An Allergy and a Ghost

11:28 A.M

Daniel drove along the calm roads. It took about fifteen minutes, but it still felt like quite a short drive. They soon arrived at 2796 Ventura Avenue. The Sonama county coroner's office.

For some reason, David Lucrane's car was parked in the lot. They had no idea why he was here, but it was obvious that he left the villa during the time Damien was journeying back to Daniel. It was impossible to know just how long it had been since David arrived, but they knew that he had not yet left.

Damien and Daniel entered the coroner's office and asked the person behind the counter where they could find the person who performed the autopsy on Peter's lifeless body. The lady there informed them with extremely detailed directions to where they can find him.

During their walk, they spotted David Lucrane heading out.

"Mr Lucrane, we saw your car outside." Damien spoke. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to say goodbye to my brother. The plan is to have a closed casket funeral, so this was my last chance to say goodbye to his face before it gets locked behind a large piece of wood." David retorted. He then walked off. He was gone before either Dan or Damien could inquire anything further.

Dan believed that that exchange that Damien and David just had been rushed... too rushed. Daniel wondered if was telling the truth about wanted to see his brother's lifeless face one last time. He was beginning to have some suspicions, and he had to wonder what this all could mean.

David's behaviour was not Dan's concern, all he wanted was to see the autopsy report. If the report stated that the cause of death was natural then Daniel and Damien tell Diane and head home; however, if the death was unnatural then the two detectives would have to investigate further.

At last, they arrived at Dr Everett Lake's office. The man who investigated Peter's body. They knocked on his office door, which was titanium white.

Everett opened the door. He was 185cm tall and with slick black hair that had a very distinct shine. His lab coat was so white it almost blinded the two men even with the lights being dimmer than the streetlights would be at night. He wore a shirt that was as blue as the sky beneath the coat and a tie that was blacker than a moonless night in the heart of the brightest city. His pants were navy blue with a dark maroon belt that had a shiny belt made of the finest stainless steel. He opened the door wider upon noting that these men were members of the EPD and let them through.

"Hello gentlemen, cutting it kind of close, aren't we?" Everett stated in a deep voice and with a hearty laugh. "Anyway, how can I assist you before I go on break in a few minutes?"

"Well doctor, we were hoping to obtain a copy of the autopsy report pertaining to one Peter Lucrane." Dan stated with a polite tone.

"Certainly, Dr Smith, I'll print off a copy for you right now, it will only take a minute after all." Everett replied. He went over to his chair in front of his office computer and pressed a few keys and then the printer in the room began to whirr as it came to life. A copy of the autopsy report begun to be printed.

When the printer had completed its job, Everett took the autopsy report and passed it to Daniel. Dan took it politely and began to read through it. As he read it a sudden surprised look appeared upon Dan's face.

"Is this report accurate?" Daniel inquired; Damien took the report from Daniel's hands to see why he would make such an inquiry. He too noticed the oddity and understood just how massive of a contradiction the paper presented, as they discussed the details of Peter's mysterious death during the car ride here.

"Yes," Everett replied during Damien's examination of the report. "I checked over Peter myself, and what you see on that piece of paper are my results."

"This is impossible! According to this report he died from a severe allergic reaction; however, that information doesn't match up with the statements that we've gathered from the witnesses."

This was indeed an unexpected turn of events; Daniel knew that something was terribly wrong.

"Then what did the people who saw peter die say?" Everett asked.

"He collapsed without a word; Peter obviously had no clue as to what was truly happening to his body. If it were true that he did indeed die from an allergic reaction he probably would have at least try to alert his family. I'm sorry, but I must get a second opinion." Dan explained.

"I'm afraid I can't help with that; I am the only examiner on duty here today."

"That's fine, there is another coroner's office in the area, I'll just have Peter's cadaver transferred there."

"Are you certain they will give you assistance? After all, you don't seem to have any evidence other than statements to prove he died from something other than an allergic reaction. Do you?"

Daniel was at a loss for words. Unfortunately, Everett was correct, unless Daniel could undeniably prove that peter didn't in fact die from an allergic reaction then there would be nothing he could do.

Daniel had a feeling that this autopsy report was wrong, was Everett lying to Dan? If so, why? Daniel was started to get confused. Could it be possible that the death was indeed natural?

Daniel was afraid to inquire as to what allergen caused Peter's demise, he felt that it could cause even more confusion. What was Daniel to do?

"Don't worry Dan," Damien relayed. "You can figure this out, you've overcome tougher roadblocks."

"I am certain that this can't be right." Dan stated, giving the report a slap with the back of his hand. "I believe that we must return to the Lucrane villa at once. I am certain that this autopsy must be incorrect."

So they returned to Daniel's car and he drove it back to the Lucrane villa.


Lucrane Villa, 12:02 P.M

"We're here. But, I want to know your thoughts." Damien stated.

"Something Alex stated didn't make sense to me. I'm going to give the dining room a thorough search."

Damien nodded. They both seemed to have the same gut feeling, if the coroner produced a seemingly incorrect report, then they had to wonder what else could be wrong?

They entered the Villa.

"Damien, this is where we separate. I would like you to ask the witnesses about Peter's death." Daniel stated when they arrived in front of the central staircase.

"Again? Haven't they already told us everything they know?" Damien retorted.

"It's just a hunch, a gut feeling that something has changed. I'm heading to the dining room. Please go around and ask witnesses questions."

Damien nodded and the two detectives went their separate ways. Daniel entered the dining room and toured it again, keeping his eyes wide open. He noticed that the room was not in the same state as earlier. David's chair was slightly askew, just enough that Daniel's curios eyes can see the change. Daniel believed that someone had moved it to gain access to something under the table, but then tried hastily to place it back before their presence at the scene was discovered.

Daniel walked over and moved David's chair up against the wall and proceeded to caress the underside of the smooth table. He then proceeded to tap against the table's underside. Most of it was solid but one of Dan's taps sounded vastly different than the ones that preceded it. Dan believed that there was a hallow area hidden above a secret panel.

Dan felt around until he felt a handle and he proceeded to pull at the handle, which opened a secret compartment in the table. He knelt down and took a flashlight from his belt and inspected the interior of the compartment. It was empty, but he could tell it was at least big enough to hold two wine bottles inside it. Was something in this space prior? Daniel believed the answer to that question to be yes. He believed that someone had removed whatever used to be hidden within.

Daniel was aghast. The killer appeared to be one step ahead of him. Daniel slowly got himself out of beneath the table and got back to his standing position. He hurried along to find Damien and join his side. Along the way, a sudden scream echoed throughout the villa.

Daniel knew where it came from and rushed upstairs and straight to the door blocking entry into the guest bedroom. He was sure that this was the location the scream he just heard originated from. Daniel could hear Luisa loudly panting inside. Something must have shocked her pretty badly in order to provoke such a response.

Damien too heard the ear-piercing screech and also arrived at the bedroom door exactly two seconds after Daniel arrived. Once Dan spotted Damien he knocked upon the door.

"Mrs Lucrane, is everything alright? Are you ok?" Daniel inquired with a high amount of concern.

"Dr Smith, come in, the door is open." Luisa managed to speak out, but with a panicked tone.

Dan opened the door, and once they were in the guest room, they both spotted Luisa hiding in a corner with a look of great shock upon her face. She was shaking.

"What happened Luisa?" Daniel inquired in a soft caring tone, making sure to approach her slowly.

"I saw him!" Luisa exclaimed with fright in her tone.

"Who did you see?" Damien inquired, staying beside the door.

"Peter! I saw my dearly departed husband, Peter." Luisa replied with a bit of stammering. She almost bit her lip; she was shaking so much.

Daniel helped her down to her bed and put some rugs on her. "An apparition?" Damien inquired as Dan helped the young lady settle.

"No, he looked more real." Luisa stated as Daniel caressed her forehead. "Like he came back from the death as a zombie, or perhaps a vampire?"

"Are you sure you're fine?" Daniel inquired, as he got up. "It sounds as if you saw something real that couldn't be there, if Peter's death caused your mental state, them that wouldn't bode well for you." A look of terror appeared upon Luisa's face; she knew exactly what Daniel was conveying. She didn't want to get sent to a mental ward.

"That wouldn't be our only problem right now." Damien added.

"Why is that?" Daniel inquired.

"Diane has changed her story; the way she described Peter's death this time made it sound like Peter was having an allergic reaction, which contradicts what she told you earlier."

Daniel found this to be odd. He wondered why Diane would change her story so abruptly. Now there was no way to tell whether the first or second story was wrong. Who could possibly have the capacity to change Diane's mind? Seemed like Daniel had dug himself into a hole which he could not dig out of.

"Luisa, would you mind telling us what you saw when Peter presented himself?" Dan inquired.

"What do you mean?" Luisa inquired with a confused tone. The question wasn't informative enough.

"Just now, you stated that you saw Peter appear in your room when that wasn't possible. I would like you to recollect what else occurred during that time."

"You mean to ask me to describe everything that happened during Peter's visit, the one he couldn't have been here for?"


"I was sitting atop my bed. I had finally calmed myself after seeing Peter collapse on to the floor..."

"Hold on," Daniel stated. "I'm sorry for the interruption, but concerning what you just said, do you know why he collapsed? Was it due to an allergic reaction?"

"No. I don't know why he collapsed. But if it were an allergic reaction, then he would have shown some swelling, or some rashes or one of the many other signs of an allergy. He was acting normal up until the moments when he began to collapse."

Daniel knew it. But if what Luisa stated was true, then what about Diane? Diane was Peter's mother; she didn't stand to gain anything from Peter's death. So why did she change her story? What was her motive? Daniel still couldn't see through the vail of this mystery; he wondered if he ever will.

"Where was I?" Luisa stated, interrupting Daniel's deep thinking.

"You were telling us about Peter's unexplained and unexpected visit. You stated that you calmed yourself whilst sitting upon your bed." Dan stated.

"Oh yes. I began to read that book over there," She glanced at the bedside drawers on the opposite side of the bed that Dan was standing beside. "When suddenly the bathroom door opened with a great big whoosh and within the bathroom itself was Peter. He approached and I screamed my lungs out. He whooshed back into the bathroom faster than a launch powered coaster and he closed the door behind him. After that you two arrived at my door."

"Alright Damien, Let's check out the bathroom."

"Why? Luisa clearly saw a ghost." Damien stated.

"Either that, or someone wants us to believe that she had seen a ghost." Dan stated.

"I can hear you!" Luisa spoke. Dan and Damien were already aware of this, but they ignored it and headed into the bathroom. They looked about, but there were no signs that anyone had been in there recently. With no evidence to be found, they went back to Luisa.

"Luisa, I have one more question." Dan spoke.

"Yes, what is it?" Luisa inquired.

"Where would have Peter stayed if he had survived last night? You know, during his stay at this villa."

"Well, if everything gone accordingly, we would have spent the night in his room, but since the incident, Peter's room had been sealed off. Diane made certain that the room remain undisturbed just in case you wanted to or needed to investigate it."

"Alright, so where is Peter's room, if I may ask?"

"Oh, it's next to this room, just beyond the wall behind that mirror in the bathroom."

Daniel was surprised. He never realised that Peter's room was right next to the guest room. This revelation shocked Damien also.

Daniel now had a new goal. He was going to investigate Peter's room.

"Would you happen to have any idea where Diane could be at this time?" Daniel asked.

"I would try the master bedroom. It's at the east end of the hallway outside." Luisa replied.

"Thankyou. Please get some rest." Dan stated.

"I will try." Luisa replied and Daniel and Damien left the room. Carefully closing the door behind them as not to startle Luisa any further. They walked down the hall, past Peter's room and up to the master bedroom door. The door was bronze and thick. Their voices wouldn't pass through that, so they knocked upon it. Thankfully Luisa's information was credible as Diane answered the door.

"Yes, how can I assist you, detectives?" Diane inquired.

"Damien and I would like to have a perusal of Peter's room." Daniel responded.

"I had a feeling you would come and ask that eventually; could you give this old lady a moment to get the key?" She remarked and walked to her drawers. She took the key to Peter's room from inside the drawers; they were hidden inside a jewellery box inside the drawers. She walked back to the door and walked between the two gentlemen who were kind enough to give her room enough to do so with ease. She walked on ahead and unlocked Peter's room for the two detectives.

"So, the room we about to enter," Damien stated. "It is untouched?"

"It hasn't been touched since the incident occurred. Natalie cleaned it the day prior to that fateful meal." Diane answered.

"Thank you for that important information, we'll take it from here." Damien stated. Daniel opened the door as Diane made her way back to the master bedroom. Damien and Daniel entered Peter's quarters.

Maybe at last some clues may present themselves and the mystery will begin to unravel. It was time to find some real clues.