The Great Dear Diary

Detective Dan and Dr. Draconias Myth in

Big Deadly City

"Why did he have to be in the title?" ~ Dan



Dear Diary

I am the great, magnificent, and eloquent Dr. Draconias Myth! I was yet again involved in yet another incident in the great city of Arkihimious. I was not accused of the crime in question; however, I was introduced to the fantastical Dr. D. S. Smith. Of course, I speak to you dear diary after Daniel had come to the solution of the case, so I could tell you now who the criminal was, however that would not be as interesting. It all started on the 'look like someone else' day in Arkihimious, the 14th of July, every year. I personally was not there, but Daniel's deduction was quite on the mark as usual. But let me tell you the events as the started on that day from the point of view of Lila Protuve.

Mayoral Tower, secretary's desk, Arkihimious, Cascoss, July 14th, 2006*, 12:00 P.M

*approx. July 14th, 2006, Australian date.

Lila Protuve is a 25-year-old lady. Young, naïve, and beautiful; she was not yet aware of what was about to happen. I wish I could give you a good description of what she looked like, but it would be pointless telling you on this day. As set up in my diary, today was 'look like someone else day.' So, of course she did not look like herself today. She personally told us the course of events herself, so when we conversed with her, there will be some details removed because all the information that we gathered for the order of events will be in this section of our great tale.

So, as I was saying, Lila was currently dressed as Drew Archive, the mayor's right-hand man, or as some would say, the mayor's assistant. Drew at the time was dressed as Lila, something the police noted on day one. How they never figured out this mystery was beyond me, the AKPD (Arkihimious Police Department) typically solve crimes in less than 1 week. Trust me, I was a witness in 20 of the last fifty incidents that occurred, including some dreadful murders which were easy enough to deal with that I did not need to request Daniel's help.

Anyway, I am rambling, you must hate filler. So, Lila was sitting at her desk, typing away I believe, since she never elaborated on what she was doing at the time. When the time I mentioned above (12:00P.M) happened, when that occurred, Lila heard a call from the office.

"Feral Ferox? What are you doing here!" Drew yelled out, so Lila claimed. Those were the only words she heard at that time and when she entered Drew's office, she found him lying on the floor, his chair had fallen over and a pair of scissors that used to be on Drew's desk was now in Drew's chest. It was then that she realized that the words that she heard from Drew's mouth were his last. She sobbed.

Then, as if on cue, I traipsed merrily on the scene with nary a care in the world when I heard Lila's sobbing from within the mayor's assistance's room.

My merriment vanished upon the moment I realized that Drew had perished.

"What on Rhombodian occurred here." Said I, not in those exact words, but the words I wish I said instead of whatever I uttered. Those words that I really said are lost to me, somewhere deep in the lake of my memories.

"Drew has been murdered, oh great, powerful, elegant, and handsome Dr. Draconias Myth." She replied. Again, these are the words I heard, not the words she spoke. Only I, the great, eloquent, handsome, and famous Dr. Draconias Myth would ever refer to myself in such a manor.

So, off I went I did, and called the police did I.

They came and thanked me for informing them of such a crime. They even threw me a parade.

Uh... Hello prologue, yes, I was supposed to end you at the last paragraph, but Dan found out about what I was writing and yanked my ear until I told you the truth. They did not throw a parade for me, they suspected me. "Wherever Drake goes, there is sure to be trouble." Is what they say. I am sorry for lying to you dear prologue, I know that you are just a concept to help kickstart a story, but I do hope you forgive me regardless.

Yours truly

The great, handsome, and trustworthy Dr Draconias Myth.