The Greats Were Blind, But Now They See + The Great Aftermath

AKPD, 1:59 P.M

Daniel and Draconias entered the Colonel's office.

"Daniel and Drake!" Argyle exclaimed. "What are you guys doing here?"

"My name is the great and..."

"Yeah, yes, the great and blah blah blah Dr. Draconias Myth. We know, we know." Argyle spoke.

"One does not simply interrupt the great and magnificent Dr Draconias Myth, isn't that correct Daniel?"

"Apparently it is illegal to interrupt Draconias." Dan announced.

"Well," Argyle began. "We have the results back from the lab, the fox fur belonged to, no surprise, Ferolian Ferox, someone we knew had a flawless alibi."

Dan sat on a chair beside the wall.

"I think the culprit could be the victim's wife. She is to inherit four hundred million dollars if she is not guilty."

"Well Drake," Argyle said sternly, "why did she become so distraught that she fell off the roof after we told her the sad news?"

"I don't know, anyone would do anything for that much money."

Argyle waved his hand dismissively as he sat behind his desk. "Ok, how about the cameras and how did she get the fur there, she isn't tall enough."

"She could have used a stool from somewhere else and she used to work there so she might have known about a blind spot that the camera had."

"How did she sneak up on the mayor?"

"I don't know."

"See, Dan! Tell him that she isn't guilty."

"I don't know." Dan said. "There could be a way that she is guilty, but I do believe she isn't."

"Huffs am I the only one here that believes that she is guilty?"

"Obviously, that is the case. If you think she is guilty then you should prove it, Drake." Argyle retorted.

"I'm just a fantastical and observant scientist, I only watch foxes, I wouldn't know how to prove one is guilty."

"Draconias," Daniel exclaimed. "You didn't even realise that she was even a suspect until you read your notes, and now that you have you are determined to put her in jail for a crime she may not have committed."

"Daniel, wasn't it you who said that if the fox fur turned out to be a dead end, which it did, we'd go to confront her?"

Daniel sighed. "I did say that."

"Daniel, how could you, that lady is innocent and young. She wouldn't have done it; I can't fathom a world in which she did do it." Argyle announced.

"I'm sorry Argyle. But I can't break the promise that I made, no matter how much I don't like it." Dan elaborated.

"Well, if you're going to confront her, make sure you get her confession on tape, not on your badge as that evidence would be thrown out. I'll get a constable to hand you a recording device on the way out."

Daniel and Draconias left, Draconias smiled as if he knew that he was right, that he knew that there could be no other solution. But Daniel knew with all his heart that Cassidy didn't do it. It couldn't have been her. Daniel had to hope with all his heart that he would bump into the answer.

Dan and Draconias left the AKPD and began walking back toward Drew's house.

"So, Dan, how does it feel to be outmatched by the great, brilliant, smart and compelling Dr Draconias Myth?"

"You haven't outmatched me yet." Dan said with a frown.

"What do you mean?"

"I haven't found it yet, but I'm certain that there must be another plausible answer."

"Why can't you just accept the most simple and straightforward solution?" Draconias noted with a pout.

"Because not all crimes can be solved with Occam's razor."

"Well, I believe this one can, she hid all the evidence so that we must force her to admit that she is guilty!" Draconias added triumphantly.

Suddenly Daniel bumped into a short 40-year-old lady by the name of Crystal Myres.

"Oh sorry." Crystal said. She was a dirty blonde-haired person with no grey in sight. Her face was almost symmetrical, and her lipstick was a little off. Her makeup was worn in such a manner that it was if she couldn't see what she was doing. Her eyes were a beautiful sky-blue. Her outfit was dark blue and there were a few stains on it. She had a small bosom. She was holding a walking cane. "I'm blind and I can't see."

"That's okay mam, I should have been looking where I was going."

"It's fine mam." Draconias added eloquently. "You know the mayor's aid was somewhat like you, he couldn't see people's faces so he mays as well have been blind."

"That's right." Dan added. "He was face blind."

Suddenly Daniel figured out the other answer to the mystery. Daniel sighed a sigh of disappointment.

"What's the matter Daniel?"

"I just solved the mystery." Dan replied.

"Why do you say it so sadly?"

"It wasn't you." Dan began walking back toward the AKPD.

"Should I take that as an insult?" Draconias shouted out before following him.


AKPD, 2:04 P.M

Constable Racheal Leopard saw Dan and Draconias enter. She looked like the human version of her last name, her cloths hair and makeup reflected that, her eyes were emerald. She was surprised to see them return so fast.

"Constable Racheal!" Dan exclaimed.

"What seems to be the matter?" Racheal inquired.

"Can you do some research on Lila Protuve."

"Lila Protuve? But she can't possibly be guilty, the camera gives her an alibi."

"I'm aware of that, Draconias." Dan noted with impatience. "I think that she is the key."


"Think about it. The mayor's aid was once Ferolian Ferox, but he was replaced by Drew, why?"

"How would I know; I came here only four months ago and that happened before I came."

"It was because the mayor and Drew had the exact same condition. They are both face blind."

"You can't be serious. Even if that were true we can't get that evidence because that information is protected by Rhombodian's version of HIPPA."

"Gary got to the office before his aid or secretary, so he would have no idea that they had swapped places. His plan was to lure her into that room by using Drew's voice and kill her."

"I still don't understand."

"I saw a photo of Ferolian, and he doesn't wear glasses, and you heard what the mayor said about his glasses, expensive and distinct."

"Oh, now I get it. He couldn't have worn those glasses because Drew would have not been afraid, he would have known it was the mayor, but because the mayor was also face blind, he thought that Drew was Lila and killed him because he couldn't see his face. But why would the mayor want to kill Lila?"

"We're about to find out."

"I have her file up, what do you need to know?" Racheal asked.

"Was her mother and the mayor ever in the same place at the same time?" Dan asked.

Racheal did some typing. "Yes, over twenty-five years ago."

"The mayor is married. Is the lady he is married to now married to him back then?"

"Yes, he'd been with his wife for five years up to that point and he's still married to her now."

"Now I understand why he wanted Lila dead; she is the result of an extra-marital affair. I'm going to talk to the colonel to get some confirmation, and then you and I are going to spring a little trap."

"Squeals this is the best part!"


Mayor's office, 7:00 P.M

Daniel knocks on the door.

"Come in." Gary announced.

Daniel and Draconias entered. Gary had his glasses on the table.

"Ah, Daniel, and Draconias. I was surprised when you wanted to meet me so late."

Draconias approached the desk.

"Gary, we just wanted you to identify some pictures for us." Daniel said through an Auditorium crystal to make it sound like his voice was coming from where Draconias was standing. Draconias put two pictures on the mayor's desk, copies of the pictures that Ferolian showed Daniel earlier. The pictures had been edited so that only the faces of the individuals were visible, and all their key features had been blacked out.

As Daniel had predicted, the mayor hovered his special glasses over his eyes. He looked at the first picture. "This is Beryl, the rockstar." He picked up the other picture, "This is the killer, Ferolian Ferox. What is this all..." He tilted his head upwards and he moved back in his chair a bit in shock. "Draconias? But if you are here then that means." The mayor looked at the tall figure in the corner to see Dan's face. Daniel and Draconias had disguised themselves as each other and upon realising this he put his glasses down.


"How did you know?"

"I wasn't sure until Draconias reminded me that your aid couldn't see faces. Your old aid said you met him at a place that helped people who have issues seeing, they accept people who are face blind, partially blind or fully blind. You hired him because, like the colonel said, you two were like father and son. You had the exact same condition, and we just proved it."

The mayor stood up and went over to a large potted plant and put his hand against his face. "Lila could have ruined my marriage if she knew I was her father, that I cheated on my wife so she could exist. She was my target all along. I had no idea that Drew dressed up as her, and I didn't realise it until his wig fell off. Then I knew it would have become impossible to kill her without letting everyone know that I did it, as the police would want to know why someone killed her. The plan was to kill her, knock out Drew then disguise her as Drew. I even set up a hidden tape so that I would have a recording of Drew implicating Ferolian. Drew was never supposed to die."

"Then, how did you prevent Lila from knowing it was you?"

"My costume was designed to come off in seconds just in case Draconias showed up, since I knew he was coming that day, and I put the costume behind this very plant." He touched the plant with the hand he wasn't covering his face with. He turned to face Daniel. "But what are you going to do now Daniel, you can't arrest me."

"No, I can't, but he can."

Draconias placed a pair of handcuffs on Gary. "I'm placing you under citizen's arrest for the murder of Drew Archive and plotting to kill Lila Protuve, there is an officer outside and he will read you your rights." Draconias started pushing him along.

"Daniel Smith! You will regret this." Gary said with some anger. "As for you Draconias, I don't know why Daniel doesn't like you, but I'm pretty sure you deserve it."

Daniel shook his head and smiled.


AKPD 8:00 P.M

Argyle was crunching some numbers. "Okay, Daniel, with all said and done, you owe us..." Racheal does a drum roll. "$2300."

Dan looked at Draconias.

Draconias wrote two checks, one for the colonel and one for Daniel.

Dan looked at his check. "$500 RHD? But I didn't work for long enough to earn this much."

"Just keep the change." Draconias stood up and picked up his suitcase.

"Oh, I was going to ask you why you had that, Drake." Argyle said.

"Oh?" Draconias spoke, lifting his suitcase a little higher. "I'm going to the Arbarnok forest, this place is far too big, and I do not want to cause you any more trouble."

"Finally. Our troubles have ended." Argyle said.

Everyone in the room laughed.


So, that was our entire tale dear diary. The mayor's wife was informed of the mayor's plot, and she divorced him, and he lost everything. The mayor was sentenced to 55 years in Arkihimious prison. They say that he won't be able to run for office after release. As for my new friend Daniel? I have not yet heard from him. I believe he is ignoring my correspondence, but the reason eludes me. Anyway, I do hope you enjoyed my tale of the big deadly city, dear diary.

Yours truly

The great and wonderful Dr Draconias Myth.