipster, the actress who will be playing Dr. Saemon from the second episode onward had information about an accident. I have reason to believe that the person who gave the police that message is none other then you."

"What proof have you that I made the tip? Lily could of made that call."

"Yes, generally tips are given via a telephone, but not always. I never stated how the tipster contacted us, that should be enough proof."

"Lucky guess."

"In any case, I have even more reason to believe that you are the actress who's going to play as Dr. Saemon in the second episode, and all the episodes that follow."

"I'm intrigued, proceed."

"Now it could be a coincidence, or it could be that Edgar chose you on purpose, but you did at one point serve as a nurse in Vietnam, helping solders…"

"So, is that a crime?"

"No, however, Dr. Saemon was an army nurse. Very similar to your backstory." After Daniel spoke his sentence, silence fell onto the room for almost a full minute.

"OK! OK! I have information about the accident!" She shouted almost as loud as a jet engine.

"No need to be so loud," Daniel replied, uncovering his ears from his hands. "What accident?" Suddenly the lights in the room darkened. It happened so sudden that both parties in the room fell silent. A few seconds later, before Salma could say a word more about the accident she was about to confer to Daniel about, a gunshot rang out. Soon after the lights flickered back on and the footsteps of the one who shot the gun could be heard by Daniel's ears. He looked down to see Salma was now laying atop his outstretched arms, she was bleeding from the head. Daniel's expression changed into a look of shock and horror. Even though Salma was now unconscious, Daniel could still feel her heart beating, albeit faintly. Soon Daniel himself fainted from stress.