The Derailment

41°31'06.8"N 87°55'09.0"W, New Lenox, Illinois, USA, Earth, December 12th, sometime between 12:24PM and 12:30PM

Adrian Deux was driving a passenger train from Joliet to LaSalle Street. As the train trudged along at the speed you'd expect it to travel along this stretch of track, there was a knock coming from behind. He had no idea who it was until they let themselves in.

"Veronica? What are you doing here?" Adrian inquired in a well-meaning voice in a tone that was very harmless. "Shouldn't you be back at home doing your homemaker duties?"

"What's the matter?" Veronica replied in a dark feminine tone, she then gently put her arm over Adrian's right shoulder in a comforting way. "Is a wife not allowed to see her husband at work."

Adrian pushed his wife's hand away gently, "Stop that!" He announced angerly. "You're distracting me, how on earth did you even get in here?"

Veronica put her hands beside her back and clasped them together. "I just called up Amtrack and asked them kindly if I could see you at work, they said no, but then I called the system branch in our town and they said: you can watch, but don't talk, and they gave me a key."

"Stupid FORMAL, I don't understand why our stupid dumb city had to write that agreement with them. Anyway, I'll deal with you later, just go back to your seat, you've already ruined the deal you had with those power-detecting, power-preventing bastards." Adrian relayed.

Veronica shrugged and walked off.

Adrian was mad. He began pushing the throttle forward, slowly going over the limit of the stretch. But then he saw the track ahead was buckled in a way he'd never seen before. He instantly applied the brakes, but due to his rash and angry decision earlier, the train would not have been able to come to a complete stop in time.

The train derailed and fell onto its side and Adrian fell out of the locomotive as it came crashing down. He landed far away from the wreck, and he fell unconscious.

A stranger wearing a thick purple wool jacket with a purple hood and a black mask came toward Adrian's unconscious body. The stranger took a sharp piece of wreckage from the lead car, lifted the thin piece of metal, and they took it over to Adrian.

The stranger turned Adrian over and put the fragment of wreckage through Adrian's heart, killing him. The stranger left the metal piece there, sticking out of Adrian's heart and then the stranger limped away toward the trees.