Chapter 096. Trailer

"There's nothing interesting going on in Sparrow currently."

Sheldon Price lifted his head from his phone and looked at the people sitting in front of him. He was currently on a bus going towards his college. 

In the bus, he was able to see all sorts of people. From couples to friends talking about something while waiting for their destination. As for Sheldon, he liked to use his time lurking around in social media sites, during the bus journey.

Sparrow was his favourite as he was able to see people cancelling others for random things and political parties using it for propaganda.

Sheldon didn't like to engage in these things but he loved to lurk around and just check on people's reaction. Seeing teenagers thinking that tweeting about something would solve the problem was very funny for him.

But these days, Sparrow was pretty peaceful with no one cancelling someone or any fighting going on, So Sheldon was usually very bored in his bus rides.