Events Leading to Discovery

Town Hall, Vegan Town, Cascoss, 7:20 AM, 29th November 2006.

Ms Kasey Brookes, a young lady of 22 was patrolling the parking lot, sticking tow away stickers to the vehicles of the vegan activists who were protesting the 'private quarter's rights bill' She was 166cm tall with a healthy body and she wore the uniform of Mularain Police Department. The police station which had prime jurisdiction of Vegan Town. She wore a bisexual flag pin on her left breast pocket.

But what was this private quarter's rights bill? According to the bill people are allowed to have food containing meat and other non-vegan food options delivered to their house and/or hotel room and eat said food inside, and since the place they live in is called Vegan Town, you can see why people of this suburb would be outraged.

Suddenly the rambling voices of anger turned into congratulatory cheers as Rhombodian influencer Katrina Denmark walked through the lot. Who is Katrina Denmark? Well, Rhombodian has an online video sharing website known as RhomboTube, Rhombodian's version of YouTube, but it had come out in the mid-nineties and is much stricter. It was initially called ROVSN or Rhombodian Online Video Sharing Network for short. The name was changed mid 2006 to help the growth of its Earth equivalent. On said platform, Katrina is known as the Vegan Professor, and she is on the side of making Vegan Town a pure vegan paradise and was meeting with the mayor to convince him to change the law so that nobody in Vegan Town would eat meat again.

Katrina walked into the building as some of the employees gave her disappointed stares. They were all with FORMAL and were all on the side of the law that allowed people to eat meat in their homes and hotel rooms as they too sometimes get sick and tired of always eating vegan food.

Kasey resumed her job and soon had tagged every vehicle that belonged to the protesters. She didn't tag Katrina's ecofriendly vehicle as she was there for an appointment, thus she had direct permission from the office to park in the lot.

Kasey realised that it was now 8:10. It had taken her 40 minutes to find every vehicle that was illegally parked in the lot and tag them, already 10 or so tow trucks had entered the lot and took away some of the protester's vehicles to some well provoked booing.

Kasey entered the building and saw Lucy Brave, a woman of 144cm, and a medium sized belly, wearing a flowing indigo dress and with a brunette perm, thick red glasses, moon earrings and a pearl necklace. The glasses were just for show as their lenses were non-magnifying. Lucy had no eye issues but wore them to look smart.

Lucy removed her glasses and neatened her hair. "Ms Brookes of MRPD, how may I assist you?" She inquired in a dark voice but with a tone as sweet as honey.

"I've stickered all those cars out there." Kasey stated her voice was light and feminine.

"Oh good. I suppose you'll be returning to the station to do your paperwork?" Lucy added, cleaning her glasses.

"Actually, didn't that vegan professor come in here earlier to get the mayor to change his mind around 7:20?"

"She did, I personally gave her directions at 7:30, the time her allotted meeting slot began. I saw the mayor's aide go in around 7:40."

"Well, it's 8:12, surely, she would have been finished by now? When is the mayor's next booked appointment?"

"That will be with the water company. Apparently, our reserves of blue spirulina, a type of algae, is running low. He'll be seeing them at 9:30."

Lucy nodded, but something was nagging at her female intuition. She didn't feel right, and she looked down the hallway that even though was lit brighter than a Christmas tree seemed at that moment eerie, dark and quiet. "Are you sure that Ms Denmark and Mr Hugeman are fine in there, it's awfully quiet if you ask me."

"The room is soundproof. But there's a camera in there. Although it is sort of out of shape."

"What do you mean?" Kasey stated with interest.

"It takes photos every ten minutes. Marco is busy having breakfast at the Golden Chariot. So, if there's anything wrong, we'll know when he gets back."

"Look, I'm very concerned, may I please see the mayor?"

Lucy began to roll her eyes but when she saw the look of desperation upon Kasey's face, she knew that this was something very concerning for her. So, Lucy picked up the phone.

30 seconds.

40 seconds.

50 seconds.

1 whole minute passed, and John Hugeman was still not responding to Lucy trying to contact him.

"Go down there and see what's wrong." Lucy instructed, slamming the phone down as she said it.

Kasey ran down the hallway, stumbling and almost tripping, but she catches herself and tried to open the door. Locked. She tried her card, but the scanner was destroyed, not even tampering with the wire could fix it.

She took the lock pick from her watch and unlocked the door, she withdrew her weapon, and she opened the door. The vegan professor was unconscious, sitting in the seat opposite of the mayor and the mayor was dead, with a huge bloodstain atop his balding head. Documents scattered the floor, and his name tag was next to the left wall and there was a small clear scratch from where it had ricocheted of the wall.

Lucy picked up her badge and pressed the button on top. "This is Officer Kasey Maranda Brookes, Badge number 78799, reporting a murder at 66 Yulendale Rd."

"Sorry." Stated the MRPD dispatcher. "Could you repeat the address."

"66 Yulendale Rd." Lucy repeated.

You could hear a leaf drop. Shortly after the silence people in the dispatch office were dropping papers and coffees in shock.

"W... W... Who... Who is t... t... the v... v... victim?" Stuttered a different dispatcher.

"John Hugeman."

Never had there ever been a longer silence before the name of the mayor of Vegan Town was heard by the dispatchers. After two minutes Lucy heard screams of sadness and sorrow as the man that they had voted into power's life had been taken. This dark day would not be forgotten, and they had to find someone, anyone, to find the man responsible and bring them to justice.