The Last Square + Aftermath

Mikey's Mansion, Everleason, 2: 45P.M

Nathan parked the car out front of Mikey's mansion. There was only one other car in the parking lot. Daniel exited Nathanial's car and knocked on the door.

A short middle-aged man opened the door, his hair was starting to grey and he was wearing a shiny silver tuxedo. He had a shiny gold tie around his neck, and his sleeves had diamond blue buttons that were shaped like rhombuses.

"Sorry sir, master Shockmann is out at the moment, please come back at a later time." The man stated as he started closing the door.

Daniel held the door open. "Actually, we came to speak to Mr. Walter Butley. Are you him?"

"Yes. I am Mr. Walter Butley, the butler. Yes, I stupidly decided to choose a career that matched my surname. But what on Rhombodian would you want from me?" Walter asked.

"Information. I believe you can help us with a mystery." Daniel announced.

"Well, come in, just don't make too much of a mess."

Daniel and Nathanial entered the mansion and Walter led them passed the pool area and they went to a glass table and sat on the silver-coloured chairs beside the table.

"So, what is this all about. There's only one police case I was involved with and they already know who did it, they still haven't caught the maniac."

"Do you know who it is?"

"The police won't say his name, he's a serial killer apparently."

"The case you were involved in, the one responsible is the person we are after."

"I see. But how can I help with that?" Walter asked with curiosity. He went over and made some hot drinks.

"Well, there is something curious. We believe our killer is following a certain pattern, but when he killed his second victim the pattern broke, we want to know why."

"I don't know what I can say to help you with that." Walter admitted.

"Well, looking at the maps we used to establish the pattern the first knight, a red one, was found beside the staircase."

"Actually Daniel, that piece was found inside the chessboard." Nathanial elaborated. "Walter already told us three years ago that he found a piece and he thought that it was one from the chess set so he moved it there, it was painted with a layer of a paint that was very easy to peel off."

"How long have you been sitting on that information?"

"Sorry. You never asked." Nathanial replied.

"Walter, did you tell them where you found that piece?" Daniel asked.

"They never thought to. Do you have the maps?" Walter asked.

"Yes. I have the map of the house you worked in three years ago." Daniel stated and showed him the map. Nathanal gave Daniel an angry stare.

Walter pointed at a certain square. "That's where I found it."

Daniel's eyes shined. "The knight can go to that square!"

"I beg your pardon?"

"My apologies, something only me and my friend understand." Daniel noted. "Nathanial, get up. Let's get going. I know where Simon will strike next and who hired him."

Nathanial got up with an inquisitive look on his face. "That's a rather big assumption, are you sure about this?"

"Yes. Let's get back to the Calamas' place before he kills again."

Nathanial nodded and they went into Nathanial's car and they went off back to the Calamas' house.

Calamas' residence, Goldberg, 3:14 P.M

Daniel and Nathanial exited the car and looked for Aliester, they quickly spotted him. "Aleister!"

"Daniel, is there something wrong?"

"No, everything is right."

"You figured it out, didn't you?"

"I think I did. Get the rest of your crew and bring them to the attic. I think my explanation will explain everything."

"That is what explanations are for." Nathanail noted.

Aleister gathered the rest of his crew and they all went into the attic. It felt cramped.

"So, what do you think the pattern is, great detective Smith?" Louis asked, she was the only female on the team, she was blonde and young and beautiful, it was sad to watch her hair bounce around picking up a lot of dust in the attic.

"The knights journey." Daniel stated.

Kevin, the last member of the Marvin squad, the shortest of them all, shook his head. "No, impossible. Other detectives thought of that but the pattern breaks at move 6 for the knight's journey."

"Well, about that." Daniel elaborated. "I have a way to explain that away."

Kevin and Louis both huffed derisively. Aleister perked up his eyebrow with curiosity.

"So," Aleister stated. "What is your explanation?"

"Simon repainted some of his knights with a paint that was easy to remove, and he put them someplace that fit the pattern." Daniel stated.

"Right," Nathanial added. "People saw those knights and since there were chessboards in the household, they naturally believed that they originated from the chessboards in question and placed them in there. We never bothered asking who moved the pieces or where they were found, and the only time we knew about those pieces is when someone admits to moving them."

"That doesn't explain everything still. Even though the pattern continues if the pieces that were moved by someone else fit the pattern before they were moved, the pattern would break again at move 12." Kevin added.

"How would you explain that one?" Louis stated with a cocky smile.

"He restarted the pattern starting on a different square. If you can solve the puzzle starting in the top left corner, then the knight's journey could be solved from any square, the pattern would look different." Daniel stated.

Aleister nodded. "Okay that adds up. But there is still one thing that is left unexplained."

"Yeah. Daniel, if you would explain." Nathanial added.

"You are talking about the latest victim, right?" Danial asked.

"Yes. The knight was found in the same room and the murder weapon disappeared." Aleister stated.

"Well, that's because the latest victim wasn't murdered, and it wasn't suicide either. Think about it. Simon moves the murder weapon, sure, but never does he ever remove the murder weapon completely, unless the poison in the glass wasn't something deadly, it was something that would make us think that Andrew was dead. If we found the glass and checked for poison then we'd know that he never died."

"Okay. But why would Simon take him away from the hospital?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, explain that one." louis added.

"Simon George is a hired killer who only kills big families in order to make it easier for him to create his pattern. There is a good reason why Andrew falls outside the pattern. It's the same reason why Simon assisted in getting Andrew out of the morgue. Andrew hired Simon George so that after he killed the whole family, he can reveal that he was alive the whole time and he would inherit everything. The colour of the first knight you found after Abagail was murdered was green, the colour of greed."

Aleister nodded. "That all adds up. So, using all of your information plus the maps we have, we can now know for certain which square his next victim will be killed on. He will lure them there, but this time we will be ready."

Louis and Kevin were beyond shocked. After three long years they finally had him cornered, was this finally the moment they have been waiting for? They had to wait a long time to find out, but everything was about to come to an end.

11:59 p.m

The night was yet another silent night, with only the crickets chirping. It wasn't long until the next victim will meet their demise, or will they? Simon was already in the house, he walked past the staircase and headed into the library. Veronica Calamas was standing there. She didn't hear Simon. Simon lifted his gun and fired, exactly on the stroke of midnight. The clock upstairs toned as the gun went off. He was punctual.

Daniel taps Simon on the shoulder.

Simon turned and saw Daniel. Simon was slightly taller than Daniel and he had some resemblance to James Goldan.

"That was a good shot, Simon. It's too bad you missed." Daniel stated.

Simon opened the gun chamber and showed it to Daniel. There were only blanks in it.

"I only needed one bullet tonight. But yes, I know I missed. That there isn't Veronica, it was just a manikin, dressed just like her." Simon noted.

"If you knew, then why did you shoot her?"

"You know why. But you finally did it. You figured out my pattern, and I thank you."

"You're thanking him." Aleister interjected.

"Yes. For three years I had to suffer as much as the ones I killed did, suffer as much as those who loved them did, and now I'm finally free of that burden thanks to Daniel Smith. I owe you a great debt Dr. Smith." Simon George hugged Daniel.

"But I have one question. Why did you make it so hard for us to capture you?" Aleister inquired.

"Have you heard of CORE?" Simon asked.

"CORE?" Daniel asked.

"Criminal Organisation of Renegades and Evildoers." Aleister explained.

"That's stupid." Daniel noted.

"It was just CORE before someone made it an acronym." Nathanial explained.

"That explains a lot." Daniel stated. "But why would you mention CORE, Simon?

"They were making threats toward me. They said if I don't keep killing for money, then they would put my mother through a load of pain. I saw videos of others watching the ones they love be tortured. I didn't want to see my mother tortured so I followed along. But now I've been captured, I feel free."

"So, Simon? What will you do now? You aren't really free."

"Don't worry Dan. I don't hate you. You and I are friends for life now. I'm going to make a deal. Daniel, do you know why CORE sook me out?"


"Because I am a murderer. The first killing I did was my girlfriend and the man she cheated on with. I killed them out of a broken heart. I will make a deal with the district attorney. I will give away the names of everyone who hired me, excluding Andrew since you already know he hired me."

"You were listening in on us?" Daniel inquired with shock.

"Yes, as I was saying I would also give out the name of the CORE member that blackmailed me, in exchange I will only be tried for my original crime."

"Well Simon, I wish you good luck."

"Oh, and one more thing." Simon added. "James can't be the judge for my case due to conflict of interest."

"You're his son, right?" Daniel asked.

"That's right. He had a one-night stand with my mother. He was never there for me, but at least he helped in my life. I just wish it didn't go the way it did."

"Well, I just hope from now on it will be smooth sailing for you." Daniel stated with a smile.


Simon made a deal with the D.A. and they agreed. All the names of the people who hired him were revealed and the name of the one who blackmailed him was revealed. They were all arrested for their crimes. Simon also gave all the ill-gotten cash he received from the corrupt people to the police. The only crime Simon was charged for was his original crime. Since it was a special case, they sentenced him to a psychical ward instead of to jail. Simon would stay there until the doctors believe he is ready to face society again.

In the end all the rest of the Calamas family thanked Daniel. Simon kept in contact with Daniel. Daniel was happy to respond. Daniel really did feel like he and Simon were friends. It was if the bad things he had done were now a distant memory. Daniel would not judge Simon's character by his past. Daniel knew Simon was now on a good path and he wouldn't murder again so he wouldn't disappoint Daniel.