Meeting with a Sleezeball

Daniel was now back on the ground floor of the 'Ace in the Hole' building.

Jim rushed to him expectingly. "So, do you know where that secret club is?" he inquired.

"Yep." Dan stated.

Daniel could have sworn that he saw Jim's permanent scowl slightly shift as if he was trying to make a shocked face, but to no avail, his scowl was indeed permanent. "Wow. You are the last person I'd imagine just saying 'yep,' come on. So, where is it?" Jim asked.

"I'm not sure if that is a secret that I'm allowed to divulge." Daniel replied. "But if you want to know, just use this in the elevator." Daniel stated, showing him the gift that Kevin had given him.

"I already have one of those." Jim stated, showing him the same thing Daniel had.

"But if you had one, why didn't you know where the club was or how to get there?"

"Because, I was never shown how this works or where it works, it was just something Richard gave me, he said 'you should visit me when you get the chance.'"

"Why is it that every time I hear more about Richard, the more I get the impression he was a very vague man."

"It's because he was. There are very few people I know that even know the guy better than I do, and I've been a good friend of his for a while."

"You know, I'm not sure if this is a good subject to talk about or not, but you never told me how you two became friends and how you know about Fredrick Royale."

"That is a good subject to talk about, very casual, probably why you were not that willing to ask. You are probably wondering if this has any chance of assisting your investigation. It may. So, the reason I know both of them is because I helped with the connection."

"The way you say it makes me think that perhaps the connection between the two was already there." Daniel interrupted.

"Yes, he was already a patron of the bar Fred owned when we first met."

"Correct me if I'm wrong." Daniel interrupted yet again. "But my guess is that you are responsible for transferring Richard to the bar that Fred owns, here in New York."

"Man, I don't have to say anything, and you nailed it right on the head." Jim stated with a shocked and astonished tone. "No wonder they put a number on your badge in the top 10000. They were aware of just how good of a detective you are."

"I wouldn't give myself so much credit." Daniel stated modestly. "But do you think you could take me there or will I have to pay?"

"It's no issue really. I have a few days of because of what happened. Yeah, I feel fine, but it is standard procedure to give us a break in these situations."

Daniel nodded. They both left the area and entered a standard vehicle. It was just a basic Ford vehicle, black, and second-hand.

"I hate to say this." Daniel noted. "My car is better than yours."

"I bet it is. After all, the job you had before you joined the force must have paid buckets."

"I had no idea you had knowledge of my previous career."

"Oh, come on, you are married to one of the most famous Rhombodians, of course I knew about that."

"Elizabeth is famous?" Daniel inquired.

Jim started to sweat. "Yeah. Didn't you know?"

"First time I heard of it."

She didn't tell him. Jim thought to himself. I guess I shouldn't let that cat out of the bag.

"You have become awfully silent." Daniel noted.

"Sorry, I have to focus on the road, and the directions."

"Oh, I understand."

"By the way, is Lancer on this case as well?"

"Yes, David Lancer is indeed an investigator on this case, at least that is the impression he gave me, and the lieutenant I saw kind of confirmed it. But why on Earth would you bring that up... unless." Daniel stopped talking and looked in the rear view. He saw a vehicle which he saw before, a bronze car which made its first appearance in Australia. It was David Lancer's car. "He is following us."

"Why is he following us?" Jim inquired.

"How would I know?" Daniel replied. "That man is a mystery to me."

Jim shrugged.

"But, I'm thinking…" Daniel noted. "Maybe he's coming to help? It maybe he is just heading to the same place as us, and he is unaware that I'm even in this vehicle."

But there was no more time to come up with any other alternate theories, as they had finally arrived at the location that Daniel wanted to go. David parked his vehicle behind Jim's car.

Daniel exited the vehicle and saw a surprised look upon David Lancer's face.

"Daniel, I had no idea you were in that car. Where's your car?" David asked, he then proceeded to take out a cigarette.

"It's on Rhombodian still. Also, don't you think that's a bad habit?" Daniel replied as Jim started driving off.

"These are cigarettes created by magicians, basically they give you the benefits of a normal cigarette but without any negatives. I also have candy cigarettes." David replied.

"Aren't those banned?" Daniel inquired.

"Not in Darkrun." David replied.

"It must have been hard to have obtain them."

"So, I guess you'd like to discuss the case."

"If possible. Do you have information you'd like to share with me?"

"Well, that box you found at the crime scene, the object that came from the box has finally been identified. It was a rare golden letter opener. Apparently, the certificate was from a time before they put the name of the items on said certificates. Makes you wonder why such a time existed."

"Enough about the certificate. I'm just thinking that it's rather odd that the only thing taken from the place was the letter opener."

"Yeah. I had the same thoughts honestly. I mean, there was a display case full of expensive watches that was unscathed, and there were shoeboxes with jewellery in them, and not the fake stuff."

"Maybe he didn't take it to indicate robbery, maybe he took it because he had no other choice."

"Hey, yeah. That's good thinking there. He had to take it with him… but… why?"

"Are you seriously asking? I thought for a moment we were on the same page for a moment."

"Slow your roll. Not everyone can think at the same extraordinarily fast pace as you. If you just gave me a few more moments, I'd actually know the answer."

"So, would you like me to give you the answer, or have you figured it out?"

"I got it!" David snapped his finger for emphasis. "He left with the letter opener because it was a precious article to him!"


"Ok, what's the answer."

"Well, considering the fact that the drawer was upturned at the scene of the crime suggests that the victim wasn't really expecting an attack, or at least an attack like the one that was struck against him. I believe that he was already being strangled or in the middle of a confrontation with his killer at the time. Once he removed the drawer he quickly grabbed the letter opener out of its box and with whatever strength he had, he stabbed his killer with the letter opener. Now the killer had to take the letter opener with him for the sole reason of not leaving any trace of himself at the scene of the crime."

"Man, if you say 'it's elementary Watson,' I'll barf."

"I am not at all similar in the slightest to Sherlock Holmes."

"Right, but you both wear woolly hats."

"My hat looks nothing like the headpiece Sherlock sports. Now it seems this discussion has gone off track. I though for sure that you wanted to go into the bar that Fred Royale owns and operates so we can speak to the big boss or not."

"Sorry. I get easily distracted when I don't have a cigarette in my mouth."

"Will they even let you in?"

"I haven't had an issue with taking cigarettes anywhere since I got the magical version. They are very obviously fake and whenever people see them, they say nothing. Some have said that they could literally small the magic from the smoke."

Daniel shrugged and entered the Bar before David. David followed behind, a new cigarette was in his mouth.

As they walked in a bouncer was about to stop David and they said. "Woah sir… oh wait… that's a magic cigarette isn't it?"

"Yes sir, it is."

"Sorry. It looked like a real one at first. Proceed as you wish."

"I know I have no leeway here." Daniel noted. "But by any chance can we make an appointment with the bar owner, Fred Royale?"

"Hey, officer." The bouncer stated addressing David as he was in uniform under his overcoat and his FORMAL badge was attached clearly to his overcoat, so it was easy to see that he was indeed an officer of the law. "We ain't doing anything illegal here, okay. If you could please hide your uniform better and remove the badge so you don't scare folks, it would be much appreciated."

The bouncer turned to Daniel. "We also don't like Feds either."

Daniel removed his badge from the side of his belt and showed it to the bouncer. "Actually, I'm with the EPD." Daniel stated.

"Oh, and I suppose Mr. Rodgers permits you to prance around in casual attire like you own a mansion." The bouncer remarked.

"Yes he does." Daniel replied and he chuckled.

The bouncer only responded with a stale face. "Fine, whatever. Listen if I hear anyone ask why you're here, you're the ones who do the explaining. I'm also aware that you Rhombodians like to have things on the record and have cameras and such in your badges. Please make sure that nothing you record tonight, unless truly illegal, gets out."

"Our badges represent owner, under no circumstances would we use the power invested in us by the Rhombodian government for misdeeds as doing so makes the public unhappy, and their happiness is to be held above others." David stated, hitting his chest with his right arm, like a solder.

"Wow." Daniel stated. "I'm surprised you were able to recite the FORMAL pledge word for word after all the time you have served with the force."

"Have you not heard? I thought you'd know that I've been in the force for just over two years. Besides it's on my placemat." David replied.

"Oh, you have a house." Daniel stated.

"Yeah, it's in Argentina. Now look who's getting distracted."

"My apologies." Daniel turned toward the bouncer. "So, are we still getting an appointment with Fred?"

"He's right over there, he's the dark-haired guy with the piercing blue eyes that anybody would fall for, including men, so watch yourself."

"Is he bi?" David asked.

"He is only ever interested in the ladies. I'm just warning you just in case his eyes convince you to convert your sexuality."

"Man." Daniel stated. "This got deeper then I ever expected."

"Well, life is deep sometimes, deal with it."

"So over there?" Daniel gestured toward a man who perfectly fitted the description that the bouncer gave them.

"That's him. Well, I have a job to return to, I'll speak to you fellows later, or never again. I do what I feel like." Just like that, the bouncer went back to his station.

Daniel and David went over to Fred. They immediately noticed that he had his left hand was bandaged.

"Are you Fred Royale." Daniel inquired.

"Yeah, who's asking." Fred replied with some venom in his voice.

"We don't want to alarm you, but I'm detective Lancer, and this is detective Dan Smith."

"Hey, Casandra, bring that fine ass over here and refill my beer." Fred stated, waving around an empty beer glass.

"Screw you." She spoke.

Fred laughed from his belly and he slammed the empty glass on the table, "she's my feistiest waitress."

"You are both disgusting and despicable." Daniel stated.

"Whatcha gonna do about it? Arrest me? I own this place. I have done nothing Illegal."

"You mean 'nothing we can prove.'" Daniel replied.

Fred just laughed and hit one of his lady friends beside him on the back. "You believe this guy? 'Nothing we can prove.' Priceless." He laughed even more. "I ain't afraid of no FORMAL badges. I'm afraid of you as much as I'm afraid of beer, WHICH HAS YET TO BE REFILLED."

"Would you like me to get you one sir?" Asked the lady on his left.

"No, Malinda, that's what the help is for. Hey, if you'd like extra pay and a job tomorrow, you'd get me a beer yesterday, Casandra!"

Casandra, who was a young, beautiful lady with a big bosom came up to the table in front of Fred. She had blonde hair and emerald green eyes and she looked like she'd been through the ringer. She placed a new glass of beer on the table and took the old one away with a curtsy. She then stood up and stated. "Don't you dare threaten my job. If I have to report a pig like you to the labor board, I will."

Casandra was off.

"Your levels of depravity astound both of us." Daniel stated, with David nodding his head slowly in agreement, being careful to keep his precious cigarette in his lips.

Fred laughs again. "So, 'gentlemen,'" he said with heavy air quotes. "Why have you come to my table, I know it isn't because you came to inform on how despicable my actions are. So, what gives."

"We have a few questions." David stated.

"You don't mind me drinking while answering them, do you?"

"Not at all." Daniel replied. "You're free to do as you wish, as long as you don't let us catch you driving while intoxicated."

Fred laughed yet again. "As if, do I look that stupid?"

"No, but alcohol does do some crazy things to the human mind." Daniel stated curtly.

Fred waved dismissively. "So what's the first question you have for me?"

"That's the first time you have spoken somewhat sincerely." David noted. "We'd like to ask you about your hand first and foremost. How'd it get injured?"

"After returning from a ski trip, I was packing away my ski poles, one of them decided to go through my hand after falling down from where I put it." He replied, burping. The sickly smell of beer breath flooded the nearby area and made David, Daniel and the two women beside Fred wince in discuss.

"Would you show us your injury, it looks like it's wrapped pretty tight."

"Hell no! Have you guys heard of HIPPA? Come on, you know you'd need my permission to look at my wound, and I'm not going to give it. If you really want to see how messed up my hand is, then bring a warrant. I know my rights!" Fred took a deep sip of his beer.

"Fair point. What is your relationship with a man named Richard Yates?" Daniel asked.

"Him? You know, I never liked him. Do you know what is worse than a cheater? A cheater who knows how to get away with it."

"So you know about those rumours too?" David stated.

"Of course, I do. Richard is a cold, calculating individual. He knows how not to get turned away or banned from a casino. Some days he takes half my profit. It sucks. I'm surprised though."

"Why's that?" David asked.

Fred shrugged. "Because he is yet to show his face today. I'm pretty certain he ordered Jim Talent to pick him up today."

"Well, I have some terrible news. You are probably wondering why we brought up the subject of Richard Yates."

"Hang on. I know my bouncer asked that you don't instil fear into my patrons, but may I have a quick look at your badge." Fred stated, with an open hand.

David placed his badge firmly into Fred's hand so he could inspect it. "Homicide? Are you saying Richard is dead?"

David took his badge back and examined it to see if Fred had 'accidentally' disabled the microphone and camera.

"You don't seem remotely surprised." Daniel noted.

"I can't say he didn't have it coming. When you take half the profit of casinos, you are bound to make a lot of enemies. He was dooming himself basically."

"Is that really what you think?"

"I know I'm drunk as all heck. But believe when I say I know he had enemies, I was one of them after all, but I ain't the one who killed him, and you can't say I did without concrete evidence." Fred stated. "Now is that all you got to say, cause I still got a long night ahead of me." He stated shaking his lady friends so that their boobs would jiggle.

"You make us both want to barf." David stated with an obvious tone of anger. "Come on Daniel, let's get out of here before one of us does something we will both regret."

"I agree."

David and Daniel started walking away. As soon as they got out of earshot of Fred, David turned to Daniel. "That asshole is definitely the person we're looking for."

"In my opinion, I'd have to say that you have a really high chance of being correct, however, without proof we can't do anything to him."

"You sure about that. Can we at least get him for sexual misconduct?"

"Unlikely, that would have to be reported, and may I remind you that he is the head honcho. Nobody would dare touch him with a ten kilometre pole."

David nodded in agreement.

"So, now what?" Daniel finally asked after a few moments of silence form David.

"We haven't learnt the time of death, but as soon as we do, we're going to review the camera footage for said time and ask people if they witnessed anything." Stated David.

"That's a good plan. Hopefully we'd get news soon, any witnesses within the hotel may have their shifts ending soon and we might not get the chance to talk to them until tomorrow." Daniel replied.

"Don't panic. Autopsies don't usually take too long. We should have news regarding the body soon enough."

Daniel nodded. "So are we going to head back to the hotel, you know, until we get more news?"

"Of course, we are." David said. "What, did you think I'd drive you all the way to Hollywood?" He laughed.

So David and Daniel hopped into David's car. Even though they were heading to the hotel which held the scene of the crime, Daniel couldn't help but feel a burning sensation in the back of his mind. There was still one mystery nagging at the back of his head. He had forgotten to question Fred on the mysterious card that Richard Yates was so fond of. Would he have even known what it was, or what it symbolised? Things were still uncertain. But Daniel felt that if he could at least figure out the meaning behind the card, then the whole mystery would unravel. But for now, only time could tell.