Clues Pointing Toward a Famous Person

8:00 A.M, Shimmering Silver Studio Apartments, Silver Street, Everleason CBD.

Daniel and Lieutenant William storm, Aka Bill Storm as he will be referred to from here on, arrived in Daniel's shimmering crimson car. Daniel was feeling adventurous and had added golden bolts of lightning either side of his vehicle. But don't expect them to stay, they may be gone before or during the next mystery.

The policeman out front, a man known as Gabriel Aster, was shocked to see both Dan and Bill. Bill by himself would have been shocking enough, it's not every day you see him on a case, and certainly not a case with a victim who wasn't even 1000 followers on social media famous.

"Daniel?" Gabriel inquired. "I had no idea you worked this early."

"They are paying me extra to work outside my comfort zone. Apparently, this case is important to someone high up." Dan replied.

Gabriel nodded. "Ah yes, she schooled in the Arbanok forest."

"She was a human with some magical abilities." Bill elaborated. "She was even tutored by Othellecus Thundurus."

"I've heard of him, he's the right-hand man of the Queen and king of the foxes." Dan stated.

Gabriel blinked a few times. "Are you saying that Othellecus got you to come to work early, Daniel?"

Daniel shrugged. "I said 'they' as in FORMAL, last time I checked, a dragon ran FORMAL, and I hear the war between fox and dragons is still ongoing. So, I don't see how Othellecus, a fox, could have any sway in how FORMAL pays me."

Gabriel chuckled. "Right. That would be silly." He then led both men upstairs to Myriam's studio. When Gabriel opened the door, Daniel noticed that there was both a bed area and a mini kitchenette.

"Wow." Dan noted. "All of that back there was included in the rent?"

"Yes." Gabriel replied.

Daniel looked forward and saw the table with the corpse still slumped on it. Bill headed next to the body as fast as a leopard's dash.

Bill noticed the scissors in the victim's chest.

"So, Bill, what is your purview?" Dan asked as he began to examine around the table also.

"Looks like suicide. Pure and simple. Case closed." Bill replied quickly, as of the only thing he was concerned about was getting a quick paycheck.

Daniel looked at the scissors. "S.M? Isn't the victim's name Myriam Scott? Shouldn't the initials be the other way around?" Dan inquired.

Bill waved dismissively. "Pfft. Probably just a typo. Happens a lot in the monogramming business."

Daniel opened a draw beside the victim and saw a pair of scissors that looked like they had never been used before and there were initials upon them as well. The initials were 'M.S.'

"Bill, look, she has another pair of scissors with the initials the correct way around. They are very sharp too. Almost as if they were never used."

"So?" Bill retorted. "What's your point?"

"The pair of scissors in her chest have some scratches on them, they have seen quite some use in their days. Yet you think she put more trust into a pair of scissors that has been used quite a bit over the brand-new pair of scissors for killing herself? I don't think so."

"You clearly don't understand human psyche. She had a mental breakdown, and she couldn't take it anymore and reached for the thing closest at hand."

"Are you an expert in suicides?"

"Not really. I usually do with rule hard hitting stuff, like drug trafficking or murders of important people."

"Why are you even here if you have more important things you'd rather be doing."

"Because the commissioner said I should go back to my beginnings for one case. Do a homicide investigation. What homicide? I don't see a murder victim."

"Your experience clouds your mind. You think you are too good so you can't see the bigger picture."

"Oh, wow guys." Bill said to nobody in particular. "The owlmeirey just told me that I can't see the bigger picture."

"Lieutenant. Please."

Bill looked down. He saw that the pile that Felix Charris was supposed to collect earlier was beside the victim's legs. "Hey, I've seen these garments before."

"You have? I guess that's to be expected, the victim was a seamstress." Gabriel spoke from the corner.

"Someone sending in repairs to our victim?" Dan inquired.

"Not likely. This design is only a week old." Bill retorted, after giving the outfit a closer look.

Daniel searched through the desk again and noted the big hints. "Oh dear."

Gabriel and Bill looked at him and both said "what?" Simultaneously.

Dan gave some papers to Bill. "Our victim was a copycat. She plagiarised all of her outfits."

Bill looked over the papers. "Dang it, Daniel. I do didn't want this to be murder because suicides are much less paperwork."

Daniel did a cocky smirk. "I get it. But compared to my AP classes when I was in college, homicide paperwork is a breeze."

"I didn't know they had AP classes back when dinosaurs roamed the earth." Gabriel stated jokingly.

"You should have seen the tyrannosaurus I had to deal with." Dan replied.

"So, then," Gabriel lifted the dress up. "The person who originally designed this might have had some resentment toward our victim."

"Who did originally design that outfit?" Dan inquired.

"Scarlett Myth."

Daniel's face went from a serious look to a downtrodden one.

"What's with the sad face, Dan?" Gabriel inquired when silence fell upon the scene.

"Yeah Dan." Bill added. "I myself see that face on officers when they inform loved ones of terrible news. B This is not one of those moments."

"Oh sorry." Dan replied in a slightly strained voice. It was if he was experiencing some wartime flashbacks. "Did you say Myth?"

Bill nodded. "Is there an issue with the suspects surname?"

"Well, I have already acquainted myself with one Dr Draconias Myth." Dan rubbed his forearm in discomfort.

Gabriel and Bill laughed as if this was the funniest thing that they had heard throughout their lifetimes.

"Don't worry Daniel." Bill chocked out through his laughter. "Scarlett has a personality you'd be able to handle."

"Sorry for laughing." Gabriel added. "We too have heard of this Draconias Myth and thought his attitude to be far too superior for our liking too. It was so relatable, that it was simply hilarious."

Dan sighed a sigh of relief. "Well, I hope this isn't some sort of practical joke and that this Scarlett isn't as intense as her brother."

"Trust me Dan," Bill added. "Scarlett isn't anything like her brother."

Daniel nodded. But there was still the fear that she will be as intense as her brother in the back of his head.

Daniel and Bill went downstairs and entered Daniel's car. Bill was in the driver's seat as Daniel didn't know where to locate Scarlett Myth.

So off they went to Scarlett Myth's workshop.

~ 9:00 A.M, Scarlett Myth's Fashion Studio, 12 Themis Street, Everleason entertainment district.

Bill found a space near the loading bay in the employee only lot.

"Are you sure will be fine here?" Dan inquired.

"Look, if someone is inconvenienced, I'll move it. Besides, we are just doing our jobs, I have never been ticketed before while on duty before." Bill retorted.

"If you say so, Lieutenant." Dan added and gave a tiny eye roll. He was not proficient in this act as he usually doesn't give attitude.

Bill was slightly shocked but, he shrugged. He seemed to have discovered something that could cause ire to the wall that was Daniel Smith. But he just filed this knowledge away as he didn't know what would actually happen if he truly pissed Dan off.

Dan and Bill straightened themselves and entered the building via the back door and went strutting through the building, looking for their target along the way.

Suddenly something glittery and red caught their eyes. They both looked toward the source. It was a beautiful tall woman with long, well maintained, dark hair with a scarlet red ribbon adorned with sparkles tied within it. She was shorter than Draconias but only by 35 centimetres or so. Her face was adorned with a faux mole, lavish eyebrows and a neon-blue lip gloss that shimmered in the light. Her face looked tan as did the rest of the skin she had visible on her body.

Her dress was black and although covering, made her bosom a bit more noticeable. She was also wearing red shows that sparkled in the light. Parodies of the ones worn by Dorothy Gale.

There was no way that this could not have been Scarlett.

She was saying things to people as she made her way toward the duo.

Soon she was right in front of them. "Oh, you certainly have the style, but aren't you a little old to be modelling?" She asked in a dark, but gentle tone.

"Me? I guess I am." Daniel spoke and gave a shy bashful laugh.

"Oh, and why are you here William? Finally giving up on being a police officer?" She asked, shifting her glance over.

"I would prefer it if you would call me Bill. My colleagues do, why shouldn't you." Bill stated. He crossed his arms impatiently.

"So, what brings you two here?" The tall lady inquired.

"We have come to speak with Scarlett Myth." Daniel stated. "Would you, perchance, be the one we have been seeking."

"Yes. I do need to have a grand presence, otherwise I might be confused for one of my 'measly' staff. I am really getting sick of my customers treating my employees as slaves." Scarlett spoke.

Daniel smiled. "So, you are nothing like Draconias."

Scarlett nodded. "If you're talking about my brother, Alex, then yes. He and I have completely different personalities."


"Yes, that was his name before he had it legally changed. If you say his true birth name he will use his original voice for a few moments, it's hilarious." Scarlett giggled.

"Miss Myth." Bill stated. "What do you know about Myriam Scott?"

Scarlett frowned. "Oh, her? Yes, she's a copycat. She used to steal designs from those who were lesser known, I thought she turned a new leaf about four weeks ago when she came up with some original designs. But I should have guessed that she wouldn't change when she increased her boldness, and stole my," she pointed at herself for emphasis, "designs."

"So, it would be sufficient to say that you despised her?" Bill inquired.

"Isn't it my right to despise who I despise? I mean, you must hate people too, and nobody would question it." Scarlett spoke with a calmer tone.

"Scarlett, he only asked that because there is a reason for the question." Daniel added.

Scarlett paused for a moment. "I see, you two are both with homicide, if I'm not mistaken."

"Yes. I mean it's not as if it was written in big white letters on big blue badges." Bill stated sarcastically.

"Then, Myriam is Dead, isn't she, and you think I'm involved in this?"

"Considering our current evidence, that is what our conclusion is." Dan stated. "We are not saying you are guilty, but you are a suspect."

"What evidence?" Scarlett inquired.

"That is confidential." Bill added.

"If that's the case, then I'll get in contact with my lawyer. You've heard of Paul Armadan?" Scarlett replied.

"No, is he good?" Dan inquired.

"Yes. So, am I under arrest?" Scarlett stated.

"We wouldn't do something that untoward this early on the investigation, would we, Bill?" Dan stated and gave Bill a stern look.

Bill sighed. "Would you mind if we take you down to the station for more questions?"

"Very well. Paprika!" Scarlett announced.

A red-haired girl, the same height as Daniel with hazelnut eyes, and more freckles on her face than spots on a cheetah. Her lips were a vibrant pink, with a tiny amount of glitter upon them. Her face was youthful, no defining age lines to be seen. She wore a forest green dress decorated with trees and dark shoes with a wonderful design.

"This is Pepper Rainbow, I call her Paprika due do her slightly spicy attitude, she's my number two here. She'll take care things while I'm at the station." Scarlett stated.

"That's fair." Daniel added. "May as well make sure everything is in order before we leave."

Scarlett nodded. "Paprika, take care of the shop while I'm out."

"Have I ever failed you before?" Paprika stated with a smug smile.

"No, you have not." Scarlett stated. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Paprika shook Scarlett's hand and went off.

"May I get my purse before we leave?" Scarlett asked.

"May I go with you to collect it?" Bill inquired.

"I get it, I'm a suspect. So of course, I accept you joining me. You must make sure no suspects make a run for it after all." Scarlett spoke and laughed at end. Bill rolled his eyes and they both went off to collect Scarlett's belongings.

After Scarlett got her purse, the three of them, Dan, Bill and Scarlett went into Dan's car, and they went off to the police station. Scarlett contacted her lawyer during the journey.